Touching image of Marine with his bride shared around the world
Moments before a couple were married in North Carolina Saturday, photographer Dwayne Schmidt captured an emotional image of the man and woman which has now been shared across the world. The couple stood at a corner, holding hands with their backs leaned against the two adjoining walls, as not to see one another before the ceremony, and said a short prayer before saying, “I do.”
...Read First Amendment complaint against Houston college
A Houston college student sued her school last week over claims the institution infringed on her constitutional right to free speech. The incident occurred Feb. 2, when Nicole Sanders and other students were collecting signatures for the formation of a new student club chapter of Young Americans for Liberty, a libertarian and conservative youth organization.
Read the full story.
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170 Ohioans lose carry license over bad training
One-hundred and seventy concealed carry licenses in Lake County, Ohio, have been invalidated after an instructor allegedly did not properly instruct his students, The News-Herald News reported Monday.
...Gangland’s episode on ‘The Bandidos’ (VIDEO)
The Bandidos Motorcycle Club, also known as the Bandido Nation, is a “one-percenter” motorcycle gang and organized crime syndicate with a worldwide membership. The episode originally aired Oct. 17, 2008.
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Responses to Waco Gunfight reveal ignorance of armed citizens’ role
The recent shootout between biker gangs in Waco, TX has drawn the predictable response from advocates of gun control. The Texas chapter of Moms Demand Action, for example, issued a statement that uses this incident to criticize legislation allowing the open carry of handguns and calling for universal background checks and for keeping guns off college campuses, following the advice never to let a big deal in the news go to waste. What allowing carry license holders to defend themselves at college has to do with what happened in Waco isn’t addressed, probably with good reason.