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Updated: 1 week 2 days ago

Access and Affordability Are Key to Ensuring Future Generations of Hunters

Sat, 05/21/2022 - 13:00

By Salam Fatohi

Hunting and recreational shooting sports are staples of American pastimes. Often, finding the time to get outdoors is a significant hurdle. For some respondents, free access to places to safely hunt and shoot is the real obstacle. In a 2012 partnership between Responsive Management and NSSF, a baseline report was conducted to understand this critical issue.

With support from an Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA) Multistate Conservation Grant, the report, “Assessing the Quality and Availability of Hunting and Shooting Access in the United States,” was produced.

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Healthcare Industry CEO Grabs For More Government Cash After the Buffalo Shooting

Sat, 05/21/2022 - 10:00

A recent op-ed at Scientific American, written by a large healthcare system CEO and a doctor, jumped onto the anti-gun bandwagon just a few days after the recent white supremacist terror attack in a Buffalo, New York supermarket. Unsurprisingly, the authors argue that gun violence is a public health problem and that health professionals should be part of solving it.

The article shares the story of a hospital-based gun violence prevention program that they say actually worked.

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NY Mayor Adams Can Only Stoke Fear as the Supreme Court’s NYSRPA v. Bruen Ruling Nears

Fri, 05/20/2022 - 14:00

Democrat New York City Mayor Eric Adams was elected to get his city back on a path to safety. He’s instead continued down the path of his predecessors to punish law-abiding New Yorkers. He’s failed to turn the focus and resources towards those that commit crimes and hold them to account.

The result is surging crime and Mayor Adams’s recent “big announcement” was a nationalized gun control plan that will do little in his city.

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42,000 Americans Died in Car Wrecks Last Year, It’s Time for Common Sense Auto Safety Legislation

Fri, 05/20/2022 - 13:00

From the CCRKBA . . .

Alarming new data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows 42,915 people were killed in traffic accidents last year, so the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today suggested a crackdown on automobiles.

“Maybe we should ban cars,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, sarcastically. “After the CDC reported more than 19,000 gun-related homicides in 2020, there was a renewed push to ban certain types of firearms as the solution.

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JSD Supply Moves to Stop ATF Cease and Desist Orders From Putting Gun Parts Sellers Out of Business

Fri, 05/20/2022 - 10:00

If you want a good look at the way the ATF is operating under the Biden-Harris administration, there’s no better example than how the federal firearms regulatory agency is conducting business now that they’ve officially “redefined” the legal definition of a firearm. The sub-rosa motivation behind putting the new rule in place, which doesn’t officially go into effect until August, is to shut down as much of the online gun parts business as possible.

You can read the ATF’s summary of the new rule here.

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Oh Hell No: Dem Senators’ Bill Would Require DOJ Approval Before Americans Can Buy Guns

Fri, 05/20/2022 - 08:00

Democrats have not leaned into gun control measures in the wake of the racist shooter’s deadly attack in Buffalo over the weekend, but Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) is taking on the issue despite long legislative odds. Booker, along with Sens. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), is introducing legislation today that would require people trying to get a firearm to get a license from the Department of Justice before they can buy or receive a gun.

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Gun Meme of the Day: Gender Fluid Rifle Edition

Thu, 05/19/2022 - 18:00

Rifle identity is an infinite spectrum. I’m not a rifle though so I can’t define it.


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Most Mass Shooters Aren’t Insane, Their Actions are a Quest for Significance Gone Horribly Wrong

Thu, 05/19/2022 - 16:00

Arie Kruglanski, University of Maryland

Agonizing questions are being raised by the recent tragic shooting incident in Buffalo, New York, where 18-year-old Payton S. Gendron is alleged to have shot 10 people dead and wounded three. As in the recent years’ similar acts of horror at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, a Walmart in El Paso, and a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, people want to know how such senseless acts of violence can even happen, why they happen so often, and whether anything can be done to stem their dreadful tide.

Continue reading Most Mass Shooters Aren’t Insane, Their Actions are a Quest for Significance Gone Horribly Wrong at The Truth About Guns.

We Need to Put a Big ‘I Did That’ Biden Sticker On Every Gun Sales Report

Thu, 05/19/2022 - 14:00

Americans have been buying a lot of guns. The figure is in the tens of millions. It might be time to get one of the gas pump stickers of President Joe Biden saying, “I did that.”

After all, it is his failing policies that are driving many to take up lawful gun ownership. The Biden administration’s failure to address rampant crime, attacks on Second Amendment rights and weaponizing of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to become a political arm of gun control instead of a law enforcement and regulatory bureau has woken Americans of all walks of life that gun ownership is not only legal; it’s responsible.

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Things That Don’t Suck: Beretta Off Shot Passive Earplugs

Thu, 05/19/2022 - 12:00

I was in Nashville last week for the rollout of Beretta’s new, updated APX A1 pistol. I’ve been to more than a few of these kinds of events and the companies that put them on are always nice enough make eye and ear protection available for everyone in attendance who don’t bring their own.

