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Updated: 1 week 3 days ago

TSA Finds Gun Hidden Inside Florida Woman’s Chicken

Wed, 11/09/2022 - 08:00

The chickens came home to roost for one traveler who hatched the “greasy” idea of packing a firearm inside a raw hen for their flight out of Florida.

On Monday afternoon, the Transportation Security Administration posted a picture of a gun detected inside a raw hen at Florida’s Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport security baggage screening room. The picture shows the gun wrapped and placed inside the chicken — where stuffing would normally sit.

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Armed Good Samaritan Stops Child Abduction Outside Georgia Walmart

Tue, 11/08/2022 - 15:00

My wife worries a lot about someone grabbing one of our twin boys while she’s strapping the other one into his car seat. A similar scenario just happened in a Walmart parking lot in Warner Robins, Georgia where a 67-year-old man forcefully took a child out of a car and whisked the child into the woods behind the store.

Thankfully, a good guy with a gun saw the horrific crime in progress and interrupted the bad guy as police say he tried to strangle the child.

Continue reading Armed Good Samaritan Stops Child Abduction Outside Georgia Walmart at The Truth About Guns.

Smith & Wesson’s New Easy-Racking EQUALIZER Optics-Ready Micro-Compact 9mm Pistol

Tue, 11/08/2022 - 13:00

From Smith & Wesson . . .

Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. (NASDAQ Global Select: SWBI), a leader in firearm manufacturing and design, introduces the all-new S&W EQUALIZER.

Level the playing field with our best-performing micro-compact to date. Next-gen EZ technology, low recoil impulse, and versatile magazine capacity all in a compact footprint, make the EQUALIZER an ultimate CCW. This 9MM offering provides the perfect balance of power and capacity across 10, 13, and 15-round magazines.

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Florida Cop Arrests a Blind Man After Mistaking His White Cane for a Gun

Tue, 11/08/2022 - 12:00

By Lee Williams

James Hodges, who is legally blind and cannot drive, was walking home from jury duty in Lake City, Florida one week ago when he was stopped by Columbia County Sheriff’s Deputy Jayme Gohdy, because she mistook his collapsible white cane for a pistol.

A video of their encounter was captured by Deputy Gohdy’s body camera. Hodges later posted a copy of the video on his YouTube page.


“What’s this in your back pocket?” Deputy Gohdy can be heard asking on the video.

Continue reading Florida Cop Arrests a Blind Man After Mistaking His White Cane for a Gun at The Truth About Guns.

Barron: New York’s Post-Bruen Gun Control Temper Tantrum Targeted the Wrong People

Tue, 11/08/2022 - 10:00


At no point in this rush to condemn the [Supreme] Court [Bruen decision] and impose the nation’s harshest statewide restrictions on simple gun ownership did any major official offer evidence that these new laws would affect violence or crime rates. Virtually all gun crime in Gotham is committed by people wielding illegal guns, operating completely outside the gun-permitting and registration system. It’s already illegal to possess an unregistered gun, and carrying one is supposed to entail a mandatory prison sentence.

Continue reading Barron: New York’s Post-Bruen Gun Control Temper Tantrum Targeted the Wrong People at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Meme of the Day: A Collection AND An Investment Edition

Mon, 11/07/2022 - 18:00

Diversify your investments with the RASH® technique! That’s Rifles, Ammunition, Shotguns, and Handguns.


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Ohio’s Tim Ryan Fails in Shameless Attempt at Pandering to Ohio Gun Voters [VIDEO]

Mon, 11/07/2022 - 17:00

Oh, those evil, full-capacity black semi-auto 9mm handguns. You know, the kind that Joe Biden claims will blow your lungs out. They’re scary enough to keep most Democrat politicians far away.

That kind of revulsion is probably what resulted the spectacle a rabidly anti-gun Senate Democrat’s embarrassing lack of skillz. But panic makes candidates do stupid things when they’re desperately (and apparently unsuccessfully) trying to defend their job.

