The Truth About Guns

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Exploring the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns
Updated: 4 days 16 hours ago

(WGWYG) Which Gun Would You Grab: Kahr PM9 vs. DoubleTap

Wed, 10/16/2013 - 20:00

On paper, the TTAG 3-Star review DoubleTap has it all over the Kahr PM9. It’s cheaper ($499 vs. $786 retail). It shoots .45 caliber bullets (famous for stopping speeding locomotives with a single round) vs. the Kahr’s 9mm pills. The DoubleTap’s also more concealable in every direction and way more iPhone-esque. Then again, the Kahr gives you 6+1 chances to stop a credible imminent threat of death or grievous bodily harm and a seven-round spare mag to stay in the fight. The DoubleTap has (surprise!) two rounds and offers no reasonable expectation of a combat reload. I know which one I’

Incendiary Image of the Day: Official Illinois Gun-Free Zone Card

Wed, 10/16/2013 - 19:00

The Illinois State Police have released the legally-binding design for private property owners in the Land of Lincoln who want to turn their property into a criminal enrichment zone. Here’s the official 411:

Owners of any statutorily prohibited area or private property, excluding residences, where the owner prohibits the carrying of firearms must clearly and conspicuously post the Illinois State Police approved sign, in accordance with Firearm Concealed Carry Act, at the entrance of the building, premises or real property. Please refer to Section 65 (Prohibited Areas) of the Firearm Concealed Carry Act for more information on statutory requirement

Why is Government Overreach So Hard to Believe?

Wed, 10/16/2013 - 18:00


By Don Urbatsch

The new release of The Hunger Games is coming out soon and it got me thinking. I’ve read the series as I have children in the target demographic and I like to be up on the popular culture and personally verify the media that they consume. What I was thinking however is, how can the concept of a tyrannical, elitist, overreaching government be such an easy concept to accept in a work of young adult fiction, but be dismissed as having the proverbial snowball’s chance in hell of ever happening in our reality? . . .

There must be a name for this social phenomenon. I wouldn’t know what it is, but I believe it’s a function of the length of time a society is removed from certain historical events. The founders of our country were acutely aware of their own history and if you tried to suggest that a government would never overreach its constitutional authority, I

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Tunica County Sheriff’s Deputy Angela White

Wed, 10/16/2013 - 17:00

“Horn Lake police say the gun of a Tunica County sheriff’s deputy, who received an apparently self-inflicted wound, has disappeared from the scene,” the reports. Now there’s something you don’t read everyday. Or take at face value. ”The shooting occurred about 6:30 a.m. Thursday in the parking lot of a Horn Lake apartment complex as the deputy, Angela White, was getting out of her car. The gun, which was inside her purse, fired and the bullet hit the deputy in the side. Investigators said she apparently dropped her purse a

Hackensack, NJ Police Director Calls for National Gun Buyer Fingerprinting

Wed, 10/16/2013 - 16:00

“I support a civilian’s right to bear arms and protect the home and possess firearms,” Michael Mordaga tells, “if allowed to have one.” See what he did there? The civilian director of the Hackensack police supports New Jersey residents’ right to bear arms and protect the home. If a Hackensack resident wants to bear arms outside the home, fuhgeddaboutit. And clock that caveat: “if allowed to have one.” According to who, exactly? Why, the

Name That Gun: And Who Owned It Edition

Wed, 10/16/2013 - 15:00


IDing the make and model of this revolver isn’t going to present TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia with much of a challenge. It’s hardly an exotic firearms. The mystery here: who owned it? And once you’ve got that sorted, what other guns did he own?

Chuck Norris: How to Improve Church Security—Without Guns!

Wed, 10/16/2013 - 14:00

Over at Ammoland, action movie star turned columnist Chuck Norris responds to a USA Today article warning of increased violence in churches over the holiday period. The obvious answer: hire Chuck Norris for security! Failing that, get in touch with your inner Chuck Norris (WWCND). Nope. That’s not how the world famous Okie rolls. Norris recommends a bunch of books and websites on the subject and then, finally, makes with the bullet points . . .

