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Updated: 2 weeks 4 days ago

Cheaper Than Dirt Charging $199 for stripped AR-15 lowers

Mon, 09/21/2020 - 08:13

Cheaper Than Dirt Charging $199 for stripped AR-15 lowers

The price gouging that we have seen in the past from Cheaper Than Dirt continues yet again… $199 for an Anderson Manufacturing stripped lower Let me repeat… We will never, EVER, EVER forget… For those of you who dont know the back story here, See here, and here for the shenanigans they tried to pull. […]

Deeming firearms retailers ‘essential’ during the pandemic affirms the 2nd Amendment as an individual right

Sat, 04/04/2020 - 10:08

Deeming firearms retailers ‘essential’ during the pandemic affirms the 2nd Amendment as an individual right

And this gets laid out at The Trace of all places… What does seem clear, Blocher said, is that the closures do not amount to a ban on armed self-defense, since anybody with access to one of the hundreds of millions of guns circulating in the United States can still use it to protect themselves. […]

The fuzzy math of Moms Demand Action claiming 6 million members

Mon, 11/25/2019 - 08:48

The fuzzy math of Moms Demand Action claiming 6 million members

The group of mommies has recently boosted their claim that their membership is now 6 million strong. What I find interesting is that they try to officially always use the term “supporters” instead of “members”, but they will occasionally slip up and say that they have 6 million members. They are generally trying to portray […]

Did Mossberg stop selling AR-15s?

Mon, 10/21/2019 - 08:40

Did Mossberg stop selling AR-15s?

Mossberg seems to have purged AR-15s from their website. I am still awaiting comment from Mossberg, but they have quietly pulled every AR-15 model down from their website. Everything AR-15 related is gone. The only auto-loading rifles that remain are the old school .22s.

Samsung proves the folly of so called ‘smart guns’

Thu, 10/17/2019 - 08:32

Samsung proves the folly of so called ‘smart guns’

Why cant we have thumbprint guns, they said. It would work just like my cell phone, they said. Noted gun expert and Silicone Valley consultant Joe Biden has pushed this on many occasions. “My cell phone – like yours -I just put my thumbprint on, and that is my access to everything. (…) Why can’t […]

The red flag loophole…

Wed, 10/09/2019 - 09:01

The red flag loophole…

So, how long does it take to get a ‘red flag’ put into NICS? Since the only thing that red flag laws do is remove guns from a ‘highly dangerous’ individual, and leaves them essentially on the loose in society… what is stopping them from immediately going to the gun shop 30 minutes after their […]

New pro-gun talking point…

Tue, 10/08/2019 - 08:19

New pro-gun talking point…

While talking with an anti-gun colleague at work yesterday… they inevitably went to the old anti-gun talking point “We need to regulate guns the way that we regulate cars.” To which I replied, ‘Thats a great idea! Why dont we also regulate all of the other rights outlined in the bill of rights the same […]

“Beto O’Rourke is a prohibited person”

Thu, 09/19/2019 - 08:21

“Beto O’Rourke is a prohibited person”

When red flag laws become the law of the land, “Beto O’Rourke is a prohibited person” is exactly how the report will come back on him. You see, once Red Flag laws are the law of the land, DUIs will be used to disqualify you from firearm ownership eligibility. Experts who are advising on this […]

Shannon Watts cant get enough of that sweet, sweet book sales money

Fri, 06/14/2019 - 09:05

Shannon Watts cant get enough of that sweet, sweet book sales money

You know how I know she is just in it for the money? The never ending book tour…   And then there is this one… This last one was actually from Watts’ twitter account so I would bet dollars to donuts that it was staged. I would absolutely love to see what her paycheck is […]

Top 10 Things Said by Someone Who Carries a 10mm

Wed, 04/10/2019 - 07:01

Top 10 Things Said by Someone Who Carries a 10mm

From the way-back machine… 10. “Glock 19? Nice mouse gun, Bro.” 9. “Chuck Norris is my god.” 8. “40S&W stands for Short and Weak.” 7. “Stopping power” 6. “.45 ACP? Bro, thats what my girlfriend carries.” 5. Two words: “Forum moderator.” 4. “Colt Delta Elite” 3. “Because shooting someone twice is just silly.” 2. “Man-stopper” […]

Shoot-through gun cleaner? No!

Sat, 12/22/2018 - 15:55

Shoot-through gun cleaner? No!

What could possibly go wrong… Seen at the Walmarts…

Bump stock ban opens the door for literally anything to be declared to be a ‘machine gun’

Thu, 12/20/2018 - 09:57

Bump stock ban opens the door for literally anything to be declared to be a ‘machine gun’

I have been reading the gunnie news over the last couple of days and what I am seeing is our side losing the forest for the trees. As wrong as I think the rational of the ATF is about bumps stocks being machine guns because of how they do or do not operate, the greater […]

3D Printed Guns Can Not be Banned Because of ‘Common Use’

Wed, 09/12/2018 - 08:44

3D Printed Guns Can Not be Banned Because of ‘Common Use’

Kavanaugh just educated Feinstein on why AR-15’s are protected… He added, “And, semiautomatic rifles are widely possessed in the United States. There are millions and millions and millions of semiautomatic rifles that are possessed, so that seemed to fit common use and not be a dangerous and unusual weapon.” I would like to point out […]

Google has repeatedly flagged this gun blog for “sexual content”

Tue, 09/04/2018 - 07:58

Google has repeatedly flagged this gun blog for “sexual content”

Over the past week this blog has been flagged 4 separate times by Google Adsense for policy violations deemed to be “sexual content”.  The posts in question relate to a link to another blogger who was doing an ammo review and three posts titled “Gun Porn” (I guess this post will be the next to […]

Have anti-gunners won their war on gun videos?

Fri, 06/01/2018 - 12:33

Have anti-gunners won their war on gun videos?

Its so damn hard to get my fix of gun videos now that YouTube has gone full retard. Other sites have popped up, but they seem to be DOA. Gun Streamer seems to have nothing but random and uninspired video content. Their highest subscribed channel seems to only have 264 subscribers. And the view counts […]

The NRA better go on the offensive, and they better do it now!

Fri, 05/18/2018 - 13:23

The NRA better go on the offensive, and they better do it now!

Well, there was a school shooting in Texas. At least 10 dead and this is the first significant incident since the left has weaponized the parkland students. This is going to be an important crossroads for the gun rights movement, and this is one that I think is a must win for our side. The […]

Oliver North Sucks and Shouldn’t be NRA President

Tue, 05/15/2018 - 08:54

Oliver North Sucks and Shouldn’t be NRA President

So the news broke a while back about Oliver North being the new President of the NRA. Here is is my take on this…Is Oliver North the best leader on gun rights, and is he the one who is going to take us to the promised land? I don’t honestly know the answer to that. […]

Costco rejects donation to their Children’s Miracle Network fund because it came from a gun shop

Tue, 05/15/2018 - 08:35

Costco rejects donation to their Children’s Miracle Network fund because it came from a gun shop

Anti-gun Costco is at it again… This time they are denying a $500 gift to their Chirldren’s Miracle Network fund becauseit was gifted to them by a California gun shop…
