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A modern twist of Molon Labe
Updated: 2 days 20 hours ago

Freedom From Federal Spying Takes Huge Step Forward

Mon, 06/01/2015 - 12:52

In a good day for Liberty in America, the illegal, invasive and unconstitutional spying program run by the NSA against US Citizens has been scrapped in part by the Senate failing to pass an extension.


Maine Poised To Join States With Constitutional Carry

Fri, 05/29/2015 - 12:21

In big news the Maine Senate has passed legislation for Constitutional Carry by a vote of 21-14.


Carjacker picks wrong target, held at gunpoint by driver until police arrive (video)

Fri, 05/22/2015 - 11:52

Another happy ending to a potential tragedy.  This one comes with video.  In short, carjacker hops into the passenger side door of a car and tells the driver that a carjacking is going down.  That’s when things go sideways for Mr. Carjacker.


Hurricane Seasons Coming, Floridians Grab Your Guns

Fri, 05/22/2015 - 11:08

When Hurricane Season begins on June 1st, if Floridians have to be evacuated not only will they be allowed to bring their children, their pets and their valuables but will also be allowed to legally carry their guns, even without a weapons permit.


A Cavalcade of Court Wins For the 2nd Amendment This Past Week

Tue, 05/19/2015 - 10:48

In the past 8 days or so, a number of victories both big and small have popped up in courts all over the North East.


Escaped Fugitive Meets Business End of Female Homeowners Firearm

Tue, 05/19/2015 - 10:04

There’s an old adage that 2nd Amendment supporters like to tell people when they are asked why they carry a gun.  It goes: When seconds count, police are minutes away.


New York City, Citadel of Gun Control Beset By Muggings and Random Acts of Violence

Tue, 05/12/2015 - 11:44

New York City, home of some of the most stringent gun control policies in the nation and of gun control gestapo head Michael Bloomberg has seen a sharp uptick of the victimization of its citizens by roves of thugs and criminals.


Instead of Mercedes SUV, Carjacker gets bullet to the chest from Armed Citizen

Fri, 05/08/2015 - 13:29

In one of those feel good stories that the lamestream media assures you never happens, a carjacker was stopped dead in his tracks (literally) when he decided to jack a car in the wrong parking lot.


GoFundMe: Unless you support God, Guns or Cops

Wed, 05/06/2015 - 11:59

With the internet reaching new and innovative ways to impact peoples lives a relatively recent phenomenon has begun called crowd sourcing.  Basically the idea that if you have an idea, a dream, a need, a cause or a desire that you would like to have funded you go through a site and have an online money drive.


After 3 Years Gun Owning Senior Wins Lawsuit Against Crooked Cops Who Stole His Firearms

Sat, 04/25/2015 - 13:03

It took three long years, but 75 year old Arthur Lovi finally had his day in court and the police department of Arlington Heights, Illinois were on the losing end of an $80,000 ruling.


School Moves to Become Big Brother and Ban Off Campus Activities like Squirt Guns

Wed, 04/22/2015 - 14:21

Once again a educational institution is taking it upon themselves to promote the irrational mouth breathing stance against guns OFF campus.


The Military Doesn’t Win Wars with Flowers and Peace Signs

Fri, 04/17/2015 - 12:47

In today’s article I’m going to enlighten you on what it looks like when a group of politicians have their heads crammed so far up their fourth point of contact all they breathe in is their out fetid absurdity.


Oregon Gun Grabbers Love a Bill that Only Infringes on Law-Abiding Oregonians

Fri, 04/17/2015 - 12:18

I love living in Pennsylvania. Even when my fellow Keystone Staters crap the bed and elect us a corrupt gun grabbing AG and a self professed anti gun Governor, for the most part PA comes through it on the right side of sings.


Appearance on NRA News Criticizing Everytown’s Misogynistic Campaign Against Young Women

Mon, 04/13/2015 - 17:06

I appeared on NRA News on Tuesday, March 24th, 2015, to discuss the problem with Everytown for Gun Safety’s latest misinformation campaign targeting young women who support gun rights and concealed carry.


Gun Free Zone Succeeds Again in Helping Criminal Murder Unarmed Victim

Mon, 04/13/2015 - 16:30

I wonder if it surprises anyone anymore, I mean really surprises them, when a shooting takes place in a gun free zone.  Because if it does they must either be completely delusional or haven’t been paying attention.


Wheelchair Bound Man that Bloomberg Wants Disarmed Kills 2 Home Invaders

Sun, 03/22/2015 - 12:15

Remember, not so long ago when New York City’s racist former Mayor Michael Bloomberg went on and on about how black people commit so much crime that we need to instill more gun control in order to keep “them” under control?


Build a Rocket Stove On The Cheap

Sun, 03/22/2015 - 11:36

With all the politics, legislation and real tales of self defense that gets covered here on Bullets First sometimes I like to mix it up a bit when I find something interesting that is 2nd Amendment adjacent.


Heartwarming tale of respect for a WW2 Veteran

Mon, 03/16/2015 - 17:30

It always touches me when a random act of kindness is displayed to one of America’s veterans.


SHOCKER: Democrats in New York reject Ethics Reform Measures

Mon, 03/16/2015 - 17:05

So anyone who has read Bullets First with any regularity knows how I feel about the Empire State, it’s corrupt bottom feeding politicians and it’s rules for thee not for thee mentality of the intelligentsia therein.


With the end of Black History Month I Ask: Black Community…What The Hell?

Sun, 03/01/2015 - 16:15

When I was growing up I remember hearing stories of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr and his non violent fight for equality.