* Seek out church safety seminars and training conventions, such as those offered by Chinn or the National Organization of Church Security and Safety Management (

Supreme Court to Hear Form 4473 Perjury Case

Wed, 10/16/2013 - 13:00


Travel back with me now to those dark days when the post-Newtown gun control furies were raging at their ragingest. Double Barrel Joe Biden had been tasked with leading the disarmament push (thank you, Mr. President), and after much sturm und drang, representatives of the NRA were summoned to the White House for an audience with the veep and his “gun violence task force”…as if anything said at that meeting would actually affect the gun-grabbing approach to be taken by the Senate or the administration. One of the primary objections raised by the NRA and others on the pro-gun rights side was that current laws aren’t being enforced, so piling on more laws would be a waste of time and legislative effort. For instance, there had been only 44 prosecutions of over 72,000 instances of false answers on from 4473 in 2010. Do you remember Uncle Joe’s retort? . . .


Gun Review: Colt .380 Mustang

Wed, 10/16/2013 - 12:00

Concealed carry guns are about the fastest growing segment of firearm sales these days. With the number of concealed carry permit holders skyrocketing and the impending addition of the Land of Lincoln to the list of places where the right to defend yourself outside your home is recognized, gun manufacturers have been cranking out pocket-sized heaters faster than the bon-bons at Lucille Ball’s chocolate factory. And while some of those guns have been real winners, there have definitely been some real stinkers as well. Colt’s .380 Mustang XSP is a brand new polymer-framed version of their classic Mustang pocket pistol, but is it an improvement? . . .

I carry a 1911 handgun as my concealed carry gun. I used to lug a full-sized nickel plated 1911, but I’ve

New From Hazard 4: Watson Lumbar Chest Pack

Wed, 10/16/2013 - 11:00

While ‘on the hip or in the safe’ is obviously the preferred way to go, we all know that plenty of people regularly pack off-body. And if you’re gonna carry in something you have to carry, you might as well carry in something tactical, ammiright? Hazard 4 sure hopes you do since they make what they call “progressive tactical” luggage. Sure, you could use their new Watson as a diaper bag and it would work just fine. But it also has a main compartment Velcro patch to add one of their Stickup holsters to accommodate your preferred pistol. They don’t really do press releases, but make the jump for features and specs . . .



_ external front pockets fit multiple rifle/pistol magazines

Budget EDC For CCW: Benchmade HK ‘Soldat’, ‘Plan D’

Wed, 10/16/2013 - 10:00

It’s okay to be dubious about gun-branded knives, especially when they’re a backup to your gun-branded gun. Plenty of smart gunnies carry Smith & Wesson handguns, but the S&W knives you see at gun shows are just garbage. Heckler & Koch makes particularly nice handguns if you have the means, but they’re no stranger to the term ‘badge engineering,’ either. Luckily, the boys from Oberndorf are pretty finicky when it comes to their manufacturing partners . . .

Jump over to The Truth About Knives for more.

Max McGuire Dodges a Bullet in D.C.

Wed, 10/16/2013 - 09:00

New Jersey --( The weekend of October 11-13, 2013 I attended the Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington D.C. As I prepared to leave my home in New Jersey early that Friday morning, I began the process of cleaning out the car and loading up my packed bags. With my suitcase, garment bag, and laptop case safely secured, I reversed out of my driveway and began my three and a half hour journey to the nation’s capital. As I reached the end of my street, a thought suddenly popped into my head, causing me to pull into a nearby gas station. I turned off the ignition, and walked around to the trunk of the car. Lo and behold, my fear became a reality . . .

Tucked under my suitcase and laptop bag sat my target-shooting range bag.<

Quote of the Day: Is That A Trick Question Edition

Wed, 10/16/2013 - 08:00

“Who would you rather meet on the streets of Chicago? A recently released parolee who has spent three mandatory years in Illinois’ crowded and under-resourced prison system or an offender who has completed an intensive evidence-based alternative sentencing program that is proven to reduce recidivism?” – John Maki, executive director, The John Howard Association, quoted in Prison watchdog group opposes boosting gun violation sentences [via

ATF Stops Processing ALL NFA Paperwork

Wed, 10/16/2013 - 07:00


One of the users at The Firearm Blog has called the ATF and it seems like they have stopped processing all NFA paperwork as a result of the shutdown.

I called [the BATFE] today and Vicky (a pleasant sounding lady who answered the phone) said they have been affected by the government shutdown.  Staff furloughed, no applications are being processed, nor can they check status.  My Form 4 was sent in Feb 2013, so who knows when I’ll see it.

I guess the ATF is not an essential government function.

Daily Digest: Interpretive Firepower Edition

Tue, 10/15/2013 - 21:00

No (GLOCK-brand GLOCK) blue guns for you. TS writes, “I was looking for a SIG P229 blue training gun and I noticed a big green notice on the top of their page. Why would GLOCK forbid sales to the general public?” Your guess is as good as mine.

Glock has recently issued a New Contract with Ring’s Manufacturing Inc. (BLUEGUNS) to manufacture Glock Blueguns as we have been doing for the past 10 years. This new contract states that Glock restricts the sale of Glock Blueguns to the Public. We are restricted to selling Glock Blueguns to the Police, Military, Trainers, Police Distributors, or Holster Manufacturers. We ask that our customers abide by these rules and refrain from offering Glock Blueguns to the Public on the Internet, Publications or General Catalogs. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your support.

Taking a page from Emily Miller’s playbook, a Massachusetts reporter has written a series of articles detai

I Challenged Brandy Richardson to Defend Off-Body Carry . . .

Tue, 10/15/2013 - 20:00

I’m not buying it. Floral patterned bags are way too flyover for me. Seriously, purse carry is a bad idea. For one thing, a carrier and her bag will soon be parted. At that point, the unarmed American’s got to worry about theft and the possibility that their firearm won’t be there when they need it. Secondly, as Brandy pointed out (and demonstrated) extraction is a bitch. Sure, there are bespoke concealed carry bags. And yes, “a” gun is better than no gun. But only until someone steals it. Then you’re back to no gun for you and a new gun for the bad guy, who might still be in the vicinity. The solution: on-body carry a smaller gun and/or change the way you dress. Women have so many more clothing options than [most] men. At the risk of alienating a new contributor, decide to carry it the right way. Three million failiaphotography viewers can’t all be men

Cleveland Suspends 63 Cops for Fatal Car Chase. For Less Than A Week

Tue, 10/15/2013 - 19:00

“The nighttime chase began last November when an officer thought he heard a gunshot from a car speeding by the police station in downtown Cleveland. A parking lot attendant thought it might have been a car backfire, a theory endorsed by the driver’s family,” reports. “The officer jumped into his patrol car and radioed for help. The chase went through neighborhoods, onto Interstate 90, and eventually ended in East Cleveland. Driver Timothy Russell, 43, was shot 23 times and passenger Malissa Williams, 30, was shot 24 times.” And so to the aftermath of that fateful, firearms-intensive pig pile…can you say slap on the wrist? . . .

Police Chief Michael McGrath said the suspensions were the result of disciplinary hearings, and violations ra

NRA-ILA: “The ATF Cited Not a Single Case in which an NFA Firearm Transferred to a Legal Entity was used in the Commission of a Crime”

Tue, 10/15/2013 - 18:00


The National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) is fighting the push by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (And Really Big Fires) (BATFE) to make it more difficult for Americans to own firearms covered by the National Firearms Act (NFA). The NRA-ILA’s issued the following call-to-action . . .

As we previously reported, the Obama administration, via the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, has proposed a new rule governing appli

Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Cutaway Silencers

Tue, 10/15/2013 - 16:00

Kevin Brittingham has quite the selection of silencers in his collection. Every silencer company in the world looks at their competitors’ products to see what they’re up to and while some are happy with simply having x-ray images of the internals, Kevin likes to actually saw the cans in half to examine their guts. Make the jump to get a closer look at some of the autopsy photos . . .
