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A modern twist of Molon Labe
Updated: 2 days 21 hours ago

Oklahoma Judge Makes Strong Argument to Repeal SAFE Act and Gun Bans

Thu, 01/16/2014 - 13:42

They say politics make the strangest bedfellows.

Ironically, a liberal activist judge in Oklahoma has once again furthered the judicial basis to strengthen 2nd Amendment rights of Americans…completely unintentionally.

While ruling to gut not only the Constitution of Oklahoma but also to force the Okie state to recognize marriage licenses from other states, U.S. District Judge Terrence Kern forwarded the 2nd Amendment.

You see, the voters of Oklahoma voted to amend their state constitution to specify that marriage is between a man and a women.  Apparently, states rights don’t really matter to Judge Kern when he can just imagine that the issue of marriage is somehow in the US Constitution.  It’s not.

But let’s pretend that Kern’s ruling that the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment is somehow relevant to gay marriage. I say it like that because marriage can be viewed like tax breaks.  A state may dictate who qualifies for tax breaks and who doesn’t.  I mean, there are tax breaks for married people that are not available to non married straight people living together…how exactly is that fair?  Tax breaks if you buy an electric car, yet nothing for regular car owners.  There is a ton of inequality that the 14th Amendment does nothing t

The Cheapening of Achievement

Thu, 01/16/2014 - 10:55

In the world where everyone gets a trophy and “you are special just because” comes another story that cheapens achievement.  It’s a story that actually mocks the central figure.

It’s the story of Alex Wolfe.

Alex is an 8th grader at Saint Albans City School in Vermont and he is blind.

When I first got wind of this story it was translated something like this; “Blind 8th Grader makes big shot in Basketball Game”.

I was very interested because I thought that was great, someone overcame a disability to achieve greatness.  I had no idea how he could, maybe some crazy echo location ability or he might have been a free throw specialist and some freak foul injured another player and he had to go in and win the game on a foul/technical shot.

Then I read the story and saw the tape.  It was a mockery of achievement and Alex was the focal point of people’s pity.

You see, Alex didn’t MAKE the shot…he was allowed to sit under the basket and keep throwing the ball toward a the hoop until it went in and the other team just sat there and watched him until he did.  Alex was GIVEN the shot (or shots) until the ball went in.

You can see the video h

Actors Who Are Pro Gun

Wed, 01/15/2014 - 11:53

In la-la land when tend to think in terms of Liberals and Conservatives, we find that Liberals are far and away more numerous in the acting profession than Conservatives.  That seems pretty clear, though I feel many right leaners tend to stay quiet about their views in order to have a career and I won’t fault them for that.

But here is the funny thing, the right to keep and bear arms is not a Liberal v Conservative issue (though it often falls that way), it is a control v freedom issue and many of my friends who are center left have come to embrace gun ownership as part of the American identity.  While we may not agree on healthcare, taxes or any other big government socialist like agenda’s we come together on the 2nd Amendment.

It is the notion of freedom and control of one’s own destiny that has seen a large increase in gun ownership in both women and liberals.

It comes at no surprise then that there are many actors in Hollywood that keep themselves armed.  So long as they don’t pull the traditional liberal hypocrisy of saying THEY deserve to be armed while the peons should go without, I will not fault them for their other misguided notions for they got the most important one right.

Of course you have the Tom Selleck&#8216

Gov Cuomo endorses actions by retired cop who killed rude movie theater patron

Tue, 01/14/2014 - 11:00

A retired police officer shot two people, one fatally, during a cell phone dispute inside a Florida movie theater yesterday.

71 year old, retired Tampa, FL cop Curtis Reeves asked 43 year old Chad Oulson to stop texting during the movie.  When Chad refused Curtis left to alert staff.  Upon his return Chad asked if Curtis went and told on him at which point an argument broke out.

At this point, Curtis took out his sidearm and shot Chad Oulson and his wife Nicole.  Chad would die of his wounds.


UPDATE: According to the police report the incident took place during the previews and not the movie itself.  Reeves is attempting to claim self defense as a bag of popcorn was thrown at him.  Witnesses claim no physical contact occurred between the two men (save the popcorn) before Reeves shot and killed Oulson.  The report can be read here: Police Report on Theatre Shooting


While this did h

Holder’s Hypocrisy Dance on Gay Marriage and Guns

Mon, 01/13/2014 - 11:09

Utah’s voters passed a resolution to not recognize gay marriages within their state.  Much like when California also overwhelmingly passed a similar resolution those on the losing side of the issue sued to have the will of the people overturned.

Unlike California, the governor of Utah is not complicit the undermining of his own constituency’s voice and decided to fight the suit.

Initially an activist judge, Roberty Shelby, ruled that gay marriages must be performed in Utah.  Roughly 1300 such marriages were allowed to go forward until the Supreme Court finally stepped in to place a stay on the ruling until the appeal of Utah was heard.

This is where corrupt Attorney General Eric Holder and the Obama Administration decide to get involved.

Eric Holder has released a statement saying that the Federal Government will recognize these marriages even if their state does not.

Here is the video, take a minute to watch it because I’m about to break down some of the things he said and what it means when applied to gun rights.

Last year the Supreme Court made a landmark ruling.

Historic steps of

Non-Gun Real World Example Of “Better To Have and Not Need Than Need and Not Have”

Sat, 01/11/2014 - 11:09

Gun control zealots are all about bemoaning the point that the chances of a person needing a gun are remote.  It may suprise many of my readers but I agree with them.  Fortunately the vast majority of gun owners will never have to use their firearm to protect themselves.

But so too will a vast majority of homeowners not have their house burn down yet no one is suggesting that fire insurance is somehow only purchased by pyromaniacs.

Do seat belts make people worse and more reckless of drivers?

I can go on and on with this track of logic, logic of course being the bane of gun control.  And I could highlight gun owners who were raped or robbed or murdered because they were in a “gun free” zone (or non gun owners who never had a chance), then show comparative footage of gun owners who stopped such crimes when properly armed and therefore prepared to deal with the unexpected.

But sometimes belaboring the same point and same accounts numbs the mind, yet as luck would have it, while watching Sportscenter last night I found a perfect real world non-gun related example of the maxim “It is better to have and not need than to need and not have” and there is video to go with it.

The video that follows is from the aptly named &#82

The Correlation of Mentalities Between Planet Fitness and Gun Haters

Fri, 01/10/2014 - 11:33

In case you haven’t heard, mainly because you work out at a gym that doesn’t encourage laziness, sloth and in general flabby weakness, Planet Fitness has banned squat racks from their establishments.

You can read more on that here: Gym Removes Squat Racks for Being ‘Intimidating’ to Squishy Clients

Now, don’t get me wrong, fat or weak people shouldn’t be mocked or humiliated at a gym when they are trying to better themselves but the idea that in order to do so you must undercut other people who wish to improve themselves is ridiculous.

I think treadmills are stupid.  Many people get on the hamster wheel and take a leisurely stroll and think they are actually working out.  Do I think treadmills should be banned from gyms?  No, if someone wants to waste their time with it, it’s no skin off my nose.

FBI Claims Handgun Stopping Power A “Myth”

Tue, 12/04/2001 - 18:00

On the heels of the Army looking to replace the 9mm Beretta pistol as its standard sidearm, the FBI’s Training Division released a “new study” in May that was recently leaked to the public.  The Study claims that the 9mm Luger pistol is the best option for law enforcement.  Suggesting that departments shouldn’t switch their sidearms to larger rounds.


