Daily Caller G&G
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Updated: 1 week 4 days ago
NY Gun Control Legislator’s Bill Based On Completely Faulty Premise
Sen. Myrie’s proposal would be akin to a state allowing a lawsuit to be brought against Ford for the actions of a drunk driver that killed someone after getting behind the wheel.
HOOBER: Compact Pistols And The Distance Dilemma – Sometimes The Gun Matters A Little
You see, one of the specific threats to the average Joe or Jane in the modern era is the "active shooter" or "mass shooter."
One Week After Chipman Flaunted His Anti-Gun Bias, Where Do The Senators Stand?
Chipman, who until recently was a lobbyist for Giffords gun control group, was nomination by President Biden to be the director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).
Columbia Journalism Review Sets New Standards For Biased Reporting
Journalism needs to return to fundamental fact reporting and truth telling.
On Memorial Day, We Celebrate Such Men And Women Because They Lived
There’s a serenity about Section 60 at Arlington National Cemetery. It is a peaceful place. It’s where I choose to celebrate Memorial Day.
HOOBER: “Game Of Thrones” And Tax Stamps
In recent years, a lot of people have advocated for non-compliance with these regulations.
David Chipman Will Tax And Register Your AR-15 If He Can’t Ban Them
“With respect to the AR-15, I support a ban.”
Bloomberg’s Gun Control Push His ‘News’ Site & The Chinese Communist Party
Top-level Bloomberg media executives have been cozying up to high-level CCP leaders for years.
Gun Control Police Chief’s AR-15s Are Missing
This incident should end Chief Acevedo’s preaching that AR-15 rifles can only be trusted to be used by the police.
Hoober: An Ever So Slight Reappraisal Of The “Truck Gun” Concept
Now, when it comes to protesters stopping vehicles, the dividing line is not that they've stopped you or said some nasty things. It's when they either are about to shoot your car, or pull you out of it.
Texas Proposes Pro-2A Law That Leaves Big Banks Quaking In Their Boots
The bill, SB 19, is termed the Firearm Industry Nondiscrimination (FIND) Act and would end discrimination by corporate entities against the firearm industry if those companies wanted to do business with the state.
Hoober: What If There Were No More AR-15s?
Believe it or not, people were able to defend themselves with guns before semi-auto pistols or rifles were a thing.
TROY Industries Leaving Massachusetts For Tennessee
TROY projects it will offer 75 new jobs in the Montgomery County area.
NYC Mayor Candidate Says ‘I’ll Carry’
Adams’ bluntness and focus on the city’s security problem earned him voter attention.
Gun Control Spends Bigly. What Are They Buying?
Gun control made large campaign contributions to elect candidates to Congress and to put their guy in The White House.
Hoober: Besides A Gun This Is The Most Important Thing You Need For Open Carry
Open carry is a hot potato in the gun community.
Survey Says: President Biden Antigun Democrats Off On Gun Control Support
Public polling paints a different picture of America’s appetite for gun control. Survey says: Americans do not want new gun control laws.
What The New York Times Refused To Report About The Gun Industry
Accusations that the “gun lobby” is keeping ATF “outgunned” and outdated are flatly false.
Mayor de Blasio Still Gets The Crime Problem Wrong
For New York City’s Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio, the gun is the problem, not the criminal.
Hoober: The Instances In Which It Might Be The Gun
Too long a trigger reach is more problematic than too short of one.