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Updated: 1 week 13 hours ago

Get GunUp the Magazine to go!

Thu, 06/19/2014 - 11:00

Download the GunUp the Magazine app for your iPad/iPhone today and get the hottest gun magazine in your pocket at all times!

Paul Hendrix cheating scandal update

Thu, 06/19/2014 - 10:03

Here is a quick update on the state of the Hendrix cheating scandal: Paul Hendrix’s Range Officer credentials have been suspended effective immediately, pending a further investigation by USPSA. According to USPSA by-laws, it takes a minimum of 7 days to convene a full meeting of the Board of Directors. Chuck Anderson, Area 1 director has been charged with investigating the incident further, and has solicited those affected to send videos, names, and any relevant information to his attention at

For the backstory, please read “Paul Hendrix USPSA cheating scandal“.

RCS Moduloader Pocket Shield

Thu, 06/19/2014 - 08:26

A couple of weeks back Chris Fry of MDTS training sent me an email asking me to try out a little invention that I’d been hearing rumors about for quite some time. A device designed to make carrying self defense related tools in what is termed the “non-permissive environment” easier.


Photo of the day: Sight radius comparison, HK VP9 vs 1911

Wed, 06/18/2014 - 13:00

The 5 inch barrel on the 1911 is often lauded for delivering a long sight radius to the gun, which according to its proponents helps make the gun more shootable. How come then its sight radius is basically the same as a 4 inch HK VP9 and a 4.5 inch Glock 17?

Old Faithful Holsters Merges with Alien Gear Holsters

Wed, 06/18/2014 - 12:00

Hayden, ID – Old Faithful Holsters, the makers of quality, concealed carry holsters and accessories, announces that they are merging with Alien Gear Holsters, also a manufacturer of concealed carry holsters, to become the leading hybrid holster manufacturer in the United States.


Prep for 1st 3 Gun Match

Wed, 06/18/2014 - 11:00

I had planned to sign up for one or two small club matches to practice my 3 gun skills prior to the ladies major match in October. I now find myself preparing for the Freedom Munitions 3 Gun match being held at Clinton House Plantation in South Carolina this weekend. This match seems to be shaping up to be more than just a small monthly match. I have discovered that many of the big name pros will be in attendance, and now I’ve been told that there will be a 375 yard rifle shot!


Range Officer Cheating Scandal in United States Practical Shooting Association

Wed, 06/18/2014 - 10:08

Long time USPSA RO Paul Hendrix caught doctoring shooter’s stage times, improved his friends’ stage times while adding time to other shooter’s scores.


Photo of the day: Race ready VP9

Tue, 06/17/2014 - 12:30

Since the VP9 isn’t yet on the USPSA Production gun list, if I wanted to shoot it in a match, I’d have to shoot in Limited. So if I’m going to do it, might as well go all out, right? HK VP9 in Blade-Tech DOH Race holster. I have a Taylor freelance magazine extension on the way as well.

The Abramski case and Straw Purchases

Tue, 06/17/2014 - 11:30

Pro-Gun advocates were dealt a bit of a set-back yesterday when the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in a case that was seeking to roll back a provision of the GCA ’68 law, specifically the definition of a straw purchase. I’ll give you the short particulars of the case first:


The Open Carry Experience Part 6: Hearts and minds (and laserbeams)

Tue, 06/17/2014 - 10:30

You know what the most common argument I hear from pro Open Carry people? “We’re desensitize and educating the public!” Then last night, someone send this image to me in a tweet:


MG Industries Introduces Four Popular Calibers in One “Survival Package”

Tue, 06/17/2014 - 09:22

The MARCK-15 AR Hydra Platform in 9mm packaged with 5.56 NATO, 7.62×39 and .300 Blackout conversions all in one rifle case


NSSF, Sands Expo Extend SHOT Show Agreement to 2020

Mon, 06/16/2014 - 14:00

LAS VEGAS-The National Shooting Sports Foundation and Sands Expo and Convention Center have followed up the 2014 record-setting Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show) by adding another two years to their agreement.


HK VP9 sight radius comparison

Mon, 06/16/2014 - 13:00

Top Left: VP9 and Px4 Storm
Top Right: VP9 and M&P Fullsize
Bottom Left: VP9 and FNS-9
Bottom Right: VP9 and 5906

No, we don’t have any Glock 17s laying around.

What’s most interesting about this to me is that all these pistols have roughly the same barrel length, with the M&P being the longest at 4.25. The Storm and FNS both have 4 inch barrels, and clearly lose to the VP9 in the sight radius battle. The M&P’s slightly longer barrel gives it an edge, although I wonder if that might be changed by putting aftermarket sights on the VP9.

HK VP9 Holsters

Mon, 06/16/2014 - 12:00

One of the biggest concerns when a new gun hits the market is “what holsters will fit this gun?” To provide a valuable service for our readers, I’ve been testing the VP9 with various brands of holsters to see what fits and what doesn’t. Here is the complete list of holsters I’ve tested that fit the HK VP9:


The Open Carry Experience, Part 5: Comfort and concealment

Mon, 06/16/2014 - 11:00

I have to say one thing for open carry – it’s a lot easier to carry a full size pistol openly than it is to conceal it. But is that comfort really worth the increased risk, public awareness, and potential for negative attention?


DVD Review “A Women’s Guide To Firearms”

Mon, 06/16/2014 - 10:30

As a predominantly self taught shooter, I respect the gathering of information from multiple sources in the name of learning & growth. Generally, I would put hands-on one-on-one training with a certified instructor who comes highly recommended, at the very top of the list. However, first timers often feel overwhelmed by all the information being thrown at them and many instructors are pretty awful teachers. So when I saw a DVD entitled, “A Woman’s Guide To Firearms” I was too curious not to hit “Buy Now”! And how could I not??!?! Major Dad is in it!!


Beretta USA Announces “Faces of the M9″ Campaign

Mon, 06/16/2014 - 09:20

Accokeek, MD (June 3rd, 2014) – Beretta U.S.A. launches a new campaign for the M9 handgun in conjunction with the upcoming 30th anniversary of the adoption of the firearm by the U.S. Armed Services. The “Faces of the M9” campaign will feature stories from active duty military and veterans who tell how the Beretta M9 has been a part of their service to the country.


Heckler & Koch VP9 Review

Fri, 06/13/2014 - 10:36

The rumors started about the same time the HK P30 came out: “Is Heckler & Koch going to make a striker fired gun?” They continued until reaching a crescendo at SHOT Show 2014, where everyone assumed that HK would announce the new striker fired pistol. But then it didn’t happen. It didn’t happen at NRA Annual Meetings in 2014 either, and many people were left scratching their heads. But HK did have a striker fired pistol in the works, but they weren’t going to release until they were good and ready. Now it’s here, and the question is can it live up to the hype?


Photo of the day: Are you not entertained?

Thu, 06/12/2014 - 14:00

Yes, that’s an HK VP9 magazine. I swear, I’ve gotten more requests for a photo like this than I have for actual content about the gun.

The Open Carry Experience Part 4: Our own worst enemy

Thu, 06/12/2014 - 13:00

Cracked has an article about Open Carry Texas. I agree with the general points made in the article, and it illustrates the biggest problem I have with Open Carry: the actions of a few extreme actors come to represent gun culture as a whole, and they’re hurting the cause. It’s almost like I said something along these lines yesterday:

