The Truth About Guns

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Exploring the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns
Updated: 1 week 22 hours ago

TTAG Exclusive Video: Kirsten Joy Weiss Shoots A Skittle Off a Pencil

Mon, 09/30/2013 - 18:31

TTAG’s resident sharp shooter has yet to learn the lesson handed down to us by legendary magician Harry Houdini: don’t make it look too easy. Houdini used to flub his tricks on purpose so his audience could appreciate the mastery needed to perform an illusion. Of course, Ms. Weiss’ markspersonship is no illusion. The skills needed to blast the infamous candy from its pencil perch are mad. But I’m mad Kirsten Joy Weiss didn’t make it look more difficult. Then again, as Matt points out, it’s a single camera take. And the result isn’t difficult to look at. I reckon that’s half the battle in the world of entertainment to which Ms. Weiss aspires. N’est-ce pas? [Click here to see more trick shots at]

New York State Pisses Away $100k+ on Gun Buybacks

Mon, 09/30/2013 - 18:00

Gun buybacks are ridiculous. There’s no proof whatsoever that buying unloved, unwanted and broken-ass guns from the general public—with “no questions asked” immunity from even the most heinous offenses—does anything whatsoever to reduce crime. None. But gun buybacks certainly prove that gun control theater is more important than practical measures when it comes to maintaining political power for left-leaning “leaders.” For example, “NY State Attorney General Eric Schne

MD AG: Supreme Court Only OK’ed Handguns for Self-Defense

Mon, 09/30/2013 - 17:30

“The state of Maryland says gun advocates waited too long to challenge tougher firearm regulations set to take effect Tuesday,” reports, displaying a mysterious preferences for the word “tougher” over the more accurate modifier “unconstitutional.” “Attorney General Doug Gansler asked a federal judge in Baltimore on Monday to deny [a motion] for an order blocking enforcement of the law. Gansler says the plaintiffs sat o

Marine Corps Commandant: Arm Officers On Duty and Staff NCOs

Mon, 09/30/2013 - 17:00

The massacre at the U.S. Navy Yard has The People of the Gun protesting the existence of gun-free zones. Again. Still. Less well reported: the reaction of hundreds of thousands of military men and women; disarmed Americans not well pleased about losing their Second Amendment protections the moment they step on a military facility (if not before). Obviously, they can’t grumble publicly. Not about the Navy Yard shooting nor the workplace violence terrorist attack at Fort Hood. But this dissatisfaction with disarmament extends up the ranks. We caught a rare glimpse of this pro-gun position via 

It Should Have Been a Defensive Gun Use: Gang of Bikers Edition

Mon, 09/30/2013 - 16:45

The incident began when the driver of the Range Rover [in the viral above] called 911 to report a group of bikers stunting and flossing on New York City’s West Side Highway. A biker parked in front the luxury SUV, causing the driver to stop. When a biker walked toward the car, the Rover driver floored it, smashing into several bikes and riders. When the truck got caught in traffic, a pursuer tried to rip open the door. When the driver got caught in traffic a second time, a biker smashed the driver-side window with his helmet. Cops told the New York Post that the biker slashed the driver in front of his wife and child. He ended up with a couple of black eyes and stitches to his face and chest. Would a gun have made the situation better? Only if you understand that it could have been much worse without it. [h/t Allen V.]

Housekeeping: TTAG Now on Instatwitterfacegramtubebook

Mon, 09/30/2013 - 16:00

Thanks to my ten-year-old daughter, TTAG is now on Instagram. #guntruth. As it is for Twitter. And YouTube. We’re at The Truth About Guns on Facebook. And here. I’m giving serious thought to opening a tumblr account, if only to be able to pun at a sixth social media venue and announce that we’re on instatwittergramtumblefacebookwebtube. Much catchier. And yes, Nick will get rid of my mug from the Instagram home page ASAP.

Hartford Police Negligent Discharge: Who Shot Whom?

