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Roman candle minigun fires 900 fireworks-per-minute (VIDEO)

Thu, 07/10/2014 - 08:18

This Roman candle minigun fires 900 fireworks-per-minute. It’s sort of a one-off, but still, this Fourth of July wonder is sure to be a crowd pleaser.

YouTuber iZHarms made the walking fire hazard by combining five AK-180 repeating Roman candles.

Last summer, he made a smaller version that had three AK-180s.

[ iZHarms/YouTube ]

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DARPA’s Squad X initiative seeks ‘innovative’ tech to enhance troops’ real-time situational awareness

Thu, 07/10/2014 - 08:18

The new tech should be unobtrusive and increase troops’ situational awareness without increasing the physical or cognitive burden.


Massachusetts House quickly passes day-old bill to expand ‘may-issue’ to gun ownership

Thu, 07/10/2014 - 06:45

House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo. (Photo credit: Stephan Savoia/AP)


NRA’s Dom Raso talks close quarters combat in ‘Fatal Funnel’ (VIDEO)

Wed, 07/09/2014 - 15:34

In “Fatal Funnel,” NRA’s Dom Raso breaks down a scene from the movie “The Bourne Legacy” and talks the best way to defend against multiple attackers in a confined space.

[ NRA Freesytle ]

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Stag Arms offering American Flag rifles for righties and lefties

Wed, 07/09/2014 - 15:16

The American Flag Stag Arms Model 3. (Photo credit: Stag Arms)


Illinois sued by nearly 200 who have been denied carry permits

Wed, 07/09/2014 - 14:19

Illinois concealed carry applicant Michael Thomas is on of nearly 200 in the state suing over denials, stating, “I have never been arrested or convicted of any offense, either misdemeanor or felony, in the state of Illinois or any other state. I have no criminal record of any type.” (Photo credit: Alex Garcia/Chicago Tribune)


Washington voters to choose between background check initiatives

Wed, 07/09/2014 - 13:47

Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the CCRKBA. (Photo credit: Elaine Thompson/AP)


Arizona: Shooters declaring war on drones (VIDEO)

Wed, 07/09/2014 - 13:02

FOX 10 News – Phoenix, AZ | KSAZ-TV

The Fox affiliate in Phoenix covers drone shooting in Arizona called “gnat warfare.”

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Chicago: Military vet with CCP shoots armed and angry party-goer firing into crowd

Wed, 07/09/2014 - 12:54

As Chicago experienced one of its most bloody weekends yet, at least of the shootings appeared to be in self-defense. (Photo credit: Chicago Tribune)


Missouri homeowner fatally shoots armed intruder, saves girlfriend in process

Wed, 07/09/2014 - 11:50

The homeowner, Rick Rogers, said he knew the intruder who was fatally shot and in fact he lived in the house behind him up until about a month ago.


Craigslist robber holds seller at gunpoint, steals $3,250 ring

Wed, 07/09/2014 - 11:41

A Pennsylvania man responding to a Craigslist ad held the seller at gunpoint and stole a men’s ring worth $3,250 Monday.


Final ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ trailer (VIDEO)

Wed, 07/09/2014 - 11:37

The final trailer has been released for the upcoming movie “Guardians of the Galaxy,” which is set to hit theaters August 1.

[ Marvel UK/YouTube ]

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TrackingPoint taking pre-orders for limited-edition .300 Win Mag AR

Wed, 07/09/2014 - 10:53

The .300 Winchester Magnum TP AR rifle. (Photo credit: TrackingPoint)


Jesse Ventura’s defamation suit against ‘American Sniper’ Chris Kyle now open

Tue, 07/08/2014 - 17:03

Ventura says his work and image have suffered since Kyle falsely wrote about punching him in the face.


