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Updated: 1 week 3 days ago

Birmingham Mayor’s Common-Sense Proposal: Just Regulate Guns in Cities

Sun, 11/27/2022 - 10:00

Birmingham, Alabama’s uber-woke Mayor Randall Woodfin offered his latest “common sense” proposal to tackle the rampant black-on-black crime infesting his city. He wants to regulate gun ownership for his city’s residents. While we don’t want to make assumptions, we suspect he misspelled “ban” as “regulate.”

So y’all don’t want to regulate guns at all?

I support 2nd amendment just like I support 1st amendment.
e.g. I firmly believe in the right to peacefully assemble.

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Why Does a Small Town Mayor Who Supports Gun Control Need a 3-Person Armed Security Detail?

Sun, 11/27/2022 - 10:00

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has 90 bodyguards babysitting her and her family as she rules over a city of 2.7 million. People understand the need for bodyguards for big city mayors, even if 90 seems like, well, overkill.

But why has the mayor of a small town a half-hour outside of Chicago, a little burgh with population of only 20,000, had a three-person security detail for over a year? Particularly when three officers represents almost 10% of the city’s police department?

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Rosella: All Gun Owners Should Be Taxed to Compensate Crime Victims

Sun, 11/27/2022 - 08:00

Gun owners don’t seek counseling, for possessing guns. I’ve never heard of Gun Owners Anonymous, or Killers Are Us.

But co-victims of gun violence need emotional support. Maybe we need to introduce a gun tax for Co-Victims Support. You owe us. Your GUN damaged us. There was no blood involved. A co-victim is someone who is connected to someone who was shot, or to a shooter. But, damn, we are damaged.

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Maryland AG Defends State’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban by Citing a 19th Century Ban on Bowie Knives

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 13:00

By Doug Ritter

Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh has acknowledged in a brief to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit that knives are “arms” covered by the Second Amendment. Unfortunately for him, he tried to use a ban on Bowie knives from the 1800s as an argument that Maryland’s ban on “assault weapons” is legal. It’s an argument that just doesn’t cut it.

As background, when the U.S.

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More Junk Science Used To Promote Closing the ‘Misdemeanor Loophole’

Fri, 11/25/2022 - 16:00

Leave it to losers to exploit junk science to further their illegitimate efforts to ban gun ownership for law-abiding citizens. The latest effort to strip away gun rights from Americans involves closing something the gun-haters are calling the “misdemeanor loophole.”

To back their case, they’re touting “research” that claims, well, you can probably guess: we could all enjoy nothing but whirled peas and perpetual rainbows if we just closed this latest loophole.

Not so long ago, the RAND organization found that just 123 of 27,900 gun control studies followed rigorous scientific method.

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Gear Review: ZeroTech Thrive HD Red Dot Review

Fri, 11/25/2022 - 13:00

Who the heck is ZeroTech? That’s what I asked when I first got the offer to review their red dots. I’ve reviewed American optics, Japanese optics, and optics made in China, but ZeroTech offered me an option from Australia.

Australia isn’t well known for its arms or arms adjacent technology, but there are plenty of Australians who still appreciate firearms, even though their government isn’t exactly freedom friendly. Today we are looking at the ZeroTech Thrive HD red dot with the high mount.

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Black Friday Cyber Monday Thanksgiving Hangover Weekend Deals

Fri, 11/25/2022 - 10:00

Shop now:

— 5.11 Tactical (@511Tactical) November 22, 2022

Tis truly the season for some seriously great deals. If your inbox is as overstuffed as ours is, it’s hard to keep track of them all.

Here are a few notabe Black Friday deals we’ve seen that are worth passing on. If you’ve seen other good ones we’ve missed, put them in the comments below. Then make yourself a turkey sandwich.

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Shifting the Target: Joe Biden Now Wants to Ban All Semiautomatic Guns

Fri, 11/25/2022 - 08:00

THE PRESIDENT:  Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Look, the idea that we’re not enforcing red-flag laws, period, just based on knowledge, not on parents saying or a loved one saying you should arrest this person now for his own sake, is ridiculous.  

We got one of the first red-flag laws in the state of Delaware, and my son Beau was the one enforcing it.  And it made a lot of difference. 