Mon, 09/30/2013 - 15:00

HARTFORD [via] — “A police officer’s gun accidentally discharged during a response to an armed robbery on Franklin Avenue on Saturday, and an officer was shot in the arm, police said. It was not clear whether the officer whose gun discharged was shot, or another officer. The injury to the officer’s forearm is non-life threatening, police said.” And now, after a temporal pause, we get a vital update: “Two people entered the store, displayed a weapon and took some money from the register, then fled, police said. The officers arrived shortly thereafter, and while clearing the building, one of their guns discharged, police said.”


Obscure Object of Desire: Borchardt C93, The First “Modern” Semi-Automatic Pistol

Mon, 09/30/2013 - 14:00

By beetle

There are a lot of features in modern guns that we take for granted. At a basic level, the design of most pistols today seems very similar. Almost every one will make use of a magazine feeding device. This magazine is almost always loaded into the grip of the gun. The similarities also extend to the operation of the gun. Virtually every semi-automatic handgun that fires a round more powerful than .380ACP will make use of a locked breech system. But where did these innovations come from? Did different manufacturers invent them on their own? If we trace back the history of pistols, we’ll find that one gun was the “father” of all modern semi-automatic pistols – The Borchardt C93, introduced in 1893 . . .

To understand what a leap forward this was you n

More Blacks Favor Gun Control Than Whites

Mon, 09/30/2013 - 13:00


The Brady Campaigns of the world would have you pay no attention to the methodology behind their headline-grabbing pro-gun control polls. Close inspection invariably reveals that the survey was worded to generate the appropriate result. Or not. In many cases, they omit the methodology to hide their bias. Here’s an exception that proves the rule: The United Technologies/National Journal Congressional Connection Poll on “solutions” to “mass shootings.” Hmmm. Do non-gun folk know what “limits on the size of ammunition clips” actually means? It sounds reasonable, but without subject knowledge or context . . . According to the

Unboxing the TrackingPoint XS2 Smart Rifle

Mon, 09/30/2013 - 12:00

Take it from a guy whose big toe is only now starting to be presentable after I dropped a 28 lbs. CaseCruzer rifle case on my foot, that is one seriously large rifle case. Then again, the $22,500 TrackingPoint XS2 Smart Rifle is one seriously sophisticated piece of kit. News to me: the batteries powering the scope last three hours. It might just be me but when the TrackingPoint guy said “Don’t let that cable get loose” (5:20) I immediately thought of Dr. Egon Spenglen’s admonition “Don’t cross the streams.” Speaking of which, who’s going to be the first to put this thing into an action movie? Will it be Bourne again? Here’s hoping.

Gun Review: WBY-X PA-459 Shotgun

Mon, 09/30/2013 - 11:00

Buckets of ink and ba-jillions of electrons have been spilled in the last year or so navel gazing over the subject of who owns guns here in these U-nited States. Listen to the bleatings of the Gun Control Industrial Complex (if you dare) and you’d be forgiven for concluding that there are really only 167 guys with bottomless gun safes (and wallets) who buy up just about all of the firearms GLOCK, S&W, Ruger, FNH, Springfield, Taurus et al. are busily cranking out. See? Guns aren’t popular any more. It’s just that those last few bitterly clingy, easily frightened old fat white guys keep buying ‘em. There’s just one problem with that bit of doctrinaire disinformation . . .

Just about every scrap of anecdotal and empirical evidence available to anyone who really wants to look for it contradicts the more-guns-fewer-gun-owners twaddle. Besides willful blindness all that eyewash they’re peddling fails to tak

Rack a Gun on the Bad Guy? Really?

