Who says we should ban guns without first banning old people in wheelchairs

Who says we should ban guns without first banning old people in wheelchairs?


On 4-22-2014 a 56 year old Texas man used the arm of his wheelchair to beat to death two of his room mates to death in a nursing home. 

"A Houston nursing home resident accused of using the armrest of his wheelchair to beat two of his roommates to death faces a capital murder charge, the police said Wednesday. Guillermo Correa, 56, is accused of killing Antonio Acosta, 77, and Primitivo Lopez, 51, at the Lexington Place Nursing and Rehabilitation Center on Tuesday night."

http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/24/us/texas-man-in-nursing-home-is-charged-with-murder.html?mabReward=RI:3&module=WelcomeBackModal&contentCollection=Business Day&region=FixedCenter&action=click&pgtype=article

Lets all call up "Everytown" and ask them what their position of old people in wheelchairs is.  I bet they fully support that even though they want to disarm anyone else who could just as easily take a beating like Ally Jacobs in California.  It's all too easy to turn an everyday object into a weapon and what can you do if someone does exactly this when you are out of your home and enjoying a night on the town with your significant other.  Lets add to the mix that you could run away but your significant other walks with a cane or is in a wheelchair should you run and save yourself while trying to call the police or stay and become a victim with your S.O.  Well I have exactly that situation to think about as my wife does walk with a cane, but being armed it makes the decision very easy.  Sadly a couple people in a a nursing home couldn't make that choice and the staff were not where they needed them at that point.  Reminds me of the old saying, "Where's a cop when you need one."


Stay safe out there, America.  The crazies are always out on the prowl.
