Gun Nuts
Going Ad-Free questions and answers
Every since I posted my crazy plan to make the internet a better place and go ad free (donate here!) I’ve had a ton of questions from readers and fans about the project itself. I want to take the time and answer those questions with this post.
...The Importance of Confidence
Somewhere in my brain there are neurons that contain the memory of a commercial that aired pretty extensively when I was a kid:
...Red dots vs. lasers for self defense pistols
Two topics we’ve spent a lot of time and energy on here at Gun Nuts: lasers on defensive pistols and red dot sights on defensive pistols. It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of both ideas for a lot of reasons, and that I recommend Crimson Trace lasers for any serious defensive pistol. But what if you only have the money for one electronic sighting system? Which should you choose, a dot or a beam?
...Things that are good: Tango Down slide-stops
As I continue on Project Lone Wolf, I want to take a moment and talk about one of my favorite, and most important Glock parts. The slide stop/release/whatever. There are all sorts of different options for the slide stop on a Glock, but the two available from the factory sometimes leave a little bit to be desired.
...Make Gun Nuts Ad Free
I want to make Gun Nuts ad free. Now, the easiest way to do that would be to just shut off the ads, but “Gun Nuts” isn’t just a blog, it’s a business that generates revenue and has costs associated with it, so I can’t just turn my revenue stream off. So I’ve set up a Go Fund Me page where you, the readers can donate to make Gun Nuts ad free for the next 5 years.
Let’s talk a bit about the topic of awareness.
...The Lone Wolf Trio: Tactical 34
True story: My favorite size of Glock are the “Tactical” length pistols, the 34 and 35. I suppose also the 41 now, but I’ve got about as much trigger time on the 41 as Bernie Sanders has economic knowledge; that being said if it’s like the 34/35 it’s probably quite rad. So it makes perfect sense when I was ordering up my new blasters from Lone Wolf that I’d spec out a 34 sized gun. So meet my ESP/Steel Challenge/Bianchi Cup gun:
...IDPA thoughts
5 signs you take CCW too seriously
Carrying a gun every day is no laughing matter. It is a tremendous responsibility, and one that far too many fail to take seriously. However, there is another segment of people who maybe are going a little bit overboard on the “CCW lifestyle.” In fact, that’s probably a sign right there: if you’ve ever used “CCW lifestyle” without a hint of irony, you need to calm down. But anyway here’s Wonderwall the list.
...Why Donald Trump would be worse for gun rights than Hillary Clinton
Apparently, when I went to Lackland for training, I entered a dimension portal, because six months later now that I’ve popped out, I’m in some alternate universe where Donald Trump is a Republican presidential front runner and Bloom County is politically relevant again. It’s pretty weird. What’s even weirder is the headlong rush some of my fellow conservative travelers have undergone to embrace Donald Trump and proclaim him as the savior of Republicans and of course, the 2nd Amendment. A lot of that 2A-fervor is based on his official position paper, which if you ask me is worth exactly the same as the paper it’s printed on. Or the electrons or whatever since you’re reading this online and no one has hard copies of anything anymore.
...Advanced Tactical Pistol Skills with Ernest Langdon
If you are serious about developing your shooting skill, at some point you have found yourself in an unhappy plateau. You have achieved a certain level of skill and you’re comfortable performing at that level but you know that you can do better…you just don’t know how, exactly, to get to that next level. One of the most efficient ways of bumping your performance capability is to get yourself on the range with a good coach.
...Fit to fight…or do other stuff
I mentioned earlier on my Facebook fan page that now that I’m back from training, I’m in the best shape of my adult life, including my teens. Or, as a comment on yesterday’s post put it, “reborn hard.” That’s true. To put it in perspective, when I left I was doing about 40 pushups in a minute, 30ish situps, and running a mile and a half in 12 and change. Now I’m doing 60+ of pushups and situps, and running my 1.5 in 10 flat.
...SIG SAUER® Introduces .38 Super +P Elite Performance Ammunition
Newington, NH (October 7, 2015) – SIG SAUER, Inc., designer and manufacturer of the world’s most reliable firearms, silencers, optics, ammunition, airguns, and accessories is pleased to introduce 125gr .38 Super +P Elite Performance Ammunition in V-Crown™ jacketed hollow point (JHP) and SIG FMJ full metal jacket loads.
...Trigger Control Myths and Misconceptions
The paradox of the handgun: Handguns are relatively weak weapons that are extremely difficult to shoot with precision. Yet in the United States the handgun is the primary player in the lion’s share of serious social interactions involving firearms. The United States did not invent the handgun, but it can be pretty successfully argued that the handgun’s design was “perfected” here. When a law enforcement officer has to defend themselves or the public against a criminal aggressor, odds are that they are doing so with the handgun that’s been issued to them. When a home owner wakes up to the sound of their door being kicked in, the odds are pretty good that they will reach for a handgun. When two dudes bust through the front door of a store wearing their t-shirts up over their face the store owner who fights back is likely doing so with a handgun. Elite military and law enforcement units who have access to weapons that can level entire buildings will obsess over the minutia of handguns that just poke little holes in things…because, handgun.
...Mike Weisser: Your Character Is Showing
Much like FoxNews and their token liberals, the stridently anti-Second Amendment Huffington Post will occasionally publish pieces from time to time by a “gun guy.” That is literally, that is how Mike Weisser self identifies to the world via his blog and his description at the HuffPo. He confidently claims that “I know as much about guns and hunting as anyone“ which is good if you are say an antigun HuffPo reader looking for an appeal to authority to include in a heated discussion on Facebook. However……it seems like an unsubstantiated statement. We shall circle back to that later. He also claims that guns are his “only hobby” which given the volume of his blog posts and articles seems misleading. Gun control is his only hobby.
...Rule One Gun Roundup: S&W 638
In the original picture for the Rule One Gun Roundup you’ll note that the picture includes a gun I haven’t written a Roundup post on yet: My J S&W 638. I’ve written about my acquisition and modification of the 638 previously, but the circumstances that brought me to the Roundup presented an opportunity to consider the J in context with the competition. By this point I’ve tried most of the Rule One Gun options on the market, so why do I still find myself carrying the J frame so often?
...Wilson Combat Ultimate Action Tune Kit for the Beretta 92
If you are a regular reader of the site, you may have deduced that I have a certain fondness for the Beretta 92 pistol. I have used the Beretta 92 quite a bit over the years and the specimens I own have always performed extremely well. The 92 fits my hands nicely. The controls of the pistol all seem to be in just the right place. I’ve never had a feed-way stoppage with a 92 pistol, even when firing the gun in tropical storm conditions with a magazine that was packed with thick mud. The only issue I ever really had with the 92 was that the trigger return spring tended to break frequently if you attempted serious dryfire training. I solved that by installing the Wolff Trigger Control Unit for the 92 family of pistols in my guns.
...Never take self defense advice from “a cop buddy”
In the last seven days I have encountered several instances of some truly terrible self defense “advice”, all of it attributable to one of the most common bad idea boogie men of the gun world: “a cop buddy.”