Mon, 09/30/2013 - 10:00

Pictures: A Weekend of Shooting Machine Guns

Mon, 09/30/2013 - 09:00

This past weekend, I flew out to Georgia to spend some time with Kevin Brittingham, his associates, and his mountain of machine guns. While I was mostly looking forward to catching up with Kevin and a weekend off from the busy schedule, the fact that Kevin has an extensive collection of machine guns, Maxim silencers, and other awesome things involving the ATF means that a large chunk of our time was spent on the range having a little recoil therapy. The end result is that, in the next few weeks, we will be bringing you reviews of some classic and iconic machine guns, including slow motion video and awesome pictures. In the meantime, have a sneak peek and what we’ll be bringing you . . .

Quote of the Day: Don’t Blame Gun Laws for Newtown Spree Killing Edition

Mon, 09/30/2013 - 08:00

“Our big thing, it’s not the gun that killed the kids. It’s the mental illness that killed the kids and his mother.” Peter Paradis, step-father of murdered Newtown school teacher Rachel D’Avino [above] quoted in Family of Newtown victim rap gun control politics [via]

Hawaii: This Is The Gun Control Paradise They’re Looking For

Sun, 09/29/2013 - 21:00


Rep. Colleen Hanabusa is the U.S. Representative for Hawaii’s 1st Congressional District. In her HuffPo pro gun control polemic Hawaii Has Shown That Gun Control Works, Hanabusa paints a picture of a gun control island paradise, where “common sense limits on gun ownership” have helped Hawaii achieve and preserve “our low level of gun-related violence.” Oh really? Let’s take a closer look at those limits and take a peek at Hawaii’s crime stats . . .

“Hawaii’s gun laws are strict, but hardly draconian,” Hanabusa asserts. Wrong. Hawaii is a “may issue” state. Local (not state) law enforcement authorities decide whether or not residents get to exercise their natural, civil and Constitutiona

What’s Wrong With These Pictures?

Sun, 09/29/2013 - 20:00

From the CBS series, Hostages. [h/t TL]


Store Review: Outpost Armory

Sun, 09/29/2013 - 18:00

In what I hope can become a recurring “thing” for TTAG, I’ve decided to start taking pictures and giving a bit of a review on the customer experience at various gun stores I find in my travels. Today’s feature is Outpost Armory in Christiana, TN . . .

I found myself at the Outpost after returning from the Nashville Airport on a mission to retrieve a friend for a boys’ weekend (some might call it a bachelor party). Located about 40 miles southeast of Nashville on I-24, Outpost Armory moves into first place for having the highest concentration of Barrett F

Behind Enemy Lines: CAGV Conference on “Gun Violence Prevention”

Sun, 09/29/2013 - 17:00


As regular readers know, TTAG regularly posts press releases from the gun control industry: MAIG, The Brady Campaign, Moms Demand Disarmament, The President of the United States, etc. We do so because the People of the Gun should know what their adversaries are thinking, planning and propagandizing. In that spirit, click here for a link to a live blog of “Marching On: A Conference on Gun Violence Prev

Who Are the Gun Rights Patriots?

Sun, 09/29/2013 - 16:00

By Pascal

The video above features the President of CCDL, Scott Wilson, talking about how the Connecticut Citizens Defense League began, what they’ve accomplished and what they are doing going forward. The CCDL began the way almost every other state-level gun rights group began. While the media loves to rail against the NRA, they forget that within each state is an organization just like the CCDL getting the word out, working the halls of politics, getting the troops ready and making sure the gun rights politicians are elected into office. Just like the NRA’s representatives . . .

Scott Wilson gets daily phone messages from anti-gun folks threatening his life. If you’re one of the many all over the USA who stood in line to testify in a hearing, only to be denied a voice and called “baby killer” by anti-gun groups, you earned your stripes for liberty and I thank you. Nobody ever said fighting for your Second Amendment r

Listen Live: Foghorn Talking Guns on Talking Guns

Sun, 09/29/2013 - 14:30

Today at 3:10 PM Central I will be live on the radio with Kate Krueger on her radio show. Still not sure what topics we will be covering, but I’m guessing that guns will be in the mix there somewhere. Click here for the “listen live” link.

