S.E. Cupp calls out Bloomberg for ‘duplicitous’ tactics in targeting law abiding gun owners (VIDEO)
On ABC’s This Week Sunday morning talk show, CNN’s Crossfire host S.E. Cupp called out former New York City Mayor Bloomberg’s new Everytown for Gun Safety gun control group. Cupp highlighted the fact that Bloomberg seems to be making it a personal mission to attack the NRA and law abiding gun owners – and not the real issues of gun violence.
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Dugan Ashley now offering pistol training (VIDEO)
This is the “digitally-remastered” cut of the second installment of the Carnik Con School of Knowledge Training Series, the Super Pistol Course. Drawing on the tactics and training we learned from the original Carnik Con School of Knowledge Training Series, the Super Carbine Course, this introductory video demonstrates the various skills and tactics taught at the Carnik Con School of Knowledge.
If you want to see the original in all its 240p T-60 EP/SLP VHS glory, that is an option.
Improve yourself today and visit the Carnik Con School of Knowledge YouTube Channel.
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The Portuguese Navy has some issues while launching drone (VIDEO)
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Russian soldier bored by Crimean invasion tazes self in neck (VIDEO)
The post Russian soldier bored by Crimean invasion tazes self in neck (VIDEO) appeared first on
Watch the Easter Bunny pick a fight with Santa (VIDEO)
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Colion Noir discusses his new show “Noir” (VIDEO)
Wonder why Mr. Colion Noir has been so quiet this year? Well, it’s for good reason. He’s coming out with his own show “Noir,” which will be introduced near the National Rifle Association’s annual convention next weekend and starting in May. I sit down to discuss the show and life as an NRA star in this episode of We The People.
Click here for more “We The People”, and for live updates, LIKE the project’s Facebook page.
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