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Updated: 1 week 12 hours ago

Crimson Trace Continues Limited Edition Offer

Thu, 06/12/2014 - 12:00

(Wilsonville, OR) – Crimson Trace, the recognized industry leader in laser sighting systems and tactical lights for firearms, continues to make and offer the popular Limited Edition Master Series™ 20th Anniversary Lasergrips®. This new product will fit most full-size 1911 pistols and is part of the company’s popular Master Series of laser sight systems.


HK VP9 Gallery

Thu, 06/12/2014 - 10:09

The box is very simple.


Lessons from Las Vegas

Thu, 06/12/2014 - 09:12

If you’ve been paying attention in the last week, you’ve doubtless heard about a pretty horrific event in Las Vegas. Two worthless dregs of society walked into a CiCi’s Pizza place where a couple of police officers were having lunch and ambushed the officers, shooting one in the back of the head while he got a soda and killing the other before he could get his sidearm into the fight. The national media has made these jackasses famous, cooperating nicely with their desired end result. The two officers who were murdered in cold blood, Igor Soldo and Alyn Beck become footnotes in the story as the media tries to grind a political axe by pinning a couple of violent nutcases on political movements that don’t meet with Madison Avenue approval. Such is the curse of our modern age: All we get is spin. All spin, all the time. News isn’t really news in the sense we traditionally think of it. It’s not objective recounting of facts, it’s all a “narrative”. A story. Stories designed to promote a particular political orthodoxy above all others.


Photo of the day: HK VP9

Wed, 06/11/2014 - 15:39

Yes. So much yes.

Demolition Ranch wins the internet today

Wed, 06/11/2014 - 14:00

Their roast of popular youtube gun channels is pretty spot on; I literally laughed out loud at his impression of Erika from the Range Time videos. I don’t normally subscribe to gun channels on YouTube (because most of them are terrible), but I really like Demolition Ranch. They’re fun!

90 Second Gun reviews: DPMS AR15 pistol with SB15 brace

Wed, 06/11/2014 - 13:00

Let’s face it, this gun is not practical, it’s not really reliable…and none of that matters at all. It’s fun. As it turns out, fun is important!

The Open Carry Experience Part 3: Mindset

Wed, 06/11/2014 - 12:00

This is the third installment in our series on Open Carry. Here are the previous installments: Part 1, Part 2.


Gun Control by the Numbers

Wed, 06/11/2014 - 11:10

Again today we can hear the president speaking about the need for gun control legislation. This time, as has been the case since Sandy Hook, it is the school shootings that have got him riled up. However, I imagine the his comments would have been similar had it been a shooting by a child playing with a gun found in a home, or a hunting accident. We can postulate endlessly about WHY the president is anti-gun, but I’d like to focus for a minute on the facts. While doing some research for a past post I stumbled on to a great resource. THe CDC, which is based in Atlanta offers a publicly searchable database of reported cases of injury and death in the US. As with all statistics, the data can be spun in a number of ways. So I sat down with a statistician, to see where the president should really place the blame.

MasterPiece Arms Limited Edition MPA 930SST Available Only Through

Wed, 06/11/2014 - 10:30

The 100 Limited Edition two-tone Cerakote® finish MPA930SST will feature special serial numbers and Certificate of Authenticity


The racism of gun control

Wed, 06/11/2014 - 09:24

If the Oregon school shooting had happened in Chicago with African-Americans, the media never would have reported it. #liberal #racism

— Gun Nuts Media (@gunnutsmedia) June 11, 2014

It’s sad but true. Minorities can shoot each other up all day long, in schools, out of schools, and the media doesn’t bat an eye. Two black kids in Compton killing each other isn’t news, it’s a statistic. A white kid in Oregon shoots some people up, and there is a huge article on CNN and the President is asking for more gun control. This raises the question, why do the media, the President, and gun control advocates not care about black people? Why are the only victims of “gun crime” that they care about white?

