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Updated: 5 days 9 hours ago

Illinois Supreme Court hears Caulkins Gun Ban Case Tuesday morning, May 16th – WATCH IT LIVE

Mon, 05/15/2023 - 22:16

Tuesday, May 16th is one day we’ve all been waiting for.  The Illinois Supreme Court will hear Kwame Raoul’s appeal of the Caulkins case where a Macon County Circuit Court judge struck down JB Pritzker’s gun and magazine ban law.

The LiveStream starts at 9am for the first case, and then after a short break, they’ll have oral arguments for the Caulkins case.  I’d expect it to go on around 10:30am but that’s subject to change.

Here’s the docket page from the Illinois Supreme Court.

Included on that is the live-stream link from “Blue Room Stream.”  You will not be able to watch the video without paying for a subscription after the live stream is over.

Given the importance of this case, there will be no further posting of stories until Tuesday afternoon at the earliest.

Don’t let criminal justice ‘reform’ turn your neighborhood into this… [VIDEO]

Mon, 05/15/2023 - 08:25

Don’t let Democratic criminal justice ‘reform’ turn your neighborhood into this…

NSFW language…  and, of course, violence.

There are lessons to be learned here, specifically in pre-violence indicators in the body language of participants.  See how many you can count before the gunfire breaks out…  (Then again, I’m watching it on a 42″ monitor so maybe that helps…  Spoiler alert:  there are a lot.)

Should you ever find yourself witnessing something like this, from near or afar, it’s time to get yourself behind cover, not stand in a window taking video.

GOOD GUYS WIN: Who tries to rob a gun store? [VIDEO]

Fri, 05/12/2023 - 07:00

Thank goodness it’s Friday.  There’s a lot to be worried about, but there’s plenty to be thankful for.  Along those lines, I’ve got a dash of good cheer to help start you off on the right foot for the weekend. 

It’s always a good day when good triumphs over bad guys with evil in their heart.  Go ahead and view it.

Yes, Virginia, it’s sad that some bad guy perished.  No doubt people loved this aspiring rocket scientist or brain surgeon.  Probably.  But if his contribution to society involves victimizing innocent people, most of us won’t miss him as a result of his premature completion of the room temperature challenge.  Better him than good people.

NSFW, of course.

Classic case of #FAFO

— Steve Inman (@SteveInmanVids) May 11, 2023

h/t to Jon.

HB218: Measure passes IL House to set up gun manufacturers for nuisance lawsuits.

Thu, 05/11/2023 - 16:30

House Bill 218 attempts to regulate how firearms may be advertised by gun sellers and manufacturers.  In reality, it’s a gift to the trial lawyers to allow them to file nuisance lawsuits against the gun industry.  It passed the Illinois House yesterday and goes to the Senate where its passage is virtually assured.

Illinois isn’t the only state to pass such a measure and it will take the courts to sort it out.  And that will cost money.


TWO EXAMPLES: Who needs 30-round magazines?

Thu, 05/11/2023 - 07:00

Joe Biden loves to say “who needs a 30-round magazine.”

How about two examples.

Any questions?

Piers Morgan preaches gun control talking points; Kari Lake hands him his arse…

Wed, 05/10/2023 - 07:00

Pity Piers Morgan.  He’s a great subject.  He understands the monarchy, not freedom and liberty.  He tried to ambush Kari Lake with cherry-picked facts and fake stats, asking her why she supports gun rights for the little people.

She does a fine job pushing back against the pompous Piers.

VIDEO Shows ATF on forced reset trigger confiscation detail… agents walk away with bupkis

Tue, 05/09/2023 - 16:20

Watch a couple of BATF agents trying to confiscate forced reset trigger from a guy involved in the gun industry.  He refuses to answer questions and tells them diplomatically to go pound sand.  From there, they talk a walk of shame and leave, but not before threatening to arrest him and prosecute him if he’s found in possession of one of these devices in the future.

Television worth watching, folks.  This guy handled them very well.  

Kwame’s ‘Motion for Stay’ replies due May 8… Kwame may appeal to Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals before then…

Tue, 05/02/2023 - 14:16

Brief update, folks.  Docket update on our case challenging the gun and magazine ban.

NOTICE AND ORDER: The Court is in receipt of [103] MOTION to Stay. Any objections/responses are due on or before May 8, 2023. (Responses due by 5/8/2023). Signed by Judge Stephen P. McGlynn on 5/2/2023. (jce) THIS TEXT ENTRY IS AN ORDER OF THE COURT. NO FURTHER DOCUMENTATION WILL BE MAILED.

Kwame may appeal directly to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals to reverse this preliminary injunction, but if he goes over McGlynn’s head, he’s probably going to have a tougher time getting his stay.

You’ve likely got until May 8th to make your purchases.


APRIL 19th FOID lawsuit oral arguments postponed… Looking at rescheduling in June

Thu, 04/13/2023 - 15:00

Not so great news from Sangamon County courts Thursday.  Judge Maurer has suffered a medical emergency and is unavailable for next week’s hearing.  We’re trying to get a date for early June to get this heard as soon as possible.

Keep the faith, folks.  Keep the faith.  It’ll be here before we know it.

Another hot take on yesterday’s federal court hearing on the Gun Ban

Thu, 04/13/2023 - 11:00

Greg Bishop talked about yesterday’s federal court hearing in the Southern District of Illinois on his radio show this morning.  It’s definitely worth the time to watch.  Included are not only Bishop’s down-the-middle commentary, but also clips of an interview with Thomas Maag.  And Todd Vandermyde.

