Get rid of people you don’t like with this revolutionary new product: Gun!
Are your neighbors or co-workers driving you nuts? Don’t you wish there was a way to get annoying liberals out of your life? Well, what if we told you there’s a revolutionary new product that’ll scare away all those pesky people without requiring you to be diplomatic.
It’s Gun!
Be sure and read the product disclaimers before using.
Via Pocho
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Kirsten Joy Weiss gardens… with a gun! (VIDEO)
When faced with a project, it’s always nice to come up with a way to make the process more efficient and fun, but when you can somehow add a shotgun in the mix to help complete the task at hand, well, that’s just a bonus.
While sharpshooter Kirsten Joy Weiss loves to garden, she apparently loves efficiency, fun and shotguns even more. Leave it to her to combine all of these elements for an entertaining video on how to garden… with a gun!
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Three reasons the Brady Center’s ASK campaign is important
Huffington Post is asking all nine of their readers to pony up some cash for a good cause…helping the Brady Center’s new campaign against the evil gun lobby. The ASK campaign is to be kicked off with a gala banquet and fundraiser at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Los Angeles. The event is to be held in honor of Donna Dees-Thomases, who organized the Million Mom March on Washington, D.C.