Mississippi Gun News

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Updated: 1 week 2 days ago

Mississippi Freedom Caucus Weekly Update – Endless Executive Orders

Thu, 12/24/2020 - 09:32

The Mississippi Freedom Caucus will propose legislation that limits the governors power to issue executive orders.

Mississippi Freedom Caucus Liberty Update – Occupational Licenses

Sat, 12/12/2020 - 21:33

Did you know that if you want to cut someone’s hair, paint their nails, or even study trees that grow fruit you must first obtain permission from the state of Mississippi?

Mississippi Freedom Caucus Weekly Update – Income Tax

Sun, 12/06/2020 - 16:55

The Mississippi Freedom Caucus appreciates Gov. Reeves joining in the fight to eliminate the state income tax.

Mississippi Gun Owners Petition Legislators

Thu, 12/17/2015 - 16:17



Constitutional Carry Equals Less Crime

Tue, 12/15/2015 - 11:38



Jeb Bush Endorses Obama’s Plan to Take Away Second Amendment Rights

Sun, 12/06/2015 - 07:30


In a panel interview on Special Report with Bret Baier, Jeb Bush said he is OK with Washington bureaucrats taking guns from citizens without due process.  When asked if he thought Obama’s plan to deny individuals who have been placed on the No Fly List their right to purchase or possess firearms Bush said, “…yeah, I think that would be an appropriate qualifier.”

Host Bret Baier pointed out to Bush that Steve Hayes, sitting next to Bush, was put on the no-fly list because of a trip he took that got him randomly flagged by a computer. Hayes pointed out that Bush would be taking rights away without due process.  Bush tried to back his way out of that statement but could not shake his initial response that he supports the government denying citizens their rights without due process.

Jeb Bush proves with every speech he makes that his loyalty and faith lie in government, not the people.


Our Radicalized Jihadist President Attacks American

Sat, 12/05/2015 - 07:56



As Law Enforcement Search for Shooters, Obama Demands More Gun Control

Wed, 12/02/2015 - 16:56

photo by DonkeyHotey


Obama Continues to Push for More Gun Control

Sun, 11/29/2015 - 07:35

by DonkeyHotey


Alabama Court Upholds Second Amendment

Sat, 11/28/2015 - 07:24

From Townhall.com


Concealed Carry Permit Holders ‘Have an Obligation to Carry’

Tue, 11/24/2015 - 07:56



Trump – “Nobody had guns, and they were just shooting them one by one.”

Sun, 11/15/2015 - 08:11

Photo by Gage Skidmore


West Point Police Chief Makes New Law Forbidding Toy Guns in His City

Thu, 11/12/2015 - 16:00