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Here’s the Right Way to Give Someone a Firearm as a Gift

Thu, 11/24/2022 - 16:00


With gift-buying season upon us, it’s natural for gun owners who enjoy target shooting, hunting, collecting or just plain plinking to want to share their enjoyment of firearms with others. What better way to do that than to gift a firearm to a family member, close friend or relative?

The first thing to remember if you’re thinking about giving someone a gun is that ownership of a firearm brings with it some serious responsibilities and legal obligations that other consumer products don’t.

Continue reading Here’s the Right Way to Give Someone a Firearm as a Gift at The Truth About Guns.

Gangs Hunting, Assassinating Rivals for Sport in Chicago [VIDEO]

Wed, 11/23/2022 - 16:00

Murder City, USA has long been recognized as America’s largest open-air shooting range.  With police effectively prohibited from chasing suspects, along with politicians, prosecutors and courts that refuse to hold bad guys accountable, it’s easy to see why the streets now belong to the criminals. Now, a just-released video shows just how bad things have become.

In the video, an apparent gang member pulls a gun on another man leaving a convenience store.

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The New York Times Has Ideas on How to Handle a Guest Who Wants to Carry a Gun to Thanksgiving Dinner

Wed, 11/23/2022 - 15:00

[ED: We originally ran this post back in November, 2016, but it’s every bit as good today. Enjoy.]

New York Times scribe Philip Galanes writes a regular column called “Social Q’s” in the Grey Lady’s Fashion & Style section. It’s kind of a “Dear Abby” style column addressing readers’ question about social etiquette.

Last week, an aghast correspondent asked how to handle a Thanksgiving guest who (gasp!) might be carrying a gun.

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Career Criminal and ‘Justice Reform Advocate’ Killed In Washington D.C. With an Illegal Gun at His Side

Wed, 11/23/2022 - 14:00

Despite a mountain of gun control laws in Washington, D.C., a man driving a stolen car didn’t have any compunction about packing an illegal gun too. What’s more, after colliding with a “social justice advocate” at 5:30 a.m., the driver of the boosted car didn’t hesitate to use it to kill Kevin Blowe.

The case grows more interesting as it turns out that the deceased social justice warrior also ignored D.C.’s extensive gun control laws and was illegally carrying a gun, too. 

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Shooting Spree At Chesapeake, VA Walmart Leaves Six Plus Killer Dead; Report Claims Shooter Was a Store Manager

Wed, 11/23/2022 - 09:50

Reports say a Walmart store manager in Chesapeake, Virginia went off the deep end and began shooting people inside the store last night. The shooter used a handgun to kill six and wound a number of others before being shot and killed himself. WAVY reports the incident began in the back of the store during an employee meeting.

The first calls to 911 came in at about 10:12p Tuesday evening. Customers and store staff were both present in the store at the time.

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Ouch! New York’s Ban on Carrying Guns on Private Property Without Express Permission is Failing Miserably

Wed, 11/23/2022 - 08:00


Another one of New York’s new restrictions imposed in the immediate aftermath of the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision is the private property exclusion. That new provision makes it a felony for a license holder to possess a firearm on all private property, unless the relevant property holders actually permit such possession with a sign or by express consent….

Property owners indeed have the right to exclude.

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Again: Judge Blocks New York’s Private Property Gun Ban

Wed, 11/23/2022 - 07:00

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . .

A federal judge in western New York has granted a preliminary injunction against enforcement of the “private property exclusion” tenet of the state’s new gun control law, calling it unconstitutional.

The case, known as Christian et. al. v. Nigrelli, et. al., was brought by the Second Amendment Foundation and Firearms Policy Coalition on behalf of Brett Christian, a private citizen.

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Gun Meme of the Day: Discretion Edition

Tue, 11/22/2022 - 18:27

Social media pro tip: sometimes you just gotta keep things private.



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Unarmed Ex Army Platoon Leader Helped Take Down the Colorado Springs Shooter

Tue, 11/22/2022 - 16:00

By Jesse Bedayn and Sam Metz, AP

When army veteran Rich Fierro realized a gunman was spraying bullets inside the club where he had gathered with friends and family, instincts from his military training immediately kicked in.

First he ducked to avoid any potential incoming fire, then he moved to try to disarm the shooter.

“It’s the reflex. Go! Go to the fire. Stop the action. Stop the activity.

Continue reading Unarmed Ex Army Platoon Leader Helped Take Down the Colorado Springs Shooter at The Truth About Guns.