I always bring my own to these things. I have custom-molded silicone passive internal plugs and very good electronic over-the-ear muffs.

Continue reading Things That Don’t Suck: Beretta Off Shot Passive Earplugs at The Truth About Guns.

Bowen: Republicans’ Policies Are Arming Criminals in Increasingly Violent Cities

Thu, 05/19/2022 - 08:00

The city of Milwaukee continues to process a series of shootings in the downtown area last weekend. Known as the “Deer District,” in homage to the Milwaukee Bucks basketball team, the downtown entertainment district saw a trio of shooting sprees between 9:10 p.m. and 11:54 p.m., leaving more than 20 people injured. All of the victims, ranging from 15-47 years of age, are expected to recover.

Ten people were arrested, 17 were left injured, and 10 firearms were recovered from just one of the shootings.

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BREAKING: Governor Hochul Announces Push to Mandate Microstamping in New York

Wed, 05/18/2022 - 13:45

New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced today that, among other measures she’ll be taking to fight white supremacy and domestic terrorism after the Buffalo supermarket shooting, she’ll also be working with the New York legislature to pass a microstamping mandate.

After laying out a range of moves she’ll be making to combat white supremacy and domestic terrorism (focusing on domestic terrorism, threat assessment, social media monitoring), she announced what she intends to do about the “weaponization of hate.”

She then held up a couple of .233/5.56 rounds to show the kind of ammunition the Buffalo killer used, then announced .

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There’s No Better Case for Changing New York’s Gun Laws Than the Buffalo Supermarket Shooting

Wed, 05/18/2022 - 12:00

From the CCRKBA . . .

While anti-gun politicians exploit the mass shooting at a Buffalo, New York supermarket to demand stricter gun laws, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said such tragedies might be averted or stopped if New York state law allowed more people to exercise their right to carry.

“New York politicians want tougher gun laws in a state that already has some of the toughest laws in the country,” CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb observed.

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Hornady Security’s RAPIiD Safe Keypad Vault

Wed, 05/18/2022 - 12:00

From Hornady Security . . .

Hornady Security’s family of RAPiD security vaults provide quick, dependable, touch-free access to firearms – day or night. The new RAPiD Safe Keypad Vault is a budget-friendly option for securing up to two handguns, ammo and other valuables and provides the advanced features included in all Hornady Security RAPiD products.

Access the RAPiD Safe Keypad Vault in three ways. The RFID reader is the go-to method offering the quickest access.

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Biden Can’t Manage to Talk About Guns Without Telling Another Whopper

Wed, 05/18/2022 - 10:00

By Lee Williams

Joe Biden brought his confusing anti-gun rhetoric to Buffalo, Tuesday – a city still grieving the loss of 10 good souls who were cut down Saturday by a hell-bound madman.

Even though most of the victims have yet to be buried, Biden didn’t hesitate to use the solemn occasion as an opportunity to advocate for more gun control, in this case another federal “assault weapon” ban.

“There are certain things we can do,” Biden told the grieving crowd.

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Trijicon Now Selling RMR Type 2 Red Dots With Suppressor Height Night Sights

Wed, 05/18/2022 - 09:00

From Trijicon . . .

Trijicon Inc., the global provider of innovative aiming solutions for the hunting, shooting, military, and law enforcement markets, introduces the Trijicon Dual Defense Kit. The Dual Defense Kit combines the legendary RMR Type 2 Adjustable LED optic with the industry leading Bright & Tough Night Sight set into one, easy-to-use kit. Once installed, the two units work in conjunction to enhance shooting speed and precision for self-defense, law enforcement, military, competition, or target pistol shooters.

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Gov. Hochul Has Some Questions to Answer Before Calling for Nationwide New York-Style Gun Control

Tue, 05/17/2022 - 16:00

The horrifying murders of 10 innocent lives in Buffalo, New York, by a racist, hate-filled young man raises questions of why and how this criminal was able to commit crimes that defy understanding.

New York’s Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul didn’t waste a moment in calling for strict nationwide gun control laws. She made wild assumptions that the murderer obtained magazines from states other than New York. She later recanted this claim admitting she did not know where or how he obtained the magazines in his possession.

Continue reading Gov. Hochul Has Some Questions to Answer Before Calling for Nationwide New York-Style Gun Control at The Truth About Guns.

With November Getting Closer, Biden Mostly Sidesteps Gun Control in Buffalo Speech

Tue, 05/17/2022 - 14:00

Joe Biden isn’t doing well. We’re not talking about his mental acuity…his poll numbers are in the toilet, sinking a lower with each passing month. And his policies are dragging Democrats down with him.

That’s a big problem with midterm elections coming up fast. So with his party facing what many predict will be electoral armageddon, the White House has taken a surprisingly muted approach to the opportunity presented by this past weekend’s shooting at a Buffalo, New York grocery store, at least in terms of pushing their gun control agenda.

Continue reading With November Getting Closer, Biden Mostly Sidesteps Gun Control in Buffalo Speech at The Truth About Guns.

