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Updated: 6 days 9 hours ago

“Gamer” Gear Myths and Misconceptions – Part I

Thu, 02/06/2014 - 09:00

If I use the term “gamer” as an adjective for a firearm, a modification to a firearm, or an accessory for a firearm, what definition pops into your mind? Exact definitions may vary, but I’d wager few would view the term as a positive description. Typically when you hear someone referring to something as “gamer” gear, it’s said almost through clenched teeth like they’re spitting the word out in contempt. The implication is that “gamers” aren’t serious, and therefore their equipment is goofy, problematic, and counterproductive…but is that really the case?

When you look at the upper echelon of the shooting sports and what it’s typically taken for the people in that top tier to achieve that level of success, it’s rather difficult to argue that those people aren’t serious about what they are doing. I’ve interacted with a few famous competitive shooters and I’ve never come away with the impression that they are some clueless jabroni who just has a trick gun. I may not agree with everything they do, but spend any time talking to a Rob Leatham, Bob Vogel, or Jerry Barnhardt and it’s crystal clear that they’ve invested incredible time and effort into what they’re doing. There’s thoughtful analysis, useful practice, and fastidious attention to detail behind their achievements. The same can be said for s

Your life is incomplete without our app

Wed, 02/05/2014 - 12:15

Get the GunUp the Magazine iOS app today!

Also available on Google play, just search “GunUp the Magazine” to find and download.

Photo of the day: Ceiling Rex operates unexpectedly

Wed, 02/05/2014 - 11:30

He’s going to have a hell of a time reaching that trigger with those little arms.

World Shooting Championship

Wed, 02/05/2014 - 10:45

This is a pretty big deal. With over $100,000 in cash prizes, this is a pretty big payday for a lot of shooters. Read more for the full announcement:

The 1st Annual Trijicon / NRA World Shooting Championship will be held at the Peacemaker National Training Center in Glengary, WV and will crown “The World Shooting Champion”.

The NRA’s Competitive Shooting Division will manage and score the match with the assistance of the Peacemaker National Training Center match staff. The overall objective of this match is to assemble the top 400 shooters from around the world to include existing and previous champion shooters from virtually every organized shooting sport worldwide and crown one competitor, The Undisputed World Shooting Champion, a distinction never been bestowed upon any shooter in history.

All shooters will compete over the course of four days in twelve equally weighted, officially

First Look Review: Laserlyte AR Trainer Kit

Wed, 02/05/2014 - 10:00

Laserlyte just sent over their new AR trainer system “Training Tyme AR LT-C556″ and I’m very excited because of all the guns in my house, my AR is the one with which I need the most practice. I like this kit a little more than others I’ve tried, because there is no blue gun involved, and while that will mean a lot of extra racking of the charging handle, I will be able to practice with a real trigger and my own sights.

I figured thier would have to use of the charging handle since no live fire or blowback will be involved in use of this trainer. However, the oversized charging handle that is included with this kit, was a little surprising when I first opened the box. I mean, the thing is huge! Also surprising was the buffer block. This small round plug goes behind the buffer spring in the stock and makes the pull of the charging handle super short and quick. I am certianly not looking forward to removing and replacing my buffer spring repeatedly. It is often a nail breaking experience! The block does create a nice safety aspect though. Because the bolt moves back less than normal, there is no

Brownells just upped the commercial game

Tue, 02/04/2014 - 13:34

Every other e-retailer should watch this commercial and realize that Brownells just set the new standard. 10/10 flawless victory.

Photo of the day: Beretta 92 Compact

Tue, 02/04/2014 - 11:57

Beretta brought by my favorite gun back! Do want.

Does your IDPA gear pass the dowel test?

Tue, 02/04/2014 - 11:45

When IDPA released the new rulebook, one of the sections that got major attention were the holster rules. It had always been a bit murky on what was legal or what wasn’t, so IDPA went to great lengths to clarify legal vs. illegal holsters. For male shooters only, the holsters must fit the shooter’s body such that a ¾ inch/19.1mm diameter dowel placed between the shooter and the firearm anywhere above the belt contacts both the shooter and the firearm simultaneously.

