‘Harry Potter vs. Star Wars’: The StarWarts Chronicles (VIDEO)
A Jedi with a high midi-chlorian count is a force to be reckoned with, but a wizard powerful enough to defeat the diabolical Lord Voldermort shouldn’t be taken lightly either.
So if you pit young Anakin Skywalker against Harry “Lightning Bolt” Potter in a hypothetical magical battle, who would win? Before you decide, remember, Potter has the Avada Kedavra Curse at his handy, while Anakin has hate and the Dark Side working in his favor.
All in all, this is some splendid camera work with compelling acting. But in the end, I know who my money is on.
[ YouTube ]
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Shotgun, meet pressure-cooker. Cooker, meet shotgun (VIDEO)
Introducing a new YouTube channel, SHOTGUN vs. STUFF, where crazy Russians take stuff and see how they fare against shotguns.
Imma be honest with you, I think we know who’s going to win for most of these videos.
Also, let’s all take a minute and thank Russia for providing us with the armed youth making these incredibly dangerous videos for our entertainment purposes. Or Chechens, or whatever clearly ex-Soviet nation is risking their sons’ skin for the likes. You make the world a more interesting place.
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NRA News’ Colion Noir talks about ‘Being Pro-Gun’ (VIDEO)
In “Being Pro-Gun,” NRA News’ Colion Noir reminds us that just because he’s “Pro-Gun” doesn’t mean he has extreme political views.
[ YouTube ]
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The street legal JetCycle (VIDEO)
What happens when you take a jet and retrofit it to be street legal? You get a JetCycle. It may not be safe, but at least they’re wearing their helmets.
[ YouTube ]
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