The Truth About Guns

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Exploring the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns
Updated: 4 weeks 1 day ago

Question of the Day: Should North Shore Firearms Have Ratted Out Jad Ali Mokad?

Sat, 10/05/2013 - 12:00

“A college student from Lebanon has been arrested on weapons charges after local and federal authorities discovered two assault rifles, high capacity ammunition clips and a handgun in his bedroom in this Boston suburb,” reminds us. ”Authorities said they were tipped to the weapons cache when the student’s father called a gun store to ask how to modify an assault rifle to fire a 30-round clip. They said the father also inquired about purchasing a silencer for the rifle. Detective Charles Dejesus of the Methuen Police Department said the person w

Capitol Hill Shooting: 17 Shots Fired. Controversy Rages

Sat, 10/05/2013 - 10:00

“Federal agents trying to stop the black Infiniti speeding between the White House and the U.S. Capitol fired seven shots at an unarmed driver with a toddler in the car as it rushed away from them, an uncommon tactic that occurred during a highly unusual chase,” reports. “A total of at least 17 shots were fired at two locations Thursday afternoon by two law enforcement agencies — the U.S. Capitol Police and the U.S. Secret Service. The final shots, near the Hart Senate Office Building, killed 34-year-old Miriam Carey of Connecticut, who police said had tried to ram t

Quote of the Day: How Did He Not See This Coming?

Sat, 10/05/2013 - 08:00


“Maryland is armed to the teeth. We caused this rush, this stampede really, to purchase guns….It’ll be a generation before the effects of this bill will be felt.” – Maryland Delegate Luiz Simmons, Record gun sales soar higher in Maryland [at]

Daily Digest: 2A Tourism Edition

Fri, 10/04/2013 - 21:00

There have been a string of a half dozen robberies in D.C. in the last 10 days where the perpetrators (not shown) threatened their victims with stun guns before relieving them of their belongings. Luckily in the most recent incident, after giving up their bikes, the victims were able to flag down nearby MPD officers, who scooped up the misbehaving miscreants. Whether the two arrestees were responsible for the other recent robberies is still unknown. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, and in the land of the (legally) disarmed, the law-abiding are the losers . . .

The Second Amendment as a tourist attraction… Forbes contributor Susannah Breslin (“I cover the business of sin”)

SCOTUS To Review Parts Of 1996 Domestic Violence Gun Ban

Fri, 10/04/2013 - 19:00

The Omnibus Appropriations Bill of 1997 (actually passed in 1996, back when Congress was in the business of passing budgets) contained the much-despised Lautenberg Amendment. This rider made it a felony for a person to possess firearms if they had ever been convicted of even a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence involving physical force. James Alvin Castleman of Tennessee was convicted of assaulting his girlfriend under Tennessee law and SCOTUS has recently granted certiorari in his appeal. The Nine have agreed to review the Lautenberg Amendment as it applies to certain domestic violence misdemeanors. It’s about f–ing time; let’s just pray they get it right . . .

The Lautenberg Amendment has been roundly criticized as violating the 2nd Amendment and for being an ex post facto law. Hundreds of thousands of people have been convicted of DV misdemeanors, and those convicted before 1996 were never warned that their guilty plea for pouring a beer over their girlfriend’s (or brother’s, uncle’s or college roommate’s) head wou

Weekend Photo Caption Contest – Win A StealthGear Holster!

Fri, 10/04/2013 - 18:00

StealthGear USA makes an impressive inside-the-waistband holster. Their ONYX hybrid design is beautifully made and extremely comfortable. Check out our review here. Of course, all that quality doesn’t come cheap. But that’s not a problem since you can snag one here for free. All you need to do is unleash your inner P.J. O’Rourke and make me laugh with your erudition and wit. The commenter doing it best will win their pick of the StealthGear litter. You have until midnight Sunday. Ladies and gentlemen, start your keyboards.

Self-Defense Tip: “When the SHTF, you are your own first responder”

Fri, 10/04/2013 - 17:00

The headline above comes from reader Ryan C in response to this [via]: “When the first shots of automatic gunfire burst out, Raju, a member of a local gun club, was waiting in line in a bank at the Westgate shopping mall. He crouched down, pulled out his phone and feverishly pecked out a text message: ‘I am inside and I can confirm this is not a robbery.’ Within minutes, his fellow gun club members, neighborhood watch volunteers, off-duty police officers and other armed Samaritans rushed to the mall . . .

They found no command center, no SWAT team — in short, no coordinated government response as heavily armed Islamist militants shot civilians at will.

Waiting for the police is a viable, indeed desirable str

Universal Background Checks for Dummies

Fri, 10/04/2013 - 16:00

According to a recent poll, 90 percent of Americans continue to support “universal background checks.” Given their general ignorance about all things firearm, I reckon 100 percent of the people who support “universal background checks” have no clue what “universal background checks” are, or why anybody would be against them. I say that without malice. Americans busy putting food on the table don’t have the time to examine the ins-and-outs of firearms freedom. But if there are “low information” voters who want to understand why 10 percent of Americans oppose this example of “common sense gun control,”

There’s Your Stopping Power. Or Not.

Fri, 10/04/2013 - 15:00

I’m not a big fan of forty caliber. I’m more accurate with 9mm and . . . .45. I find .40 way too snappy for efficient, effective follow-up shots. Plenty of police carry

Game Review: PayDay 2: The Heist

Fri, 10/04/2013 - 14:00

I’m a huge fan of the movie Heat. I love the (fictional) rolling gunfights in the streets after a heist gone bad, the in-fighting amongst the crooks as well-made plans fall to pieces, and the seemingly perfect plan that makes your heart pound as you wait for the inevitable to happen. To save heist-movie fans like myself from federal prison or being riddled with a SWAT team’s finest .223 ammo, Overkill Software created Payday 2: The Heist . . .