If you’d like to test this at home, a 12 gauge shotgun shell is 0.75 inches in diameter. I decided to test my Blade-Tech holster to see if it was legal, and much to my dismay it wasn’t. This isn’t a knock on the gear, mind you – the way the rule is constructed is so that shooters of a certain body type will not be able to use holsters that other shooters who have a “width advantage” will be able to use. Here’s my currently illegal IDPA holster:

As you can see, the shell is nowhere near the gun, and even if I run it down closer to the top of my belt, it never contacts b

Have you ever operated so hard…

Tue, 02/04/2014 - 11:05

You needed to spin your flashlight like a boss? If so, the new SwitchBack Ring is for you!

If I can be serious for a moment, I can actually see the practical application of this product for CCW. However, the Tactical DerpStyle marketing just turns me off so bad that I’d rather stick with my Crimson Trace Railmaster technique.

Simple EDC

Tue, 02/04/2014 - 10:17

I am going to do one of those obnoxious “this is my EDC kit” posts. Because I want to talk about the desire some people have in the community to carry too much stuff. Obviously, everywhere I go I have my phone and my wallet, because you need those things. Here are the two EDC items I always carry.

A Lone Wolf Tactical Armorer’s Tool and a flashlight. The light pictured is a LED Lenser P3 and it’s awesome because it’s lightweight, and handles all the illumination tasks I could need it to.

Not pictured is my gun, because I don’t carry every day – some days I can’t, because I’m travelling and they frown on bringing a .38 on planes. Knives are frowned as well, but the first thing I do when I get my checked bag is grab my

G2 RIP 9mm: no more effective than a .22 LR

Mon, 02/03/2014 - 12:15

Here is the first independent test of the G2 RIP 9mm round. Turns out it’s not any more effective than a .22 LR. SCIENCE!

1 Reload 2: The trickiest drill

Mon, 02/03/2014 - 11:16

Production, Single Stack, and Revolver. If you shoot any of these three divisions (or any IDPA at all) reloads are pretty important to you. One of the best drills for training reloads is the 1 Reload 2 drill. It’s a simple drill, here’s how it goes:

  • Start aimed in at the target of your choice, on the buzzer fire one shot
  • Reload of your choice (slide-lock/speed/tac/panda)
  • Fire two shots at the target.

It seems all so simple, right? In many ways it is, but at the same time there are a lot of moving parts in this drill that can fool you into chasing numbers that aren’t as important. Right off the bat, one of the areas in this drill that can lead to unrealistic numbers is the target distance. I’ve seen people shoot this drill with the target at 5 yards, because they’re working on the speed and manipulation part of the drill, and I’ve seen people work it at 10 yards because they want to actually have to aim (a little bit) when they get back on target. That actually does make a difference in your total time.

Another area where it’s easy to

Gun Nuts Movie Review: Lone Survivor

Mon, 02/03/2014 - 10:30

You should go see Lone Survivor. If you haven’t, drop your plans for tonight and make it happen.

Lone Survivor is a great movie. Don’t go see it because it’s a great movie. It’s a stunning and brutal war movie. Don’t go see it just because it’s a war movie. The gun handling is the best I’ve ever seen in a Hollywood war movie. Don’t go see it because the gun handling is good.

Our culture doesn’t have a tradition of storytellers that pass on tales of heroes to children and future generations. Instead, we have movies and television. Just as the great storytellers of ancient ages added embellishment and drama to the feats of Leonidas and the 300, Alexander the Great, King David and other great warriors; so now our storytellers tell the tales of great men through television and film. Band of Brothers showed a generation a look at World War 2 unlike any other, and it created legends out of the men of Easy Company. Their legend and the show only added to the knowledge of what so many Americans sacrificed during World War 2.

