So you like firearms do ya?

Well have I got something for you!  

I got a late start into the firearm game but let me say that I enjoy being able to reach out and touch something.  I carry daily and built my own AR15 from a stripped lower and upper.  I started this site because I like to be able to pull news from multiple sources and read as I go without a page refreshing and throwing me off.  I also don't want a bunch of YouTube video's thrown in at random.  I had the domain already and it needed something to go with it, theCRASE was then born.  I made up a few things and one I am going to share with everyone else out there who loves firearms.

The CRASE desktop background.


If you  have enjoyed this site or just love firearms I welcome you to save a copy and use it.  This is my gift to the readers out there who are pasionate about the second amendment and the shooting sports.



Stay safe out there America. The crazies are always out on the prowl.