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Please Stand By – Regular Programming Will Resume Shortly

Mon, 02/05/2024 - 12:52
~ We apologize for the interruption in our coverage of outdoor news and editorial coverage for you, but we will be moving servers this Tuesday, February 6th between 1 – 4pm Eastern Standard Time (EST). We hope to be back to your regular programming as soon as possible. ~

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POTD: Squirt Gun for Self Defense – USA Liquid Pistol

Mon, 07/19/2021 - 10:00

Welcome to today’s Photo of the Day! Here we have a squirt gun from the 1890s. I looked into it and this USA Liquid Pistol was marketed for self-defense. The patent paperwork mentions the use of any liquid, but especially ammonia. As seen on the box behind it, it is to be used in defense against any “dog (or man).”

“Cast iron with nickel finish. The left side is marked “USA/ LIQUID/ PISTOL” with “PATD/ JUNE 30/ 1896” on the right side. The grips are integral to the pistol and are checkered. Complete with box that contains directions for use in the lid and advertising flier.

Rock Island Auction Company”

Lot 582: Two Pistols [Photograph found in Auction Catalog #49, Rock Island Auction Company]. (n.d.). Retrieved July 16, 2021, from

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POTD: Ring Triggered Brass Framed Savage Navy Revolver

Fri, 05/21/2021 - 11:30

Welcome to today’s Photo of the Day! Here we have a unique Savage ring trigger revolver. These Savage revolvers were adopted by the navy during the American Civil War and had mild popularity. The thing that makes this particular black powder Savage Navy revolver unique is its brass frame rather than the typical steel. According to the Cody Firearms Museum’s Facebook page (check them out!) these brass framed models only numbered in the low hundreds.

“Only a couple hundred Savage Navy revolvers were made with brass frames out of the roughly 20,000 made during the Civil War. These .36 caliber guns are quickly recognizable due to their distinct shape.”

Savage Navy [Photograph found in Photos, Cody Firearms Museum’s Facebook]. (2019, December 28). Retrieved May 19, 2021, from

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POTD: Erma-Werke Luger P08 .22LR Conversion Kit

Sat, 04/24/2021 - 11:30

Welcome to today’s Photo of the Day! Back before .22 Long Rifle 1911 and AR-15 conversions, there was the Erma-Werke Luger P08 .22 Long Rifle conversion kit. They produced a conversion kit initially for the German Army that swapped out the toggle assembly (including the bolt), barrel, and a new magazine. Pre WWII they came in a nice wooden box and Post-war they changed to a green cardboard box.

“Includes an Erma-Werke .22 caliber conversion kit with green factory box and a DWM toggle assembly for a 9mm Luger.”

Lot 576: Boxed Erma-Werke .22 Conversion Kit [Photograph found in Arms & Accessories Day Firearms Auction #2044, Rock Island Auction Company]. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2021, from

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Sturgis: Post-Rut Deer Hunting Strategies

Tue, 11/24/2020 - 11:00

(Image: Screenshot from video)

In this video, Jeff talks about strategy for hunting after the rut. This is when most of the rutting activity has come and gone, and bucks are largely worn out — but still may cruise for miles in search of unbred does if there are none available in their area.

He also touches on different methods to use in various weather conditions; in rainy and/or warm weather, get close to buck bedding areas; in colder weather expect deer to move earlier in the day, browsing through the woods.

He also talks about the rut and how deer act at various stages of the rut — and how breeding dates don’t generally align with the best time to hunt.


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How to Split a Log With Just a Hatchet

Wed, 11/18/2020 - 11:00

(Image: Screenshot from video)

Coalcracker Bushcraft is a YouTube channel by a guy who has some pretty good woodsman skills. In this video, he talks about splitting logs — even longer ones a few feet in length — with a hatchet. Not ideal, of course… but we don’t always carry a large axe everywhere we go, and knowledge is power.

First, chop some gluts — wedges made of short log sections. Then, find a log with straight grain and baton your hatchet across its face to score it.