That’s obviously what prompted Buckeye State’s Senator Tim Ryan to post a short video showing him popping caps with a Beretta 92 in the waning days of the campaign.

Continue reading Ohio’s Tim Ryan Fails in Shameless Attempt at Pandering to Ohio Gun Voters [VIDEO] at The Truth About Guns.

‘Retired’ Santa Clara Sheriff Laurie Smith Found Guilty of Concealed Carry Corruption

Mon, 11/07/2022 - 16:00

Before the US Supreme Court’s Bruen decision was handed down, we all noticed how it seemed like celebrities and the well-connected had no problems getting a carry license.  The little people like you and me? LOL. Now, after a long investigation and court case, former Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith has convicted of civil corruption for selling concealed carry permits, playing politics and profiting from her control of peoples’ right to armed personal defense.

Continue reading ‘Retired’ Santa Clara Sheriff Laurie Smith Found Guilty of Concealed Carry Corruption at The Truth About Guns.

Californians in Texas: The Gun Range Experience

Mon, 11/07/2022 - 13:00


We’ve taken more than a few noobs to ranges here in and around Austin. None were actual Californians, but one was an academic from the University of London, so that’s pretty darn close.

Our friends at the Babylon Bee have been chronicling the Texification process that a typical California couple have been going through since their move to the Lone Star State. Check out Steve and Timpani’s first gun range experience.

Continue reading Californians in Texas: The Gun Range Experience at The Truth About Guns.

GUNVOTE: 27 of 30 Most Crime-Ridden Cities Run By Soft-On-Crime Democrat Mayors

Mon, 11/07/2022 - 10:00

Hillary Clinton claims America has a “Red State Murder Problem.” Then again, Hillary also claims she won the 2016 Presidential Election. In reality, Heritage Foundation research shows that 27 of the top 30 most crime-ridden cities are run by Democrats.

Specifically, those 27 cities are run by politicians who advocate for soft-on-crime policies including defunding the police, no-cash bail policies, refusing to prosecute even violent crimes, and outright decarceration. What’s more, almost half of those top-30 cities have Soros-backed “progressive” prosecutors who are fully on board with these goals.

Continue reading GUNVOTE: 27 of 30 Most Crime-Ridden Cities Run By Soft-On-Crime Democrat Mayors at The Truth About Guns.

Brickman: Politicians Get ‘Gun-Free’ Zones Bass Ackwards

Mon, 11/07/2022 - 08:00

Our legislators have it all backwards.

First of all, their legislation does nothing to take guns away from the bad guys.. only limits ownership of, and the ability for, good American citizens to protect themselves and their families. If you wanted to hold up a bar, would you make the attempt at a bar known to be frequented by off duty and retired police? Of course not — because if you pulled a weapon you would be looking down at least 20 gun barrels.

Continue reading Brickman: Politicians Get ‘Gun-Free’ Zones Bass Ackwards at The Truth About Guns.

Field to Table: Yes, You Can Safely Eat Wild Hog Meat…Here’s How

Sun, 11/06/2022 - 16:00

By Greg Ray

As wild hog populations increase and continue to expand their ranges across the United States, landowners are looking more and more to hunters to help them keep hog populations in check.

While hunting hogs is a fun endeavor, it can also produce tasty table fair with lean, delicious protein. From smoked pulled pork and grilled tenderloin to spicy pork chili verde and hearty boar stew, more and more hunters are looking to wild pigs to provide much needed protein for their families.

Continue reading Field to Table: Yes, You Can Safely Eat Wild Hog Meat…Here’s How at The Truth About Guns.

Deer Hunting: Guns Aren’t the Only Potential Danger When You’re Out in the Field

Sun, 11/06/2022 - 13:00

By Dave Lewis

Muzzloader deer season had just opened in Oklahoma. Short sleeve shirts were still comfortable during the day and a lightweight sleeping bag worked just fine at night. A couple of friends and I cut out of work early one Friday and headed down to southeastern Oklahoma for an early season hunt.

