Gun Nuts
Practical Pistol Show Podcast
Watch me discuss the finer points of dry fire, being a gamer, and burnout with the King of Trolls Ben Stegger and his producer Candace who seems like a very nice lady. I should also point out that Candace is (I think) the only female 5 gun master. So that’s pretty rad.
Roadmap to no-lock heaven
Yesterday, we talked briefly about how Smith & Wesson will always have the infernal lock as part of their revolver line. However, there are ways that they could be rid of the lock. The following is pure speculation on my part, but if I was the CEO of Smith & Wesson, here’s how I’d get rid of the IL without ending up on CNN.
...Kory Watkins is a nitwit
When confronted with idiocy I try to be a reasonable man about it, but every now and then you see something so utterly and unforgivably stupid that it would tax the patience of Job himself. This Kory Watkins nitwit and his merry band of fellow travelers who have succeeded in such epic douchebaggery that pro-gun legislation in Texas…Texas…has been imperiled are precisely the sort of people that could make Ghandi pick up a stick and start kicking some tail.
...Why Smith & Wesson will never be rid of the internal lock
As a revolver guy, this conversation happens a lot. It usually goes like this:
There has been a lot of “discussion” (by which I mean silly people talking complete spinach) about the use of lethal force lately. In these “discussions” people with very high opinions of themselves theorize about how these incidents go down and the motivations, thoughts, and feelings of the people involved in them.
...Open carry “victories”
Open carry activists have had more success getting guns banned than Michael Bloomberg.
Gratuitous slo-mo recoil comparison: S&W 625 vs. Ruger Vaquero
When you have a camera that shoots 240 fps in your pocket, you do stuff like this:
Interesting notes: you can see that the SAA rolls more in my hand than the 625. The DA gun comes back on target faster and after the first shot, everything is faster with the DA revolver, because as it turns out, DA guns are faster to shoot than SA revolvers. Which isn’t really a surprise. On the “felt” recoil end of things, even though the Vaquero has more muzzle flip, the felt recoil was a lot more pleasant, specifically because it’s delivered in that rolling fashion. The 625, on the other hand, delivers its recoil straight back, which is better for speed shooting, but harder on the hands.
Even good manufacturers let a bad one through
I talk a lot about why we buy guns from reputable manufacturers a lot. The primary reason is to lower the end user’s risk of getting a poor quality gun. This is especially important if the purpose of the gun is for something serious, like self-defense or putting meat on the table. I’m careful to point out however, that even quality manufacturers let a bad gun slip out sometimes. I had just never been on the receiving end of that…until yesterday.
...Raven Concealment Systems Eidolon holster
Once again it’s the week of the SHOT show, the trade show where the firearms industry gathers together in Las Vegas to show their wares. New firearms, new optics, new lights, new wonder lubes made from angel tears and Chuck Norris spit…you name it and it’s at the SHOT show.