Once you get it opened up a little, cram in a wedge. Continue working it a little at a time with wedges and the hatchet, and before you know it, the log will split. Shazam!

Pretty cool way to get it done, if you ask me.

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Check Out This Lady Shooter’s Incredibly Fast Shotgun Reload

Thu, 10/08/2020 - 09:29

(Image: Screenshot from video)

Here is a short-and-sweet video for y’all, showing a young lady who is incredibly speedy at reloading and firing her pump shotgun for western 3-gun shooting competitions.

Reloading the gun is part of the competition, and the faster you do it, the better. Jessie Abbate, who competes under the name “Jasmine Jessie,” has obviously practiced these reloads a lot, and when she picks up a shotgun with 2 shells in the magazine, she has 4 more shells in her hands — two in each hand.

She can fire the first two shells, then start reloading. She loads and fires each additional shell one at a time — and she completes the entire process in about 5 seconds! Wow.

Hope you enjoy the video.

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9mm Cannon Made from a Bolt & Nut

Thu, 08/20/2020 - 09:30

(Image: Screenshot from video)

Remember that homemade can cannon we showed you recently? Well, here’s a little bitty cannon by the same guy — made from only a nut and a bolt.

There are several things one can derive from these videos:

  • MrMichal has plenty of time — and machinery — on his hands.
  • He has no qualms about destroying innocent beverages (Noooo!! Not the beer!!)
  • He really likes to shoot stuff.
  • He has a good supply of cannon fuse.

The cannon is a smoothbore which fires 9mm steel balls… and it’s pretty powerful.

Don’t try this at home… let me!

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Gary Larson Saw it Coming

Thu, 06/04/2020 - 07:18

I had to chuckle when I saw this old Far Side comic in my Facebook feed. I’m a lifelong fan of Gary Larson’s one-panel comic strip, and this was always a good one. And it reminded me of some comments we received after posting Basic Hunting Tactics for Survival back in March, when the COVID-19 panic was new and had some people wondering where their next meal might be coming from.

Some folks thought we were telling newbies to go hunting out of season, while others thought of the coronavirus lockdowns the way Norm’s buddy is classifying the trio of mushroom clouds in the distance, and that no licenses, bag limits, or other legal restrictions would apply for hunting and fishing.

Happily, all were incorrect… but hopefully this little comic helped brighten your day a little, anyhow.

I fully expect the fall hunting seasons in the USA to be essentially the same as we’ve been enjoying for decades. Would you agree?

Until then, stay safe (and well-fed).

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(Enforce Tac 2019) FN SCAR-L 5.56mm

Wed, 03/20/2019 - 14:40

At Enforce Tac show in Nuremberg, Germany, FN Herstal unveiled the latest SCAR-L rifle in 5.56mm NATO that was the winner of the latest rifle contract by Bavarian police.

It has been updated with Keymod handguard at 3 & 9 o’clock, shedding a bit of weight in the process.

It’s surprising that the Belgian manufacturer has been awarded a German police contract usually reserved for Heckler & Koch. The HK416 was most recently seen in Utrecht shooting incident used by the Dutch police in the Netherlands.

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Watch: How to Make a Fog Horn from PVC and a Funnel

Wed, 03/21/2018 - 10:23

So you need a noise-maker to alert the compound of impending danger, but it’s already hit the fan in a big-picture way and you don’t want to leave your comrades for a trip to Wal-Mart. What to do?

If you’re this guy, you put together some PVC pipe fittings with a piece of Ziploc bag and a funnel, and create a loud air horn that can be heard for quite a ways!

Check out the progression of sounds… from high pitch to low just by adding a funnel, and one heck of a weird sound after he adds a long length of pipe in place of the funnel.

Pretty cool.

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Watch: A Sleeping Bag in a Can

Tue, 03/20/2018 - 15:59

Now here’s something weird from our favorite Crazy Russian — a U.S. military sleeping bag in a huge sardine can! It was packed in August of 1952, and 65+ years later, we get to watch a Russian in the USA telling us all about it.

