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Updated: 1 week 9 hours ago

The Message

Tue, 12/02/2014 - 11:07

Man walks down the street in that shirt, people know he’s not afraid of anything.

Rifle is a Colt MARC 901 in .308, topped with a Leupold scope.

Dear Post-Ferguson Lawyers: Shut. Up.

Mon, 12/01/2014 - 08:36

I find it annoying when people insist on opening their mouth on a topic where they have clearly not spent an iota of time and effort to educate themselves properly. I ranted some time ago about self-styled gunstore lawyers who hand out stupid and counterproductive “legal” advice to vulnerable people who need solid information. We’ve now come upon a whole new manifestation of this kind of idiocy.


USPSA website hacked, usernames and passwords posted in the open

Wed, 11/26/2014 - 12:49

Important notice for our readers who are USPSA shooters: The USPSA website was hacked and a list of emails and passwords published in the open.

Whatever email address and password you used to login to USPSA is compromised, if you use that password anywhere else I’d recommend changing it immediately.

How ignorance is driving the #Ferguson discussion

Wed, 11/26/2014 - 11:31

Here is a tweet:


It’s just a punch in the face

Tue, 11/25/2014 - 12:07

Perhaps the most perplexing bit of commentary coming out the Ferguson grand jury findings are the people who are saying that Officer Wilson wasn’t justified in using deadly force because it was, and I quote here “just a punch in the face.” I’d like to ask those people something: have you ever been punched in the face? It’s not like the movies where a guy can take multiple shots to the face and head, shake it off, and get back in the fight.


The law isn’t the problem here

Mon, 11/24/2014 - 23:15

I’m typing this about an hour and a half after the announcement that the grand jury has returned no true bill for police officer Darren Wilson of the Furgeson Police Department. The district attorney for the area did a reasonably good job of laying out the facts of the case as presented to the grand jury and all the evidence shown has been made publicly available. The physical evidence and reliable testimony…testimony given by black folks who didn’t talk to the press…showed that what occurred on that day was a fight and not the random execution a bunch of liars alleged initially.


Ruger Introduces LCRx with 3-Inch Barrel

Mon, 11/24/2014 - 10:39

Ruger Expands the Popular Line of Lightweight Compact Revolvers with the Addition of the LCRx with 3-inch barrel


The Struggle is Real

Mon, 11/24/2014 - 10:04


Apex Flat-Faced Forward Set Trigger For M&P Pistols

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 10:51

By now you’re likely familiar with the Apex line of upgrades for the M&P pistols. One of their most popular kits has been the forward set sear, which allows you to get one of the nicest, cleanest trigger pulls possible in an M&P. This year, Apex has added an aluminum flat faced trigger to their line up.

Trijicon HD Sights

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 07:29

The subject of pistol sights isn’t usually considered to be one of the sexier topics for shooting related discussion, but when you try to develop your ability to put a bullet on target on demand with precision, you start to realize the importance of having the right sights. The descriptor “right” in that sentence is kind of tricky as rarely will you find complete agreement between two people as to the “right” set of sights. Given that each of us is functioning with unique equipment and very different levels of skill and experience it’s really not surprising that tastes differ.


Beretta ARX-100 review

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 11:10

For more on the ARX-100, check out the May issue of GunUp the Magazine, available on iTunes today.

Gimmicks vs. innovation

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 10:11

In yesterday’s post about the Taurus Curve I talked about how the gun isn’t really serious, but is rather a gimmick designed to separate people from their money. I want to get this out of the way: there’s really nothing wrong with designing a gun with the express purpose of “sell.” Gotta make money.


Taurus Curve .380

Tue, 11/18/2014 - 10:43

“Hey, all these small .380s like the M&P Bodyguard, Ruger LCP, Glock 42, and Sig P238 are too hard to conceal”…said no one ever. And yet despite there being literally no market demand for a .380 that’s even easier to conceal, Taurus has pressed ahead where no one wants to tread and introduced a gun with a curve in the grip to make it more carry friendly and conform to the body’s contours. Literally nothing that I said is a joke. Here’s a photo followed by Taurus’ announcement text:


US Border Patrol rifle article Part II

Tue, 11/18/2014 - 06:44

This is a follow up to my original article.  The original article has been very popular due to the amount of times it has been read and commented upon; even if many of the comments were not public.  I will be paraphrasing the comments I received from the agents in the field and not attributing directly to anyone in order to preserve the anonymity of the agents who wrote to me.


Going hard in the M&Paint

Mon, 11/17/2014 - 11:18

One of the interesting side-effects of my poor performance at the S&W BUG Nationals is it actually made me want to train hard for the shooting sports again. It also made me want to shoot a gun that’s relevant again, because as much as I love revolvers, they are definitely not what most people are buying and carrying. Because I’m a gunspaz and I love buying new guns, I started shopping around for a good 9mm carry gun that I could also compete with, because hey, who doesn’t love buying new guns? But then I realized that I didn’t need to spend money on new guns, because thanks to GunUp the Magazine editor Shelley Rae, I have a bunch of great guns literally laying around the office.


Dear gun industry

Mon, 11/17/2014 - 10:15

Dear gun industry,


Fanboy logic

Fri, 11/14/2014 - 10:37

Gun fanboys are great. They’re capable of levels of cognitive dissonance at times that hurt my brain. Here are some of my favorite examples.


Winter is here, time for coat pocket guns

Thu, 11/13/2014 - 10:35

One of the best things about winter is getting to break out the coat pocket gun. I am actually a huge, huge fan of this method of carry, because it allows a person to be walking down the street in a completely non-threatening manner, but with your hand on or near the grip of a defensive firearm. It’s really fantastic. Here are some criteria that I use to select a coat pocket gun.


