Gun Nuts
Kimber Pro Carry II 9mm final review
Time for the final review of the Kimber Pro Carry II in 9mm. I actually ended up liking this gun quite a bit, and as a carry gun it has a lot going for it. Final score: 90/100 One of the things I failed to mention in the video, and something that will actually need … Continue reading "Kimber Pro Carry II 9mm final review"
Kimber Pro Carry II 9mm at 2,000 rounds
Here it is, the 2,000th round through the Kimber Pro Carry II in 9mm. I’ll do the full review later, but here’s the final score for the short attention span folks. Rounds fired: 2,012 Failures: 5 10-8 Performance Test: Failed, but passed on re-test after break in period Points Deducted: -5 points for 5 failures, … Continue reading "Kimber Pro Carry II 9mm at 2,000 rounds"
Kimber Pro Carry II Update: 1,800 rounds and counting
Since I last posted an update, I did manage to fire an additional few hundred rounds through the Kimber Pro Carry II in 9mm. I didn’t get video of these range trips because I’ve been on a bit of a time crunch lately; however the gun now sits at 1,800 rounds fired. There were no … Continue reading "Kimber Pro Carry II Update: 1,800 rounds and counting"
While I was out
I did manage to get some trigger time in, just on platforms a little bit bigger than my usual 1911s. I also missed a perfect score on the USAF handgun qualification by three shots, which was a little frustrating. But somehow, I’ll survive. Re-qualified on my very favorite gun in the world, the M240, and … Continue reading "While I was out"
Not like this
This wasn’t the post I wanted to write when I came back from hiatus. Yet here I am, staring into my monitor as we’re faced with another mass murder perpetrated by a radical Islamist in a western, civilized nation. But this time it’s our own country, and that means in the days since the attack, … Continue reading "Not like this"
Kimber Pro Carry II update
The Kimber is now at 1247 rounds fired. Since completing the 500 round break in period that Kimber recommends, it has shot 747 rounds and experienced one failure to extract. Compare this to the first 500 rounds where it experienced 4 different malfunctions. At least in regards to this gun, perhaps the “break in period” … Continue reading "Kimber Pro Carry II update"
What!!! You’ve Never Shot Your Carry Gun!?!
If you read my previous post discussing the first 50 rounds fired through my Dan Wesson ECO you will know that it malfunctioned 12 times within the first 30 rounds. This only proves that you should qualify any gun you hope to conceal carry or use in defensive of a life. I hope this does … Continue reading "What!!! You’ve Never Shot Your Carry Gun!?!"
DW ECO After The First Fifty
For the first 50 rounds I decided to use Browning’s Practice/Target ammo in 230 grain. I know that Bill Wilson is on record stating the smaller 1911’s run better with lighter bullets, preferably 185 grain. I plan on trying some of them but these were what I had available. So how did it do? Not … Continue reading "DW ECO After The First Fifty"
Kimber Pro Carry II 100 round challenge
I have a real love/hate relationship with one of the standard tests I do as part of our 1911 tests, and that’s the 100 round challenge. Shooting 100 rounds rapid fire in ~60 seconds isn’t actually that pleasant, but I keep doing it because it keeps revealing interesting data about the guns we test. In … Continue reading "Kimber Pro Carry II 100 round challenge"
Harris Publications shutting down
This came as quite a shock to me yesterday. Harris Publications, the publisher of gun magazines like Combat Handguns, Guns & Weapons for Law Enforcement, Guns of the Old West, and a considerable volume of annual publications. In the interest of full disclosure, I have written for Harris a considerable amount in the past, and … Continue reading "Harris Publications shutting down"
Small 1911’s and Reliability
Earlier this week I started a long-term review of a Dan Wesson ECO, which is a 3.5 inch Officer’s sized 1911. Lest anyone think its reliability will be a gimme, I offer the following video from Rob Pincus. I don’t know Rob, and I don’t agree with everything he writes, but based off my personal … Continue reading "Small 1911’s and Reliability"
Marlin 25M Slow Motion
Is this video pretty pointless? It sure is. But it’s also fun, and it was actually pretty awesome to get out to the range with my oldest, best friend and do some shooting. I’ve had that rifle for 20 years now, and it is literally the only gun I’d never, ever sell. Your first gun, … Continue reading "Marlin 25M Slow Motion"
Oh Jerry, don’t ever stop
Jerry Miculek is a treasure. Don’t ever stop, Jerry.
If you can’t do it with irons, you need to get better
An article I faith I’ve accepted since I was a little kid was that when you’re teaching someone to shoot, it’s irons first, then optics. The old school logic behind that was that if you can master shooting with iron sights, moving up to a scope is going to be easy mode for you. While … Continue reading "If you can’t do it with irons, you need to get better"
Dan Wesson ECO
What the… another 1911 review? I say why not? We here at Gun Nuts are simply trying to appease the ghost of John Moses Browning. We feel such appeasement is necessary given that most people flock to polymer wonders and shun ole’ slab sides. Simply put, the 1911 can be an excellent projectile launcher and … Continue reading "Dan Wesson ECO"
CCC Shaggy AIWB holster upgrades
I’ve been carrying in a Shaggy from Custom Carry Concepts for a couple of months now. Recently, the guys at CCC were kind enough to send me some upgrades for my holster out of the blue. These are pretty simple, but extremely functional upgrades that really enhanced the concealability of the holster.
Kimber Pro Carry II user induced failure
I did some shooting yesterday with the Pro Carry II, and while it wasn’t a great practice session by any means, I was able to come away with some useful data about the gun itself. I’ve mentioned that the gun feels tremendously oversprung, and when reviewing slow motion video of some shooting I see that … Continue reading "Kimber Pro Carry II user induced failure"
Defense against the dark arts dirtbags
It is an accepted article of faith among people who carry guns for personal defense that there are bad people in this world, and sometimes the paths of those people intersect with ours. We also accept violence as a solution, and while we hope that we’re never placed in a position where violence is our … Continue reading "Defense against the dark arts dirtbags"
Rock Island Armory Ultra FS at USPSA
It’s time to get busy. After a layoff of nearly two years, Sunday I headed out to Sioux Falls Practical Shooters to shoot a club level USPSA match. As it turns out, this was the best attended match that club has ever had, with 55 shooters, some driving up from as far as Sioux City … Continue reading "Rock Island Armory Ultra FS at USPSA"
Killing Bambi with a 9mm (Or Why A Head-Shot Might Not Stop The Attack)
Click bait title right? Obviously I don’t mean using a 9mm to hunt Mr. Buck; but, I recently had to dispatch a gravely wounded deer with my CCW and in doing so I came away with some insight worth sharing. First a quick yarn about how the events unfolded. I was on my way to … Continue reading "Killing Bambi with a 9mm (Or Why A Head-Shot Might Not Stop The Attack)"