Gun Free Zone

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Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
Updated: 6 days 2 hours ago

New Gun Lubricant.

Thu, 01/07/2016 - 05:58


Hat tip: Light Tac LLC

And that is the way you do it.

Wed, 01/06/2016 - 05:59

Round Rock Police reported one call about someone openly carrying a gun at an H-E-B on Palm Valley Blvd. A police spokesperson said the department explained to the store personnel that the store needed to have a sign in order to prohibit a concealed handgun license holder from entering the store with a holstered pistol. A spokesperson for H-E-B says the store did have a sign up and the customer left without any problems. A police spokesperson says the department did not receive any additional calls related to open carry.

Source: Few issues in first weekend of open carry in Texas |

No histrionics, no chest thumping. I believe that many stores with signs up will eventually bring them down, a combination of lost sales and realizing we are, as always, a Polite Society.

Real Guns – New for 2016 Ruger’s Switcheroo – Buckaroo.

Wed, 01/06/2016 - 05:58

It would appear that 2016 is unfolding as a year of innovation. Take, for example, Ruger’s new Switcheroo – Buckaroo, or the “Swuck” as it is already popularly called. The Swuck is the first Roto-Barrel, Dual Caliber, Multi Engagement Revolver to hit the market. Primarily a hunting revolver, the Swuck’s cylinder can hold a combination of three 357 Magnum and three 22 LR rimfire cartridges which allows the hunter to switch between a round suitable for hogs and deer to one more suitable for harvesting small game for the stew pot.

Source: Real Guns – New for 2016 Ruger’s Switcheroo – Buckaroo

Please engage in moderate discussion.

Hat Tip to Defensive Strategies, LLC

Shame on us Gun Bullies! We made POTUS cry.

Tue, 01/05/2016 - 12:21


Oh dear God. Really? He got all emotional in the faux Town Hall. Must be all the laughter behinds his back …and in front of him too.

Narcissistic little wuss. Check him out.

This is why we win. (YCMTSU)

Tue, 01/05/2016 - 09:51

Just now in Twitter:

This one was last night:




Sun, 01/03/2016 - 06:00

For some reason, several Gun Grabbers in Twitter took heavy offense of this meme. So I like to share it.


Another bad idea of mine

Sat, 01/02/2016 - 21:01

In my area, most grocery stores have gas station near them or associated with them, e.g. Kroger, Wal-Mart, etc.

I want open gas stations near Whole Foods.  Call it “Complete Gas.”  Advertise my gas as gluten free and free range, pumped from only sustainable well heads.  I bet I could get $3.50 a gallon before anybody caught on.

Some words of advice

Sat, 01/02/2016 - 12:38

Open carry is now legal in Texas.  I have the feeling it is coming to Florida pretty soon.

I’m not a big fan of open carry for several reasons, but I’m not going to get into that right now.

It has been just about 36 hours since open carry went into effect and the streets of Texas have run red with blood nothing bad has happened.  You wouldn’t know that from all the hand-wringing about open carry:

We feel customers and employees will feel safer when people are not openly walking around with guns,” said Anna Kehde, the Texas chapter leader of Moms Demand Action. “It’s hard to tell who is a responsible gun owner and who is someone I should seek cover from.

Well let me bestow upon those concerned, a little bit of advice:

“If you see a guy with a gun on his hip, as long as that gun stays in it’s holster, your’e fine.”

That goes for those with concealed carry permits too.  It’s really not that hard to understand.


“MOLON LABE! … Oh Crap!”

Fri, 01/01/2016 - 09:07

The Government? Ha! She Who Must Be Obeyed? Panic!

To CSGV and followers: A thought for this new year.

Thu, 12/31/2015 - 23:00
United States’s Gun Owners are members of the biggest Asymmetric Army in the World. That should be a comforting thought to all Gun Grabbers. Happy New Year! Stolen from

PS: I needed to renew my Insurrectionist credentials.


Bayou Renaissance Man: Correlating cities’ murder rates with political party dominance

Wed, 12/30/2015 - 10:58

28 out of the top 30 ‘murder capitals’ – and all of the top 24 – have mayors who belong to the Democratic Party.  They say that correlation is not causation, and in general I agree:  but that degree of correlation between the dominant political party in each city, and the crime rate in each city, is hard to explain away, IMHO.  Draw your own conclusions

Source: Bayou Renaissance Man: Correlating cities’ murder rates with political party dominance

Not saying a thing….

Triumph of Gun Control: Venezuela reached record homicides in 2015

Tue, 12/29/2015 - 06:00

The annual report of the Venezuelan Observatory of Violence said that a total of 27,875 people died violently this year.

Host Gator Versus WordPress: here we go again.

Mon, 12/28/2015 - 16:28

Went in my CP by sheer luck and found this cute message:


Guess who bought Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring.

Mon, 12/28/2015 - 12:32

Lo and behold the top donor to his campaign for Attorney General was none other than Independence USA PAC. They gave $1,292,417 of in-kind donations to his campaign

When you owe your elected position to Michael Bloomberg, when he says jump, you say how high. Evidently now was the time that Bloomberg said jump and jump is what Herring did in response.

Source: No Lawyers – Only Guns and Money


We need our own Bloomberg. Imagine the ability to buy the same amount of air time and the backing of millions of gun owners doing grunt work.

We are sorry…

Mon, 12/28/2015 - 12:27

…but the blogger you tried to reach can’t adult today.

Please leave a message and he may return it as soon as he see fits..or not.

Via Reddit:

Click to enlarge

American expeditionary troops in France pose with their then-new M1911 .45 caliber pistols, 1918.

Your Sunday Gunnie Joke.

Sun, 12/27/2015 - 06:02

A couple were in a busy shopping center just before Christmas. The wife suddenly noticed that her husband was missing and as they had a lot to do, so she called him on the mobile.

She is a keeper.

Sun, 12/27/2015 - 06:00
Kassi Karry

VA GOP May Strip McAuliffe Of His Bodyguards Over Concealed Carry

Sat, 12/26/2015 - 08:21

It’s not lost on anyone that the biggest supporters of gun control are those who have other people with guns employed to protect them.

Source: VA GOP May Strip McAuliffe Of His Bodyguards Over Concealed Carry

Live the way you preach… Time to remind politicians that we elect public servants, not Royal Masters.

Moms Demand well trained puppies.

Sat, 12/26/2015 - 06:00

Shooting inside a mall! The horror!


CSGV: Check Thy Bible.

Sat, 12/26/2015 - 05:58

