Gun Nuts
The consequences of cooperation
In the past few weeks a number of “news” organizations have taken to the air to offer advice to the general public on how to deal with home invaders. The suggestions in these pieces have been laughably absurd, including suggesting keeping wasp spray by the bedside to spray in an intruder’s eyes. A common suggestion in these stories, and indeed a common suggestion from the sort of people who push gun control, is to cooperate fully with the bad guy in hopes that he won’t hurt you.
...New Colt pistols for 2015
Some of these aren’t “new” in the sense that Colt’s never made them before, but rather represent the return of classic models from yesteryear that Market was asking for. Hit the jump to see the rest
...2014 IDPA BUG Nationals
Apparently if you don’t practice at all, you shoot like crap.
...Is physical fitness part of self-defense?
Last night I was feeling a little punchy, felt like stirring up some butthurt, so I posted this status on the Gun Nuts Radio fan page:
...IDPA dumps flatfooted reload rule and other news
Lost in the election news was a big announcement from IDPA. In an email blast to members, IDPA made several very big announcements. We’ll go through them in order with commentary.
...One of the real causes of violent crime
Whenever an act of violence makes the news…which happens usually because there’s some “narrative” that can be spun around it that serves the interests of those who believe themselves to have a patent on truth and justice…we’re always treated to mind-numbing conversations between talking heads where they solemnly adjust their hipster glasses and make a show of moral preening over America’s problem with violence. There is some variation in the exact culprits cited but it’s a safe bet that insufficient gun control will be one of the primary factors they blame.
...The new political reality
Two things happened last night that will affect gun owners in America. The first is relatively good news. The GOP regained control of the Senate, meaning that both houses of Congress are under Republican control. That means that any new gun control legislation is pretty much DOA. That’s good, and I won’t spend a lot of time talking about that.
...BUG Nationals this week
One of my favorite matches on the calendar is this weekend, the IDPA BUG (Back-Up Gun) Nationals. I really like the BUG match because generally speaking, it’s the one place where people shoot their actual carry guns. Yes, some folks game it out and shoot with 3-inch K-frames or other guns designed to push the limits of IDPA’s BUG category, but that’s fine. Last year’s match had lots of shooters running actual j-frames, LCPs, and the sort of small guns that people actually carry.
...The deer “hunter”
It occurred to me the other day, while walking around downtown Memphis that I’ve lived the majority of my adult life either in cities or large suburbs of cities. I am about as far from “country” as you can get. Since moving to South Dakota, I’ve been exposed to proper hunting for the first time, first with pheasant hunting, then coyotes, then prairie dogs. As it turned out, I actually like hunting.
...Tactical First Aid and “System Collapse” Medicine with Active Response Training
If you carry a firearm for personal defense, you do so because you recognize a basic reality: Should you find yourself the target of criminal violence it will be entirely up to you to protect yourself from the immediate danger. Bystanders are typically useless and police response will be too slow to do you any good. You are on your own. Most of us are probably pretty comfortable thinking about being on our own for the act of violence due to the lag time in police response, but what about dealing with an injury sustained in the struggle?
...Knowledge and skill aren’t necessarily connected
Yesterday, some idiot on YouTube offered this as the reason why everyone should believe him that the thumbs forward grip on a revolver is bad:
...Thumbs forward grip on a revolver
Every time I film a revolver video holding my gun with the thumbs forward grip, there’s always some “helpful” aspie in the comments saying “hurr durr ur gonna shoot ur thumb off hurrrrrrrr.” They’re wrong, and here’s why.
US Border Patrol deadlining rifles at a rate that is detrimental to officer safety
Within this past month, CBP (Border Patrol) stations were hit hard by an inspection performed by agency armorer/inspector from CBP Harper’s Ferry campus on their issued Colt M4 rifles. These details were passed on to me from a confidential source and were released in the name of officer safety.
...Close Quarters Pistol with Active Response Training
One of the benefits of the recent uptick in concealed carry permits is a growing interest in obtaining training in the use of the firearm as a instrument of self defense. Quality training in the principles of self defense, the mechanics of using the firearm properly under stress, and the legal considerations attendant to the use of force in self defense can make a world of difference in the outcome you get from a bad situation.
...Epic Wheel Time
Revolvers at 240 fps.