In fact, Thomas Maag commented that the Illinois AG’s argument is that the legislature can do what they want.  And that the legislature is not bound by the Constitution.  “This is the will of the people” was something repeated over and over by the AG’s attorney.

Todd says, we “have a judge who understands firearms.”







IL outlawed America’s favorite shotgun, the Remington 870

Thu, 04/06/2023 - 16:00

Todd Vandermyde, the Illinois Gun Law Guru and former NRA-ILA contract lobbyist for Illinois, takes a look at the new Illinois Firearm Ban Act.  In it, he makes the case for how the Remington 870, America’s favorite shotgun with 11+ million in circulation, is illegal under the new law.

“Huh?” you ask…  “What are you talking about.  The law only covers semi-auto shotguns.”

Did you read it closely?  Words have meaning.  ANY shotgun that is able to be readily converted to hold over ten rounds is illegal.  With the magazine extensions available, that makes the standard 870 illegal and then some even using standard 2 3/4″ shells.

Here, watch the video for more information about it.And if you missed it, your semi-auto shotguns that have a 4-round fixed magazine, thanks to shorty shells, those are now illegal as well.


Illinois Bans 10/22s and almost all semi-auto shotguns…

Wed, 04/05/2023 - 18:00

The Illinois Firearms Ban Act bans a whole lot more guns than most people think…  Todd Vandermyde, the Gun Santa, or “gun law guru” or former NRA lobbyist discusses just how much more inclusive the legislation really is in these two videos.

We strongly recommend subscribing to his “Freedom’s Steel” YouTube channel.



Pritzker: There are ‘LIMITS’ to Second Amendment; Many young people interested in guns ‘are in need of mental health treatment’

Wed, 04/05/2023 - 12:58

So leave it to Governor JB Pritzker to offer his flawed thoughts on the Second Amendment.  First, he claims without citing any evidence in support of it that there are “limits” to the Second Amendment.  No, we aren’t talking about grenade-launching machine guns either.  Not only that, but towards the end of this clip he mentions that a lot of the “young people” interested in securing guns for self-defense “are in need of mental health treatment.”

Maybe he meant if you’re a gang member (reminder, it’s GANG violence, not gun violence), you need mental health and substance abuse treatment.

Or maybe he just thinks that any young person who embraces his or her right to keep and bear arms is nuts and needs “mental health treatement.”  Re-education might more accurately describe with Pritzker has in mind.

How quaint.  Bless his heart.



CWB Chicago: If it’s not on your daily reading list, it should be

Wed, 03/29/2023 - 11:33

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and the rest of her cabal of dysfunctional leaders in America’s largest open-air shooting gallery would probably rather you not read just how bad crime has become.  It’s really bad.  And only CWB Chicago really covers the craziness with any regularity.

If it’s not on your bookmarked list of daily reads, it should be.

Here’s a sample:


COURT UPDATE: ‘Constitutional rights are not extinguished by hyperbole’

Sun, 03/26/2023 - 09:00

Last Thursday evening, at the last minute, we and the NRA’s legal team submitted our respective briefs.

From The Center Square:

(The Center Square) – The final scheduled filings have been made in the Southern District of Illinois federal courts in the consolidated challenge of Illinois’ gun and magazine ban. The next key date is oral arguments next month.

The state enacted a ban on more than 170 semi-automatic guns and magazines over 15 rounds for handguns and 10 for rifles. There’s also a registry that opens in October with a Jan. 1 deadline, or gun owners face criminal penalties. 

Four plaintiff groups sued in federal court. The cases challenging the ban on Second Amendment grounds were consolidated. Thursday, the plaintiff groups filed their responses to the state’s position that the law will stand constitutional muster.

For all of the pleadings in our case (the FFL-IL/Guns Save Life/Gun Owners of America), visit this link.

GSL DANVILLE: Tell your friends.

Fri, 03/03/2023 - 08:55

Coming in June 2023.  Tell your friends.

New Life Saving Book

Mon, 02/27/2023 - 07:57

Our very own Marcus Melnick, Director of the Northwest Chicagoland chapter of GSL, is not only a firearms instructor, but he wrote two books on firearms.  The first is on handgun safety, and the second is entitled, The Opposite of Safe.  This book details the mental and physical reactions to mass violence, criminal attacks, and other horrific life-threatening events.

You can order yours at


Sat, 01/21/2023 - 22:48

Join us at our February Guns Save Life meetings.  

They start with the last Sunday in January (Jan 26th at Chicagoland) and continue from there.

Learn the latest on Governor Pritzker’s Gun Ban and what GSL’s world-class legal team is doing to stop it cold. 

We’ll also cover pistol support braces… your options and our recommendations.

And some great speakers, starting with nationally-known instructor Brian Smith at the Chicagoland meeting!  

NEEDS MORE GAS: Watch arsonists set fire to themselves in addition to business [VIDEO]

Thu, 01/05/2023 - 11:43

A Bakersfield, CA business named “Servicio de Imigracion” fell victim to an attempted arson attack very early Monday morning.  We don’t know if the two men were celebrating the new year by burning the business or if they were disgruntled (former?) customers, but they brought a couple of gallons of a mildly flammable liquid and doused the business.

They were unprepared for what happened when they set the flammable liquid ablaze.  The first video has audio.

Here’s more…

As the title says, they should have brought a couple of five-gallon cans full of gasoline if they wanted to do it right…  and barbeque themselves while they were at it.  The screams were the icing on the schadenfreude cake.