Open carry gear: Safariland ALS holster with Colt 1911

Tue, 06/10/2014 - 13:30

For the OC experiment, I wanted to practice what I preach. That means a proper retention holster. Yesterday, I wore a Galco M4, which was a pretty good choice, but the narrow paddle was uncomfortable for all day wear. I remembered that I had a spare ALS for a 1911 sitting around, so I put a Safariland paddle on the ALS and am now using that. It’s more comfortable, and the on-belt retention is better, but the smaller release on the ALS gives up a bit of speed to the Galco.

Larry Correia on #yesallwomen and the foolishness of “teaching men not to rape”

Tue, 06/10/2014 - 12:30

One of the favorite topics of the #yessallwombyns crowd is rape. Rape is an evil crime. Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum we can all agree that rape is bad. Everybody who isn’t a scumbag criminal would like to see it end. The difference is that conservatives live in reality where human nature and history demonstrate that wishful thinking is useless, and libprogs live in a fantasy wonderland where the idea of fighting back against rapists is somehow bad and the real problem is that somebody just needed to teach rapists not to rape. – Larry Correia

The Naive Idiocy of Teaching Rapists Not To Rape.

HK VP9 news

Tue, 06/10/2014 - 11:30

Heckler and Koch is sending us a VP9 for review. First off, that’s awesome, because this is the first HK pistol I’ve been genuinely excited about in a long time. I like the hammer fired guns, but they never really clicked with me. I guess if I’m getting a gun with a hammer on it, I feel like it should say “Beretta” on the slide.


Open carry experience, part 2

Tue, 06/10/2014 - 10:37

Yesterday was my first day actually open carrying a gun around real people. I took the dog for a walk in the park, like I do every day. But today it was different, because my mind was screaming at me the whole time “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU’RE CARRYING A GUN OUT IN THE OPEN WHERE GOD AND EVERYONE CAN SEE IT THIS IS WEIRD.” Contrary to popular belief, I am not so desperate for attention as to want negative attention, which is what I sure I would attract. Of course, nothing of the sort happened, and anyone that did look at me was looking at the dog anyway, because let’s face it the dog is awesome.


Fobus Holsters and Mission First Tactical Announce Joint Director of Sales and Operations

Tue, 06/10/2014 - 09:41

BENSALEM, PA- Fobus Holster and Mission First Tactical are pleased to welcome Matt Smith on board to serve in a dual role as the Director of Sales and Operations for both brands. Matt brings over nine-years of experience to the position, with an extensive background in the outdoor industry and a focus on the shooting sports, in particular. Previously, Matt held the position of shooting buyer at United Sporting Companies. His prior years of experience in sales development were in the banking industry.


SilencerCo Announces New Partnership With Top-Tier Firearm Distributor

Mon, 06/09/2014 - 14:00

WEST VALLEY CITY, UTAH – June 2, 2014 | Beginning immediately, consumers will be able to purchase SilencerCo’s market-leading firearm sound suppressors and accessories through one of the top premium distributors in the gun industry.


Photo of the day: Battle-damaged Battlemag

Mon, 06/09/2014 - 13:00

Here’s a close look at the damage from the .223 round. It’s not my best shot, to be honest. I missed the spine and creased the mag, but the bullet clearly tumbled and took out that big chunk out of the front. The spring on the inside of the mag was also all kinked up from where the bullet creased it.

The shotgun test and the pistol test were mostly just clowning around, but this was actually impressive. I couldn’t believe the magazine held together, and also held all the cartridges correctly and fed them. I was genuinely impressed by this result.

Troy Battlemag Torture Test Part 3

Mon, 06/09/2014 - 12:00

We’re releasing this one early, because I honestly couldn’t wait to get it out there. Part 3 of the Battlemag test has me shooting one with a .223, with pretty impressive results. Next week I throw one into the fires of mount doom.

Training to fight vs training to compete

Mon, 06/09/2014 - 11:00

Mike Seeklander, who is both a serious competition shooter and a top notch defensive trainer has an excellent article up about the differences and similarities between training to fight vs training to compete. Most interesting for our purposes is the link between gun manipulations and success in a self-defense incident. From the article:


