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Updated: 4 days 8 hours ago

Reloading 101 – Adjusting Reloading Dies

Sun, 08/31/2014 - 17:00
Even once you’ve selected all your preferred reloading equipment and begun using it, perfecting your reloaded ammunition can be surprisingly complex. I’ve had a number of questions, both from EMs and in person at the range, regarding the correct ways to adjust reloading dies. These are not simple questions, as pretty much every type of [&hellip...

Geissele Automatics Gas Block Tools Make My Life Easier

Sat, 08/30/2014 - 17:00
I can recall building my first couple of AR-15 rifles and it taking just short of forever to install that “stupid” roll pin (or, at least, that’s how I felt about it at first) into the gas block for the gas tube. If you have ever had the great pleasure of installing (or removing) a gas tube roll [&hellip...

Ruger 22/45 Lite .22 LR Pistol – Complete Review

Sat, 08/23/2014 - 17:00
Much of my foundational marksmanship development was learned with a Ruger predecessor to the 22/45, the Ruger Mark III Target. As many fond memories as I have with that classic pistol, I can recall as many frustrating flashbacks of how I never did get the hang of shooting with it. When my dad was first [&hellip...

AR-15 Gear: Strike Industries Ultimate Dust Cover

Tue, 08/19/2014 - 17:00
Installing an AR-15 dust cover can be a real pain in the butt, but it doesn’t have to be. I’ll admit, with my AR builds, I’ve often dreaded the point in the assembly where I have to spend way too much time struggling to install a simple dust cover. When I’m working on a new [&hellip...

Reloading 101 – Crimping (Revisted) Part 3

Sun, 08/17/2014 - 17:00
In my last two articles on crimping I covered some general issues as well as some specific issues relating to semi-automatics and revolvers. In this final article on the subject, I’ll be looking at some different types of projectiles, and their related crimping considerations. Crimping Considerations for Projectiles When I discussed projectiles, I identified some [&hellip...

Photo Friday: M&P22 Compact

Fri, 08/15/2014 - 17:00
Smith and Wesson has responded to a demand for .22 LR pistol options by releasing a brand new M&P pistol: the S&W M&P22 Compact. Yes, they’ve had the regular full-size M&P22 pistol out for a while. But now, those looking for a frame that’s a bit more snug to tote to the range will have something that [&hellip...

Using Airsoft for Defensive Firearms Training

Wed, 08/13/2014 - 17:00
When I began shooting I learned much of my target skills from using BB guns in a range my parents built in the basement.  This gave me a great foundation for my target shooting abilities. Gradually, I began using larger caliber firearms and learning more about managing recoil. This led me to begin defensive shooting [&hellip...

Reloading on A Budget: The Lee Hand Press

Mon, 08/11/2014 - 17:00
A few years ago I got into the reloading game with Lee Loaders. These kits allow you to literally hammer together custom ammunition with little need for additional gadgets. But unfortunately, the pistol loaders resize the brass cases when reloading. That is good so you can use the new rounds in many guns, but it takes much [&hellip...

TAG Team Welcomes Writer Jarrod Needs

Sun, 08/10/2014 - 17:00
On behalf of The Arms Guide, I’m happy to welcome another gun writer—new to our team, but no stranger to the written firearms world, Jarrod Needs. Jarrod Needs is a defensive firearms instructor and writer based out of the Mansfield, OH area. He currently is the owner and lead instructor for Trigger Time LLC, which currently [&hellip...

Odin Works Extended Magazine Release: Boost Your AR-15

Tue, 08/05/2014 - 17:00
Looking to speed your AR-15 reloads? Then you may want to look into the Odin Works Extended Magazine Release. The Odin Works Extended Magazine Release is a straightforward little accessory. The lever swaps in place of your standard AR-15 mag release, resting nearly a half inch back on the lower receiver. That works more conveniently for [&hellip...

TAC-TIP: Proper Handgun Draw Part 2

Mon, 08/04/2014 - 17:00
The written part of this TAC-TIP will be brief, as there is an accompanying video with it (shown above). I felt that since I took over a year to bring this to The Arms Guide, I should do something a little different. Part 1 of this TAC-TIP concerned the handgun draw with regards to open [&hellip...

Which Bump Fire Stock Is For You?

Sun, 08/03/2014 - 17:00
Have you heard of bump fire? If you own an AR- 15 or AK-47, odds are, you have. Fortunately for those of us interested in a non-NFA alternative to a fun switch, there are two companies that have made a stock to make this easier: Slide Fire Solutions and Fostech. Both make a stock to aid in [&hellip...

Reloading 101 – Crimping (Revisted) Part 2

Sat, 08/02/2014 - 17:00
In my last article I commenced a discussion on crimping, covering some general issues. In this article I’d like to concentrate on crimping considerations specific to semi-autos and revolvers. Why is Crimping Different for Semi-Autos and Revolvers? In my previous article, I indicated the generally accepted preference for roll crimps in revolver ammunition and taper [&hellip...

Photo Friday: The Mythical .22 LR – It’s REAL

Fri, 08/01/2014 - 17:00
I recently picked up a new range toy, a Ruger 22/45 Lite (expect a review coming soon). Naturally, that meant I needed a whole lot of .22 LR to put through it. Fortunately, I was able to dredge up enough magic to put a thousand rounds through the pistol. I had to capture photo evidence of [&hellip...

Birth of the Modern Wheelgun: Smith & Wesson I Frame Revolver

Thu, 07/31/2014 - 17:00
The Smith & Wesson I frame was that firm's first modern revolver. It laid the framework for Smith's influence in the handgun market today and was the making of the modern revolvers we have today. Lets shoot it

Shooting Range Basics and Etiquette

Wed, 07/30/2014 - 17:00
So you’ve bought your first gun and now you’re ready for the shooting range, right? As beginner shooters, we are all eager to get down to business and start sending rounds downrange. Though, before you even get to the range, there are some important things you’ll need to keep in mind. Here are a few tips [&hellip...

Photo Friday: SIG P224 Nitron & Neon

Fri, 07/25/2014 - 17:00
Happy Friday, friends! If you didn’t catch it, I posted my complete review of the SIG P224 subcompact in .357 SIG yesterday. I’d have to say, that .357 SIG round barks with authority, but the P224 isn’t out of control. I’m happy I finally got the chance to heat it up at the range. This [&hellip...

A Sub-Compact with Guts: SIG P224 Full Review

Thu, 07/24/2014 - 17:00
The scene is Las Vegas, NV. The event is my first first SHOT Show experience, year 2012. I, a shy female shooter, only newly introduced to the wide, and varied firearms culture outside of my own upbringing, was absolutely agape. Nothing could have prepared me for the sea of humanity surrounding thousands of islands of [&hellip...

Reloading 101: Crimping (Revisted) Part 1

Sun, 07/20/2014 - 17:00
Some time back I raised the topic of crimping as part of a discussion on reloading dies, and promised to address the issue more fully at a later date—which is now. What is Crimping? During reloading, cases are resized and the case mouth is expanded (belled) to accommodate a new projectile. Crimping is the final [&hellip...

3V Gear Backpacks – Top Quality That’s Affordable

Sat, 07/19/2014 - 17:00
Looking back, I can recall receiving a new backpack at the beginning of every new school year. Which reminds me, I have been out of high school for over 10 years now—does that make me old? Anyway, my backpacks would always wear out and need replacing, sometimes even half way through the school year. Because [&hellip...
