Myth vs Reality

Myth and Reality


A lot of "Gun Control" advocates claim things they clearly can not deliver like, more laws will equal less crime.  Well here is a list of some of their arguments and some rebuttals.  More will be added but just putting them in one place should give us all some information.



Colion Noir, NRA News Commentator

Hypothetically, universal background checks, assault weapon bans, and high capacity magazine bans should make it harder for criminals to get and use guns to kill innocent people.

    In reality, criminals already get their guns illegally. Creating more gun laws doesn’t affect them; they’ll just keep doing what they’re already doing.


Hypothetically, a law banning all guns should eliminate all guns.    

    In reality, laws only stop people who decide to follow them, the same people you claim you want to protect.


Hypothetically, cops should be all we need for protection.   

    In reality, when a criminal is in your house it’s better to have a gun in your nightstand than a cop 10 minutes away.


Hypothetically, a place like prison should shock the conscious and rehabilitate criminals.

    In reality, prisons tend to function like a training facility where inmates improve their criminal abilities. 