Betcha didn’t see that coming…

Looks like it had two keys on the can at one time, but one went missing… and that second key would have helped him open up the can. But he figured it out, as Russians are wont to do.

If you’re not too tall, it might not be a bad idea to keep a few tins of sleeping bags in your trunk or bugout shelter…

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Williams/Winkler Bearded Axe Now Shipping

Fri, 03/16/2018 - 15:01

At SHOT this past January, I sorta flipped out over this insane axe designed by Williams Blade Design and made by Winkler Knives.

There has been some interest in it, so I thought I’d let you guys know that it’s now back on sale. There are only 50 of these available in this batch, so if you want one you’d better pull the trigger, now. At $575 it’s not cheap, but Winkler axes are carried by Special Forces and the Winkler name is legendary, so you get what you pay for.

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New 5 Gallon Water Jug From Cordova Cooler

Mon, 02/19/2018 - 16:58

Cordova Cooler is known for their line of durable and cost-efficient coolers for the outdoorsman and working man. At the 2018 SHOT Show the company introduced a new 5 gallon water jug designed to keep liquid cool at the job site, camp, or anywhere else.

The product is so new it is not yet on the Cordova Cooler website so for more information watch the video from the 2018 SHOT Show.

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Traditions Performance Firearms Military Muskets

Sat, 02/17/2018 - 19:04

Traditions Performance Firearms has expanded their traditional muzzle-loading line by offering reproductions of classic black-powder military arms. These include the 1842 Springfield, 1853 Enfield, and the 1861 Springfield.  These pre-Civil War and Civil War era guns should appeal to both shooters and reenactors.

For the details of Traditions Performance Firearms military muskets watch the video from the 2018 SHOT Show.

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New HIVIZ Sights at the 2018 SHOT Show

Thu, 02/01/2018 - 19:33

HIVIZ Shooting Systems debuted their new fiber optic and Tritium night sights at the 2018 SHOT Show. The sights combine both technologies to create an ideal solution for low light visibility for defensive handgun shooting.

For more info on the new HIVIZ fiber optic and Tritium night sights, watch the video from the 2018 SHOT Show.

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Dixie Gun Works Percussion Shotgun at 2018 SHOT Show

Wed, 01/31/2018 - 21:33

Dixie Gun Works is one of the leaders in black powder firearms. At the 2018 SHOT Show they displayed their newest product: A blackpowder percussion shotgun available in both right and left hand versions.

For more info on Dixie Gun Works Percussion Shotgun watch the video from the 2018 SHOT Show.

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Cadex Girls at SHOT Show 2018

Wed, 01/31/2018 - 19:01

It’s always a treat to pickup the suppressed .50 cal bolt action rifle at the Cadex Defence SHOT Show booth which are based in Quebec, Canada. Kassandra & Emili from Tactical Girls gladly picked the rifles up and posed for photo for me.

The Cadex CDX-50 Tremor weights 24lbs without the scope and suppressor.

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Nikon P-Tactical and M-Tactical Rifle Scopes at 2018 SHOT Show

Tue, 01/30/2018 - 14:43

At the 2018 SHOT Show Nikon unveiled their newest upgrades to their P-Tactical and M-Tactical rifle scopes. The scopes range from .22 LR scopes up to centerfire scopes and include both MOA and Mil Dot variants.

For more info watch the video from SHOT Show 2018.

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Glock Updates from the 2018 SHOT Show

Mon, 01/29/2018 - 16:45

Since their introduction Glock pistols have become the choice of professionals and armed citizens across the U.S.

At the 2018 SHOT Show last week Glock displayed their newest pistols. These included the all-new G19X, the Gen 5 G26, and the Gen 5 G34 MOS (Modular Optic System). The G19X is the civilian version of Glock’s entry into the Modular Handgun System pistol trials while the other two pistols are updates of existing designs. For more information on the new Glock pistols watch the video with a Glock rep at the 2018 SHOT Show below.

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