Mississippi Gun News
Now is the time for Mississippi Gun Owners to make a change in Washington
BY DANA CRISWELL – January 4, 2014
Now is the time for those of us who care about freedom, liberty, and limited government to stand up and say enough is enough. For years we’ve watch our elected officials make decisions based on what was good for themselves and their political party, ignoring the best interest of the country. We have government regulations that control and stifle business and government spending that is bankrupting our nation.
In Mississippi we’ve put up with elected officials who have done little or nothing to prevent the liberal agenda. Thad Cochran has been apart of this runaway government for six terms in the U.S. Senate. That’s 36 years, he is definitely part of the problem. He has had more than enough time to make a positive difference, but has chosen to vote in favor of big government. Known as the “King of Pork“, he has tied Mississippi to as many federal dollars as possible.
MWould you submit to the government or fight for your freedom?
Gun owners in Connecticut are faced with a decision that many of us never thought could come to a citizen of the United States. Do they obey the law and submit to a tyrannical government or do they stand against the government and face prison and financial ruin?
I’ve often heard it pondered just how Hitler could have ever come to power. How could he persuade so many citizens to submit to his tyranny. Many Germans disagreed with the Nazi Party and opposed almost everything Hitler was doing, yet they submitted. When discussing this dilemma many, including myself, see ourselves as stronger than the average German citizen, we believe we could stand up for freedom and liberty and we are very vocal in our stance against an oppressive government. But when faced with actual prison, our families losing the financial support we provide them, our kids unable to attend college, and our families becoming outcast from the community, how many of us would simply get in line and do as we are told?
Fellow gun owners in Connecticut are answering that question today. And like the German citizens of the 1930s many, most, have chosen to simple stand in l
Subjects of the Connecticut State Line Up to Avoid Prison
BY DANA CRISWELL – January 2, 2014
Pictured here are subjects of the Connecticut government standing in line to register their firearms and ammunition. On January 1, 2014, these gun owners are felons unless they completed the proper paperwork and were granted permission by the State to own “high capacity” magazines and “assault weapons” as defined by the State Rulers.
This line is coming to a State near you unless we learn the lesson of history. History proves that this is just the beginning, more registration is coming and it will be followed by confiscation unless we fight.
Freedom, Liberty, and the very core of this country is on the line. Its time to take this serious, ANY local, state, or federal politician who supports any law or ordinance that violates our right to keep and bear arms must be opposed and opposed strongly.
In Desoto County, MS our Sheriff posted “no gun” signs on the courthouse doors during the 2013
Check out these amazing high speed photos of guns
Happy New Year from Mississippi Gun News
Herra Kuulapaa is a Finnish photographer and experimentalist. His interests lie in imaging usually hidden things such as high speed ballistic events and dim objects of the sky. No obstacle is great enough to prevent him seeking new approaches or difficult technological photographical methods to reveal unseen world.
On the first day of 2014 we thought you might enjoy these greats photos.
Check out his website www.kuulapaa.com for more fun photos of guns.
Why I care so much about the gun issue
BY DANA CRISWELL – December 31, 2013
Over the course of 2013 I’ve been asked by several people, “Why do you care so much about the gun issue?”
Sometimes this question has been asked by local politicians who ask in a very derogatory manner, implying that I must be some crazy “gun-nut” who wants to carry a gun to prove a point. When they ask this question they seem to believe its the one question that exposes who I really am and it usually means they are finished with the discussion.
I’ve also been asked this question by friends who have a genuine interest in why I care about this issue. Usually these friends are not gun people and they really don’t understand why I am willing to spend my free time and money on this issue. These are the folks who believe in the second amendment, they often consider themselves conservative people but they just don’t understand why I car
Mississippi boy turns to the Wild West for adventure
BY RICK WARD – December 28, 2013
I remember growing up in Hollywood, MS. There wasn’t much there but my dad’s old garage, a cricket ranch, sawmill, couple of juke joints, a general store/post office, cotton gin and 2 churches, (1 white and 1 black). It was a small town in the Mississippi Delta and I would have never guessed that a famous outlaw came from my hometown.
I used to take old Highway 61 north to Robinsonville where I passed an old wooden building next to the railroad tracks with the word “Bowdre” on the side. Bowdre was never incorporated, it was just a stop along the way on the railroad in the 1880’