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Police Gear Reviews, Training and Officer Safety Tips.
Updated: 2 days 13 hours ago

Streamlight Polytac 90

Thu, 01/20/2011 - 01:53
Streamlight Inc.’s Polytac 90 flashlight is a small right angle-headed polymer LED flashlight with high performance and good value.  With an MSRP of $85, this light provides many thoughtful features. Powered by two CR123 3-volt lithium batteries, the LED emits either 170 or 17 lumens, depending on the setting.  There is also a strobe mode.  […]

Spyderco Yojimbo 2 Review [Updated]

Wed, 01/19/2011 - 17:11
In this Spyderco Yojimbo 2 review, I take a look at the new self-defense knife designed by Michael Janich. The knife debuted at the 2011 SHOT Show with Spyderco founder Sal Glesser delivering a prototype the day before the show.  Mr. Janich, a martial artist and Martial Blade Concepts innovator, gave us an in-depth look [scroll […]

Law Enforcement Armorer’s Certification Course

Thu, 01/13/2011 - 10:37
If you are like me, getting into training classes always seems like a minor miracle.  By the time you find the class you want, and then get your chain of command to approve it, the class is either fully booked or already finished.  Armorer’s schools seem to be the toughest of the bunch because of […]

Apex DCAEK M&P Trigger Kit Approved

Thu, 12/16/2010 - 22:01
The Smith & Wesson M&P pistol is becoming a more frequent sight on the hips of police officers throughout the US.  As it becomes more popular, more gadgets and upgrades are introduced for it. One of the complaints that some officers have about the M&P series is the trigger is “mushy.”  While I have no […]

Another Law Enforcement Training Death

Fri, 09/24/2010 - 10:18
In what has become an unbelievably hard circumstance to realize, another police officer has lost his life during a firearms training exercise. On September 15, 2010, St. Joseph, Missouri police officer Dan DeKraai was killed in the line of duty while attending force-on-force training for the Department’s SWAT Team.  At the time of his death […]

Taurus Model 380 Revolver [Updated]

Mon, 06/07/2010 - 06:34
When Taurus introduced the new Model 380 back in 2010, I doubt they realized what a hit they would have. In retrospect, it may be easy to understand. This is a .380 ACP revolver in a small frame that could make a great pocket or backup gun – perfect for concealed carry and personal defense. […]

Review of the BLACKHAWK! Be-Wharned Knife

Thu, 06/03/2010 - 11:25
I just posted a Blackhawk Be-Wharned knife review at our sister site, Knives in law enforcement have been somewhat controversial recently. Frankly, I do not understand why. After all, a knife is a common tool that is carried and used by millions of people in the United States every single day. Why should it […]

Berghuis v. Thompkins: Supreme Court Clarifies “Right to Remain Silent”

Tue, 06/01/2010 - 18:30
The US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) published its opinion in Berghuis v. Thompkins on Tuesday, stating that invoking the right to remain silent requires the suspect to make an actual announcement that he does not want to speak to the police. The right to remain silent is a major portion of the Miranda decision, as is […]

New Streamlight Strion LED HP

Fri, 03/05/2010 - 05:00
Streamlight announced the new Strion LED HP flashlight at the 2010 SHOT Show.  The HP is the next evolution of the Strion flashlight, bringing a much brighter light and strobe function to the compact flashlight. From Streamlight: Streamlight®, a leading provider of lighting equipment for law enforcement, tactical and military professionals, has introduced a high […]

Steyr SSG 08 Sniper Rifle Review

Tue, 02/23/2010 - 11:20
Most of those who recognize the name Steyr immediately think of the Steyr AUG series rifles with their unique European minded design that sets them apart from most patrol rifles used in the United States.  That design creates a very sleek profile that places the rifle’s magazine to the rear of the trigger assembly and […]

Center Mass Patrol Rifle Magazine Pouch

Tue, 02/16/2010 - 09:29
Center Mass, Inc. has an ingenious pouch for AR-15 magazines that attaches to your duty belt behind your pistol mag pouch.  The Patrol Rifle Integrated Magazine Pouch ensures you always have an additional rifle mag with you, without the need for strapping anything else to your rifle. Let’s face it, mag couplers can get heavy […]

Unique Gen 4 Glock in .45 GAP for Florida Highway Patrol

Mon, 01/25/2010 - 15:02
The Florida Highway Patrol is purchasing unique Glock pistols that are unavailable, for now, to anyone else, according to Randy Pitts, a Glock sales representative at the 2010 SHOT Show.  These new pistols will replace the aging Beretta 96 handguns currently carried by FHP. Recently the Florida Highway Patrol conducted testing for a new duty […]

Medical Training and Trauma Kits

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 23:48
Ever thought about what you would do if you are shot?  Stabbed?  Ever considered what you would do if help was a long way off? If you work in a rural area, you may have considered that EMS may take 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or even longer to get to you.  If you work in […]

Fake ID Fail

Wed, 06/17/2009 - 23:01
Seriously, this has to be the worst fake ID I have ever seen.  I don’t know who found it, and under what circumstances, but I’m guessing there is a funny story to be told over a cup of coffee. NOTE: When making a fake ID, leave your girl out of the photo. Curiously, this fake […]

Basic Shooting Skills

Mon, 05/25/2009 - 00:03
Basics.  They can be boring to teach and tedious to practice.  But, the basics have to be mastered and practiced to enhance your odds in a tough situation.  If you think of your training as a pyramid, the basics are the foundation for the skill set.  Without strong basics, the structure will collapse under pressure. […]

Christmas Gift Ideas for the Cop in Your Life

Sun, 11/30/2008 - 09:57
Every year, my wife asks me the one question I try my best to avoid: “What do you want for Christmas?” I guess I am like most cops.  I like toys, and cop toys are especially fun.  It is hard for most of us to justify our spouses spending the money on gifts for us, […]

Advanced Vehicle Stop Tactics Book Review

Mon, 10/13/2008 - 05:00
I recently purchased and read Advanced Vehicle Stop Tactics by Michael T. Rayburn. I had previously read Advanced Patrol Tactics by Rayburn and thought it was a good book, so I figured I would give his traffic stop book a read also. Let me start by saying that Rayburn covers nearly any type of traffic […]

Crime, the Economy, and Congressional Spending: Yep, the Citizens Are Pissed

Sat, 10/11/2008 - 01:29
During the past few weeks, Americans have been watching their 401(k) and other retirement funds sink.  Most people are just now starting to wonder how bad things will get.  I’m no economist, but I suspect things are going to get a lot worse before they start to get better. Cops get to see a wide […]

NRA’s Law Enforcement Activities Division

Sun, 09/28/2008 - 23:14
There was a time, not too long ago, that most police officers were hunters and NRA members.  As the country has become more urbanized, there have been fewer officers that have been involved in hunting and the shooting sports.  And while the National Rifle Association membership numbers have been climbing, it seems that fewer officers […]

Guns, Bullets, and Gunfights by Jim Cirillo: Review of the Excellent Book by a True Hero

Sat, 09/27/2008 - 14:29
I just finished reading Guns, Bullets, And Gunfights: Lessons And Tales From A Modern-Day Gunfighter by Jim Cirillo and was very impressed.  Cirillo, a retired NYPD officer, was an exceptionally gifted shooter and police officer who won more armed confrontations than any other modern police officer I have read about.  His insights and experiences are […]

