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Updated: 6 days 17 hours ago

Tales of a 3gun Beginner: Selecting a First Match

Mon, 07/21/2014 - 12:50

I learned so much from my first 3gun match, but now, after a month has passed, I feel it time to boil down the data into a few simple lessons that other beginners might find useful.


Get GunUp the Magazine, featuring the Guns of Lone Survivor!

Mon, 07/21/2014 - 11:39

The August 2014 issue of GunUp the Magazine is available today; hit up the iTunes Store to get your subscription and copy!

You are a bad person and should feel bad

Fri, 07/18/2014 - 12:45

Whoever did this to a classic Colt 1917 is a bad person.

I get the idea behind making a Fitz Special, but don’t do it a 1917 Colt. There are jillions of crappy old guns that you could do this do. Go buy an old Charter Arms or something. Found on Gunbroker, of course.

Ones that got away: Smith & Wesson 1937 Brazilian Contract .45 ACP

Fri, 07/18/2014 - 12:00

I’ve bought and sold a lot of guns. My co-workers have noticed that I don’t get particularly attached to guns, and as a result I’ll buy a gun, shoot it a little bit, get bored with it and then let it go to someone else. I’ve never really been into collecting guns for their value as collector’s items; other than a short period of time where I collected obscure Berettas. One of the cool guns I let go was an old S&W revolver; specifically a Model 1917.


I always come back around to the wheel

Fri, 07/18/2014 - 11:14

One of the perks of my job is I get to shoot and carry a lot of different guns. In the past month I’ve shot some guns that aren’t even on the market yet; I’ve carried all kinds of guns, I have the HK VP9 on my desk. And yet when I’m not carrying something specifically to write about it, I always seem to end up right back here:


It’s time for #muzzleflash Friday

Fri, 07/18/2014 - 09:50

Here are the submissions from last week! Make sure to keep ‘em coming for next week, email submissions to or just hashtag #muzzleflashfriday on instagram and twitter. Here’s our winner, hit the jump to see them all!


Gun Review: Smith & Wesson 929 9mm Revolver

Thu, 07/17/2014 - 12:30

Today on our slightly longer than 90 second gun reviews, I’m reviewing the new Smith & Wesson 929 9mm Revolver.

President Obama bans import of Izmash/Saiga Firearms with Executive Order

Thu, 07/17/2014 - 11:26

This one isn’t paranoia, unfortunately. According to Executive Order 13662, one of the companies listed is the primary Russian manufacturer of Saiga shotguns and new AK pattern rifles. Bearing Arms has a great breakdown on what this means for you.


Tales of a 3 gun Beginning: Ma Deuce

Thu, 07/17/2014 - 10:00

The last stage of my first day at the Freedom Munitions Memorial Match was filled with multiple 3 gun clichés. Firstly, they included a “pick-up gun”. A pick-up gun is a surprise firearm, often provided by a sponsor, which is meant to throw a shooter for a loop. Often the shots with the pickup gun are are not scored or they only affect one’s time. They are not usually anything one can prepare for, but they can be a great opportunity to get behind some pretty rare weapons. Also, we were provided ammo by the title sponsor for our shotguns, which was staged in a dump barrel.


Good reasons for buying a new military sidearm

Thu, 07/17/2014 - 08:29

In the discussion about the possibility of the military purchasing new sidearms to replace the Beretta M9 there has been much nonsense. Most of the discussions of the virtues of a new pistol has centered around the irrelevant, trivial, or even the completely untrue. Despite this, there are some perfectly sane reasons to look at acquiring a new sidearm.


Photo of day: EXPLOSION

Wed, 07/16/2014 - 12:45

Photo by Mike Dickerson

What happens when a prairie dog meets a Hornady 40 grain V-Max bullet at 3000 FPS.

Instructor Zero 25 meter head shot

Wed, 07/16/2014 - 11:45

You’ve probably seen the Instructor Zero videos on youtube – he does a lot of silly “tactical” stuff with putting bags on his head and his combat rolls, but he never struck me as an incompetent shooter. Making a head shot at 25 meters in 0.8 seconds is no joke; that’s a tough shot to make.

Now, we don’t know how many runs that took, because the downfall of youtube is that you could put together “hoper” runs over and over and over again until you get the result you want. If I only show you the footage where I connect with the target, but delete the 19 other takes I needed to get that perfect hit, that doesn’t really tell you anything about my skill level as a shooter.

Still, 25 meter head shots are no joke. I have to respect the shot, and I’ll just assume that he only took a couple of tries to get it.

Gun Review: Lionheart LH9

Wed, 07/16/2014 - 10:48

Pulling one from the archives today, we have a short review of the Lionheart LH9 9mm semi-automatic pistol.

Wednesday #pumpday submissions

Wed, 07/16/2014 - 09:52

Wednesday isn’t humday any more, it’s #pumpday! Send your submissions to us for next week at and we’ll pick the best ones to run on the blog on PumpDay!

Here are this week’s:

GunUp the Magazine editor Shelley Rae with a Remington 870 Tactical in FDE

From Jeremy Van Gieson

Mossberg 500 in .410

Photo of the day: Yamaha Viking SE Tactical

Tue, 07/15/2014 - 11:45

Loads of fun, reasonably priced, awesome looking. If I lived not in the city, I’d buy one of these in a minute.

Smith & Wesson M&P15 MOE review

Tue, 07/15/2014 - 10:48

Sometimes you just need meat and potatoes. The AR15 market is so crowded right now; everything from basic entry level rifles all the way up to multi-thousand dollar high-end near custom guns. It’s quite similar to the 1911 market, to the point that the phrase “AR15″ is nearly meaningless other than to describe an idea of a rifle. But what if you don’t want to build your own gun or spend $3,000 on a custom build? What if you just want a .223 caliber rifle that feeds from 30 round detachable box magazines, runs reliably, has good features, and nice ergonomics? Well, if that’s what you want, perhaps you should check out the Smith & Wesson M&P15 MOE.


Smith & Wesson® Introduces New M&P® BODYGUARD® Handguns with Crimson Trace® Laser Sights

Tue, 07/15/2014 - 10:01

M&P BODYGUARD 380 Pistols and M&P BODYGUARD 38 Revolvers Now Fitted With Integrated Laser Sights from Crimson Trace