After a three-hour drive we settled into a camp site on land that was owned by one of the major paper companies.

Continue reading Deer Hunting: Guns Aren’t the Only Potential Danger When You’re Out in the Field at The Truth About Guns.

Colorado’s Senate Race Gives Gun Owners a Clear Choice

Sat, 11/05/2022 - 13:00

Colorado’s two contenders for the U.S. Senate faced off in a second debate that included Democratic Sen. Michael Bennett and Republican challenger Joe O’Dea answering questions from moderators about gun rights and gun control. The first debate didn’t address issues pertinent to the firearm and ammunition industry or Second Amendment rights. This second debate showed their contrasting policy positions.

Questions regarding firearm and gun control laws were raised about 20 minutes into the hour-long debate, starting with quick “yes-or-no” answers before the two candidates elaborated on their positions.

Continue reading Colorado’s Senate Race Gives Gun Owners a Clear Choice at The Truth About Guns.

Do Democrat Gun Owners Believe What Democrat Politicians Say About Gun Control?

Sat, 11/05/2022 - 10:00

By Rob Morse

Most Democrat gun owners support the right to keep and bear arms. There was a time when the Democrat party did too. Unfortunately, that changed decades ago. Today, gun control and civilian disarmament is all but the official Democrat party position.

Do gun-owning Democrats believe their own politicians? Even if their particular candidate hasn’t advocated the confiscation of guns today, he will vote with a party that champions “compensated confiscation” and adding more gun control laws to the tens-of-thousands of firearm regulations already on the books.

Continue reading Do Democrat Gun Owners Believe What Democrat Politicians Say About Gun Control? at The Truth About Guns.

Tulsi Gabbard Wants You to Know Her Views of the Second Amendment Have Changed

Sat, 11/05/2022 - 08:00


As we see Democratic leaders in Washington continue to push more authoritarian-like policies, who are using law enforcement agencies, weaponizing them to go after political opponents, targeting law-abiding Americans as extremists and domestic terrorists for committing the offense of opposing the agenda of those in power, we realize that our right to bear arms is the deterrent that our Founders intended to push back against this threat of government tyranny.

Continue reading Tulsi Gabbard Wants You to Know Her Views of the Second Amendment Have Changed at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Meme of the Day: Don’t Forget to Vote Edition

Fri, 11/04/2022 - 18:58

Tuesday’s coming up quick! Grab that voter guide this weekend and figure out who your Pro 2A pols are, who your preferred school board candidates are, etc. Don’t neglect those down-ballot elections, y’all!


Continue reading Gun Meme of the Day: Don’t Forget to Vote Edition at The Truth About Guns.

Montana Attorney General (and TTAG Contributor) Austin Knudsen Demands YouTube Restore Gun Videos

Fri, 11/04/2022 - 16:00

When Austin Knudsen isn’t writing articles for TTAG, he has a side hustle as Attorney General for the state of Montana that takes up most his spare time. You can read some of his contributions here.

It’s safe to say he’s a dyed-in-the-wool gun guy. That, along with a healthy respect for the First and Second Amendments, was the motivation behind a letter wrote to YouTube’s Chief Executive Officer Susan Wojcicki this week.

Continue reading Montana Attorney General (and TTAG Contributor) Austin Knudsen Demands YouTube Restore Gun Videos at The Truth About Guns.

Americans Bought More Than 1.2 Million New Firearms in October

Fri, 11/04/2022 - 12:00

October was the first month since the pandemic started in which the NSSF’s adjusted background check numbers — i.e., the best indicator of gun sales — was less than a month prior to 2020. October 2016’s total was actually more than the 2022 number, but the streak of consecutive months of sales over one million firearms continues apace.

As the NSSF’s Mark Oliva told us . . .

Background checks continue to reflect a steady interest by law-abiding Americans to exercise their God-given Second Amendment rights.

Continue reading Americans Bought More Than 1.2 Million New Firearms in October at The Truth About Guns.