Lone Survivor does much

Steel Challenge Georgia State Match

Mon, 02/03/2014 - 05:00

This weekend Georgia held it’s state level Steel Challenge match and I went to observe my first shooting match, ever. I was welcomed, in typical southern style, by Brooke and Dave Sevigny, also known as members of Team FNH USA. They were wonderfully helpful in explaining how the process works and introducing me around. For top ranked shooters, these two are so lovely and humble, further solidifying my belief that gun folks are a special breed.

While I was there (and running video), Dave broke a personal record.
Here are two rounds, out of five, on stage “Smoke & Hope” where Dave’s best 4 rounds totaled 7.78 seconds! (The next fastest for that stage in the “Limited” division was 10.06.)

Every Hi-Point comment ever

Sat, 02/01/2014 - 10:08

This blog has been operational for the better part of a decade. In that time, I’ve had quite literally over a million comments posted. Yesterday, while banhammering comments, I realized that whenever the topic of Hi-Point pistols comes up, the following comments are guaranteed to appear. And so I present for the lulz, the White Knights of Hi-Point.

Team ‘Murica
Hi-Points are made in the USA! Do you hate America? Glocks suck, they’re made in Yurope! MURICA!

The Big Baller
I own lots of high dollar pistols, and now I’m going to list a bunch of brands I found on Wikipedia to prove it, also I own an HK! But I always choose my Hi-Point because it’s the best!”

And finally, we have my favorite: The Super Shooter
My Hi-Point is great! I used at the 2nd Annual Cleeti Tactical-Ho-Down Shoot and Hog Roast, and I out scored everyone else there, even the people using full custom 1911s! My Hi-Point has been flawless for 10,000,000,000 rounds using my perfect hand loads/RIP Ammo!

The Grail Knight of Hi-Pointers is the guy who combines all three tropes into one comment. That guy is my hero. His Hi-Point can never cross the great seal in Dayton though, or the entire factory will crumbl

I find your lack of apps disturbing

Fri, 01/31/2014 - 13:29

Want to get sweet content like this delivered each month on your iOS device? Download the GunUp the Magazine App today, then subscribe for only $0.99 a month!

Photo of the day: Tuned and Ready

Fri, 01/31/2014 - 12:27

Two Ruger GP100 Match Champions, now ready to race. Wilson Combat spring kits installed, bringing the triggers down to under 10 lbs with reliable ignition. The new Hogue stocks are great. I can’t wait to hit up the Indoor Nationals with these!

A Girl & A Gun Shooting League Conference

Fri, 01/31/2014 - 10:28

On March 21st through 23rd, I’m hoping to get both myself and one of our other employees here at GunUp to the A Girl & A Gun Shooting League Conference in Waco, TX. I have to admit, at first I was skeptical about the event, but the more I read about it the more excited I get.

The conference has not only attracted some major brands, but some talented shooters and instructors. Including Kathy Jackson, Tom Givens, Dianna Leidorff and Nikki Turpeaux. Participants at the conference will each choose a “track,” whether that be the beginner “blue” track that our assistant will be taking, or one of the more advanced tracks depending on your ability and experience. Within these tracks different courses are offered from countless instructors, and each lady can choose her own schedule.

It’s a great idea, and a unique opportunity for these women to take classes from a variety of gifted instructors on a w

Everything is permissible for me

Thu, 01/30/2014 - 12:00

But not everything is beneficial. Take a look at this image, presented with no context whatsoever and tell me what immediately jumps to mind.

If you’re like me, you looked at that image and immediately thought of the Totenkopf, which is most commonly associated with the Nazi SS and/or the 3rd Panzer division during WW2. However, if you’re an employee of Smith Enterprises in Arizona, you thought “sweet skull bro, let’s put that on merch.” This brings us around to the title of the post. Smith Enterprises is absolutely free to put whatever logos they want on their merch. It’s their company after all. But that freedom doesn’t mean that what they’re doing is smart, or beneficial for the community at large.

The vast majority of people who see that logo will see a Nazi skull. They just will. Smith has responded to those criticisms with varying levels of butthurt and indignation, with their rebuttal summed up roughly as “nuh-uh!” That just r