In Payday 2: The Heist you control an aspiring bank robber with a predilection for surgical gloves, decorated hockey masks and heavy ordnance. Your character works alongside three other like-minded thugs to pull off a bank heist. The three other players can be either AI or online players. And don’t worry about the getaway car, there is always a driver that will take

OMG! An Armed Cop on Campus! OMG!

Fri, 10/04/2013 - 13:00


“All [Coolidge Police Officer Alan] Scott Urkov did was drop his daughter off at Entz Elementary School. Little did he know that what he was wearing that day would lead to a call from the principal,” reports. “‘There were some parents who were concerned about that fact that there was a fully armed officer on campus and they spoke to the principal about it,’ said Helen Hollands, spokesperson for Mesa Unified School District (the City’s largest employer). She says the principal spoke with Officer Urkov and asked him not to wea

Question of the Day: Shotgun or Rifle for Home Defense?

Fri, 10/04/2013 - 12:00

Over at the highly testicular Caleb reckons rifles are the way to go for home defense. He makes his case by pitting shotguns against rifles in four categories: Cost, Firepower, Shootability and Ease of Use. After giving the shotgun cost kudos, Caleb proclaims ”this post isn’t about home defense on a budget.” OK, then. And while we’re at it, I’d rather have nine rounds of Conversation Stopper than 30 rounds of Are We Done Yet? If cost isn’t an object, why not both? My Benelli and SCAR are BFFs. But if I had to chose, it’s Big Ben for the win. Which long gun do you prefer for home (as in in the home) defense?

Introducing the Last Stand Target Sytem

Fri, 10/04/2013 - 11:00

Target stands are a pain in the ass, especially when you’re talking steel targets. They’re heavy, bulky and have a tendency to get all shot up. And when they inevitably do, replacing them is a further annoyance. So when Kevin Brittingham handed me one of these new target stands from The Last Stand, I was intrigued. I’ll have to try it out for a while before passing final judgement, but a stand you can make out of spare rebar and some small plastic bits sounds perfect for either a set-and-forget arrangement or a portable target systems. Make the jump for their presser . . .

The Last Stand LLC is proud to introduce an innovative and unique product to simplify the many demands of target shooting enthusiasts.

Recognizing the need for a versatile, adjustable, compact and economical target supporting platform, the Last Stand is the culmination of nearly two years of product development and testing.

The Times Reveals the Face of America’s Gun Culture

Fri, 10/04/2013 - 10:00

By now you’re probably familiar with Joe Nocera’s intern-compiled, half-assed daily list of crimes and accidents involving firearms featured by the Gray Lady. After a sotto voce “tsk, tsk” over the number of gun sold in Maryland in the run-up to the go-live date for their new civilian disarmament laws (which Nocera didn’t even write), yesterday’s Gun Report was otherwise more of the usual context-free fare. Except, of course, for the above photo which they selected as an illustration . . .

It’s an obvious, naked play to the biases and stereotypes of the Times’ upper west side core readership. “See, this is what we’re up agai

Cook County Wants “Gun Team” to Collect Revoked FOID Cards

Fri, 10/04/2013 - 09:00


Cook County doesn’t like legal firearms ownership. The Chicago machine is doing everything it can to make it as difficult as possible for law-abiding residents to exercise their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms under the new statewide concealed carry law. Put another way, “Cook County officials are concerned people who are not qualified to carry firearms will inadvertently be issued state permits allowing them to carry weapons for self-defense.” That’s‘s take on the matter. Specifically . . .

Quote of the Day: Common Sense Gun Play

Fri, 10/04/2013 - 08:00

“Still uncomfortable with the idea of gun play? Try setting and enforcing some common sense limits. Some parents establish a ‘no pointing or shooting at other people’ rule. I insist that all orange plastic tips remain on toy guns and restrict gun play to private areas outside of public sight. My boys also know that the play must stop immediately if someone expresses discomfort with the play, or if an adult or authority figure asks them to stop.” – Jennifer L.W. Fink, Is Gun Play OK? [via]

BREAKING: CA School Apologizes to NRA Shirt-Wearing Teen

Fri, 10/04/2013 - 06:37

What’s this? Fan mail from some flounder? Nope. An apology from Michael Christensen, the Superintendent of Schools, Orange County Unified School District, to Haley Bullwinkle, the student forced to change out of her NRA shirt because “it depicted violence.”

“Canyon High School has a policy prohibiting clothing depicting or promoting violence.  In this incident, a student was referred to the counseling office by a security officer because she was wearing a shirt with a logo that included a rifle.  The student was instructed by a staff member to change her shirt and was

Daily Digest: Unprecedented Changes Edition

Thu, 10/03/2013 - 21:00

This Rolls-Royce Phantom I, once owned by an Indian Maharajah, failed to sell at Barrett-Jackson over the weekend. It had quite a long list of value increasing characteristics, such as the original build sheet and original factory tool set, the Howdah gun (double-barreled shotgun pistol) in the passenger compartment, and the hand-cranked .450-caliber machine gun towed behind, as well as factory installed gun racks and a hidden safe. Despite all that, nobody wanted it badly enough to bid up over the $450,000 reserve price.

Colin Powell eulogizes Tom Clancy. “Tom’s books were incredibly accurate. He didn’t invent impossible schemes. He i

“In just a few words, how would you describe an assault weapon?”

Thu, 10/03/2013 - 20:00


The People of the Gun know what a real assault weapon is. Everyone else, not so much. Or, in fact, at all. Check out these answers to the question “In just a few words, how would you describe an assault weapon?” from a recent Reason-Rupe Public Opinion Survey:

