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Updated: 1 week 1 day ago

Trailblazer Firearms Announces the New Pack9 9mm Rifle

Tue, 09/07/2021 - 14:45

From Trailblazer Firearms . . .

Trailblazer Firearms, a US-manufacturer of innovative firearms, including the ground-breaking, folding, single-shot discreet carry .22 LifeCard®, is proud to announce the newest product to their portfolio. The Pack9 is a dynamic rifle chambered in 9mm that utilizes GLOCK® compatible magazines and features Trailblazer Firearms’ newest innovation, The Pivot™, creating a slim and portable rifle.

Designed to maximize portability, the Pack9 is less than 21” long when folded.

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Afghan Interpreter Turned Florida Deputy Saw Taliban Gun Confiscation Firsthand

Tue, 09/07/2021 - 14:00

By Lee Williams

Sarasota County (Florida) Sheriff’s Deputy Mubarak can’t use his full name, at least not now. He can’t mention the Afghan village where he was raised, or even the province. He can’t discuss the elite American special operations forces he operated with as an interpreter, or the missions they carried out.

If he does – if he violates operational security – people could die. The Taliban are currently going door-to-door searching for Afghans who cooperated with the U.S.

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HK Announces New MP5 .22LR Pistol and Rifle Models

Tue, 09/07/2021 - 12:57

From HK . . .

Heckler & Koch is pleased to announce the launch of the coolest rimfires on the market, full stop. HK has partnered with Umarex of Germany to bring you the only HK-authorized rimfire versions of the legendary MP5.

What could be cooler than two new MP5 .22 LRs in pistol and rifle configurations? These new guns have the look and feel of the MP5 submachine gun, which is easily the most famous of all HK gun designs.

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Gun Review: F1 Firearms FDR-15 Rifle

Tue, 09/07/2021 - 12:00

F1 Firearms doesn’t really do basic ARs. Except when they do. Except not really. The F1 FDR-15 is about the most “Plane Jane” AR-15 in F1’s lineup. When it comes to the most important parts of the gun, it’s anything but.

I often hear people say that “AR-15s are all pretty much the same.” Perhaps these people have fantastic amounts of money, or just don’t care what their dollars buy. I prefer that each of my pennies gets me as much value as it can.

Continue reading Gun Review: F1 Firearms FDR-15 Rifle at The Truth About Guns.

You Have 24 Hours Left To Submit A Comment On the ATF’s Stabilizing Brace Rule

Tue, 09/07/2021 - 10:00

ATF is trying to slap new, onerous restrictions on pistol stabilizing braces, which will affect every person who owns one or owns a gun that’s equipped with one. The public — that’s us — can comment on these proposed restrictions and ATF must read and respond to every. single. comment. Believe it or not, this can and does have a very real effect.

Please visit the Federal Register HERE — like right now!

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The Never-Ending Fallacy That Disarmament Makes Us Safer

Tue, 09/07/2021 - 08:00

The fatal fallacy of gun control laws in general is the assumption that such laws actually control guns. Criminals who disobey other laws are not likely to be stopped by gun-control laws. What such laws actually do is increase the number of disarmed and defenseless victims.

The fallacy of believing that the way to reduce shootings is to disarm peaceful people extends from domestic gun control laws to international disarmament agreements.

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Failing Leftist Opinion Mag ‘The Atlantic’: Gun Ownership Is A Lie

Mon, 09/06/2021 - 16:00

Imagine sinking from a speech writer for a Republican president to writing throw-away gun control screeds in a failing leftist opinion magazine. How the mighty, like never-Trumper David Frum, have fallen.

Frum’s recent piece written in The Atlantic suggests that the way to persuade Americans to give up their guns is to gaslight them into thinking that guns really don’t protect them. Because — laugh out loud — guns don’t thwart over a million crimes each year and deter attacks even more.

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Do Second Amendment Sanctuary Laws Really Carry Any Weight?

Mon, 09/06/2021 - 13:00

By Emily Taylor

The number of states declaring themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries is on the rise. This means a question asked with increasing frequency is coming to the forefront: Is the decision to make states “sanctuaries” legally binding, or does it only lip service to the gun rights community at large?

Before we get into that, let’s answer the question of what it means when states declare themselves sanctuaries.

What Is a Second Amendment Sanctuary?

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It’s the Best of Times for Afghan Arms Sales

Mon, 09/06/2021 - 08:02

Taliban fighters storm into the Kabul International Airport, wielding American supplied weapons, equipment & uniforms – after the U.S. Military have completed their withdrawal. Fighters celebrated with gunfire & chants through the night. #Afghanistan

— Marcus Yam 文火 (@yamphoto) August 30, 2021

Mohammad did not just have weapons — there were accessories too.

White Taliban baseball caps with the Muslim proclamation of faith printed on them hung from the ceiling.

Continue reading It’s the Best of Times for Afghan Arms Sales at The Truth About Guns.

All Skill No Luck Now Offering Combat Wool Options

Sun, 09/05/2021 - 16:00

All Skill No Luck has announced a new version of their two flagship “combat flannel” styles: the Ntchwaidumela and Nemean. This is of note for a couple of reasons. First, they are a small, veteran-owned business making what all reviews seem to indicate is an excellent product. Second, flannels function as an excellent cover garment for concealed carry, not least because their patterns tend to mitigate printing. 

It may not be flannel weather where you are not, but it will be soon!

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Florida Carry: GOA’s Legislative Director is an Unguided Missile

Sun, 09/05/2021 - 13:00

By Lee Williams

Luis Valdes, the Florida state director for Gun Owners of America, should have taken a few more civics classes – something the GOA leadership is learning for themselves, the hard way.

This entire saga began with a tirade on Facebook. Valdes blamed one Republican lawmaker, Rep. Cord Byrd, for the fact that Florida still doesn’t have constitutional carry.

Valdes didn’t understand that the problem is much bigger than any one politician.

Continue reading Florida Carry: GOA’s Legislative Director is an Unguided Missile at The Truth About Guns.

CRPA: September 14th and the Newsom Recall Are Critical for California Gun Rights

Sun, 09/05/2021 - 10:00

From the California Rifle & Pistol Association . . .

September 14th is an important date in California history. It is the day that we have the opportunity to remove one of the most anti-gun governors in California history. The recall election will present voters with two questions. The first will ask whether Governor Gavin Newsom should be recalled from the office of Governor.

We recommend a YES vote.

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ATF Not Amused by the Number of ‘Giggle Switches’ Turning Up on District of Columbia Streets

Sun, 09/05/2021 - 08:00

“It used to be we’d have an incident where a round or two was fired, and that’s bad enough,” [ATF D.C. field office special agent in charge Charlie J.] Patterson said. “Now you’re having crime scenes where there are 15 or more rounds fired. . . . That’s doubling or tripling the potential for death.”

Patterson also said authorities take a dim view of the term “giggle switch,” though it has made its way into police reports and court documents.

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GOA: Compromise Is Hurting Gun Rights in Florida

Sat, 09/04/2021 - 16:01

By Tim Macy

This week, a Florida gun group launched an attack on our state director Luis Valdes and, by extension, on Gun Owners of America.

This broadside was then reprinted by a national group, as well as another state gun group in Florida.

GOA has made it a practice not to speak ill of other pro-gun groups, and so I don’t intend to do so here. At the same time, given the coordinated attacks by several groups, it’s necessary that I respond to the false allegations because there are surely many gun owners who have read the articles, and they want to hear our side of the story.

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Florida Kerfuffle: GOA’s Luis Valdes Attacked For Calling Out an Allegedly Pro-Gun Politician

Sat, 09/04/2021 - 16:00

TTAG contributor Luis Valdes, in his role as Florida Director for Gun Owners of America, called out a so-called pro-gun Republican for blocking five of six major pro-gun bills in his leadership position in the Florida House of Representatives. That led to Florida Carry spokesman Lee Williams writing an attack piece that United Sportsmen of Florida’s Executive Director Marion Hammer emailed to USF’s members as well as at least some of NRA’s Sunshine State membership.

Continue reading Florida Kerfuffle: GOA’s Luis Valdes Attacked For Calling Out an Allegedly Pro-Gun Politician at The Truth About Guns.

Former Georgia DA Indicted for Failing to Prosecute Suspects in the Ahmaud Arbery Shooting

Sat, 09/04/2021 - 13:00

By Russ Bynum, AP

A former Georgia prosecutor was indicted Thursday on misconduct charges alleging she used her position to shield the men who chased and killed Ahmaud Arbery from being charged with crimes immediately after the shootings.

A grand jury in coastal Glynn County indicted former Brunswick Judicial Circuit District Attorney Jackie Johnson on a felony count of violating her oath of office and hindering a law enforcement officer, a misdemeanor.

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Tactical Rabbi Selling Shabbat Clothing For Armed Ultra-Orthodox Jews

Sat, 09/04/2021 - 10:00


Rabbi Raziel Cohen doesn’t want you to have to draw a gun in synagogue. But if you must, he doesn’t want you to waste precious time unbuttoning your kapota, a type of jacket worn by men in the Chabad Hasidic community on Shabbat and Jewish holidays.

So Cohen, a firearms instructor who goes by the moniker “The Tactical Rabbi,” worked with Shaul Snovsky, who sells kapotas in South Florida, to create the Tactical Kapota.

Continue reading Tactical Rabbi Selling Shabbat Clothing For Armed Ultra-Orthodox Jews at The Truth About Guns.

Virginia Citizens Defense League Files $450,000 Libel Suit Against Coalition to Stop Gun Violence

Sat, 09/04/2021 - 08:02

Gun control industry groups and their supporters in politics and the media love to throw around epithets about those of us in the gun rights community. They’re fond of describing law-abiding firearm owners and those who support Second Amendment rights as violent insurrectionists and terrorists.

Earlier this year, the civilian disarmament advocates at the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence issued a press release touting the nomination (again) of Democrat Terry McAuliffe for Governor of Virginia.

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Gun Meme of the Day: Arming The Taliban, Part 5

Fri, 09/03/2021 - 20:00

Speaking just for myself here, I’ve had about enough of apocalypse bingo over the last 18 months. Have a good weekend! Bonus meme:

…still waiting for my surplus M240! Can I at least get some NODS? Hello? Mr. Biden? I’ve got a Costco box of pudding cups for The Big Guy…

Here’s an image from the NY Times showing what we’ve left behind for the Taliban (and others):

Continue reading Gun Meme of the Day: Arming The Taliban, Part 5 at The Truth About Guns.

ISIS Terrorist Under Surveillance Stabs 6 in New Zealand Before Being Shot to Death by Police

Fri, 09/03/2021 - 18:00

You’ve heard the old saw before. When seconds count, police are only minutes away. Rarely has that been demonstrated more clearly than yesterday in Auckland, New Zealand. An ISIS sympathizer — who New Zealand’s intelligence apparatus had been monitoring since 2016 — walked into a grocery store, pulled a knife from a display and began stabbing people.

The Sri Lankan man had been followed into the store by the equivalent of two SWAT officers.

Continue reading ISIS Terrorist Under Surveillance Stabs 6 in New Zealand Before Being Shot to Death by Police at The Truth About Guns.
