Texas Fish & Game
Are These 7 Days Your Best Chance for a Big Texas Buck?
If you could schedule a hunt during a 7 day cycle that produces more big bucks than any other time in most of Texas, would you? Well, there is still time. Since the advent of the youth-only season we at Texas Fish & Game have received more trophy-sized buck photos during the youth-only weekend by
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A Trajectory Solutions Shooting App Like No Other
Since the dawn of Smart phones, companies have come out with apps to make doing certain things easier or at least, in some ways, more convenient. Before I tested the TRASOL app, I had a ballistics calculator that helped me calculate trajectory and other factors and variables related to shooting at extended ranges. That calculator
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Venison Medallions
Backstrap of venison is a delicacy and should be treated as such in preparation. This recipe allows for maximum flavor while keeping the meat moist, I hope you enjoy with family and friends. Ingredients 1 backstrap of venison- 2-3 pounds 1 lb portabello mushrooms- sliced thin 1 red bell pepper-sliced thin 1 yellow bell pepper-sliced
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Predators & Population Control
Is the Targeting of Predators Across Texas the Best Game Management Strategy? There is no question some areas of Texas have too many deer. Certain parts of the Texas Hill Country, along the coast and in the South Texas plains are above their carrying capacity. It has been a long time since Texas has seen a massive disease outbreak and die-off,
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Rutting Buck Breaks into House
According to KJAS, Jasper Police were quite startled when they located a burglary suspect early Sunday afternoon. “According to Chief Gerald Hall, Officers Jimmy Neel and Gary Pullen were sent to the Myrtis Village Apartments when a man called 911 and reported that someone had just broken his living-room window and was inside his apartment. Meanwhile,
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ATN X-Spotter Digital Spotting Scope Review
The X-Spotter HD by ATN is the first of its kind HD, digital, intelligent, spotting scope with a package of extras including Wi-Fi streaming. ATN has brought the traditional spotting scope into the digital age with the new X-Spotter. The rear eyepiece is now a tiny screen and you have a panel of buttons for
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Record Alligator Caught Live in Texas
Gary Saurage of Gator Country in Beaumont, TX has reached the pinnacle. “This is what I have been working toward my entire career,” he said. That goal is capturing a record-sized alligator alive and last week at Champion Lake on the Trinity River he and his team did just that. According to a GrindTV report,
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Should You Put a Hydrofoil On Your Boat?
A hydrofoil can improve the performance of a boat in numerous situations. But many people shy away from trying them, particularly because most require drilling holes in the lower unit’s anti-ventilation plate during installation. There are exceptions, but experience has proven that the clamp-on versions often come loose after a few seasons. So, how do
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Preseason Duck Checklist: Part 2
The night temperature is starting to stay in the 50’s and that means fall is in the air. I hope you read my previous blog on 5 things to check off before the Waterfowl opener. Here is part 2 of that checklist to make sure you don’t have any unexpected drama on opening weekend. Decoys-
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Multiple Agencies Thwart Major Drug Shipment on South Padre Island
AUSTIN – Texas Game Wardens, along with the U.S. Coast Guard and the Department of Homeland Security, helped intercept a drug shipment along a popular stretch of surf on South Padre Island early Thursday morning, seizing 730 pounds of marijuana and arresting six individuals on drug trafficking charges. Around 4:30 a.m. on Oct. 13, game
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New Gear: Browning Introduces Full Line of Ammunition
A global leader in offering quality and innovative firearms, Browning now introduces a new, full-line of superior performance ammunition for hunting, personal defense and target shooting. The development of Browning Ammunition will provide millions of men and women, including new shooters and hunters across the world, with “The Best There Is.™” “Browning Ammunition builds upon
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A Joke is a Joke
Most people who know me know I am a pretty good practical joker and seldom pass up a chance to apply my trade on anyone who is in the wrong place at the wrong time. What follows is probably one of the biggest practical jokes I have ever pulled. Late one evening my wife and
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Bank Fishing Saltwater Strategies
Not all anglers have boats. That is something we have taken seriously here at Texas Fish and Game for many years and is the reason we write so much about bank fishing options. Fishing from the bank has its challenges and requires a specific level of focus on gear and bait selection. Many anglers complain of rarely
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Tips for Fall Specks and Reds
The recent heatwave has impacted fishing along the Texas Coast. It has not shaken things up dramatically but it has changed a few things and if you pay attention to these tips you can overcome any obstacle it has produced. With temperatures soaring by October standards look to the cuts in the marsh and any
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Boating Safety – Kayaking and Kill Switches
Texas boating fatalities generally involve an inattentive skipper driving too fast, but nearly half of the 12 boating related fatalities documented through June involved paddle craft, mostly kayaks. “These boating tragedies represent an alarming trend we’re seeing, not just in Texas, but nationwide,” said Game Warden Assistant Commander Cody Jones, who heads boating law enforcement
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Texas Hotshots – Nice Blacktip Beach Access 1a Port A
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Going Blind: Tools & Skills for Hiding from Game Animals
Since the dawn of time, Man has known he couldn’t run down animals of the forests or plains, so he devised ways to bring them closer by hiding in whatever cover he could find. Even today, no blind often makes the best blind if hunters can find adequate natural cover such as trees, rocks, log
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Armed Woman Opens Fire on Three Home Invaders [VIDEO]
In this intense surveillance footage you see an armed citizen defending herself against three brazen home invaders. It’s always helpful to unpack these events when we see a real life defensive story to make sure that we are armed with the proper mindset. First, we can note the time. Nearly 4am. I’m speculating she was alerted somehow
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Texas Hotshot – First Alligator Hunt
First Alligator hunt. Alligator was 7 foot 11 inches. It was shot it Chambers County during 2016 Alligator season. Photo credit: Jeremy Watson
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Student Suspended for Anti-Gun Control Video Presentation
Hoplophopic school officials in New Jersey suspend student for having an “anti gun control” video presentation on a thumb drive. Frank Harvey, a high school student from Manville High School in New Jersey, is reporting that he was suspended from high school after someone turned in a thumb drive that he forgot in a library
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