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Updated: 1 week 2 days ago

Seattle Police Apprehend a Burglar After He Accidentally Shot Himself in the Head

Thu, 05/05/2022 - 16:00

Catching bad guys is much easier when they don’t use basic safe gun handling practices. You know, basics like good trigger discipline never muzzling yourself. It was a conspicuous lack of that kind of care and attention that allowed the over-worked Seattle police to get another criminal off the streets quickly after he tried to burglarize a garage yesterday.

A homeowner heard a noise in his garage and, as the Seattle PD describes what happened, he went to investigate .

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Gun Tweet of the Day: Your Gun Rights Are Just as Precarious As Abortion Rights

Thu, 05/05/2022 - 14:00

He is, of course, correct (about the term). Nothing in the Constitution dictates that everyone can have a handgun without permits, etc. That’s a policy preference. It would be just as accurate (if not more so, for the moment) to open a clinic offering “Constitutional Abortions”

— Peter Sagal (@petersagal) May 2, 2022


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A Beginner’s Guide to Muzzle Brakes

Thu, 05/05/2022 - 12:00

A question I am often asked is if a person should get a muzzle brake for their rifle. There is some ground to cover in answering that question, so let’s start with some definitions.

The Different Muzzle Devices

In today’s shooting world there are many guns that come with threaded muzzles that can accept a variety of different attachments. The most common three today are muzzle brakes, flash hiders, and suppressors.

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Californians Are Running Out of Handguns the State Will Allow Them to Purchase (Legally)

Thu, 05/05/2022 - 10:00

California is pulling off a vanishing act right before everyone’s eyes. The list of semi-automatic handguns available for sale there is rapidly dwindling, thanks to the state’s “Not Unsafe Handgun Roster.”

It won’t be too long before all semi-automatic handguns will be banned from sale in California – a step closer to gun control’s ultimate goal of banning lawful civilian firearm ownership. The California “Not Unsafe Handgun” law, enacted in 2001, started a slow motion statewide handgun ban.

Continue reading Californians Are Running Out of Handguns the State Will Allow Them to Purchase (Legally) at The Truth About Guns.

Avis: Sorry, Ma’am, the Gun You Found in Your Glove Compartment Is Not Our Problem

Thu, 05/05/2022 - 08:00

[Marianna Macleod] said she was stunned when she found a gun in the glove compartment of her Avis rental car on Sunday.

She wanted to get the firearm out of her possession, so she immediately called Avis.

“I opened my glove compartment to look for something and discovered a gun in my car. I wasn’t expecting that at all, so I freaked out and called Avis,” she said.

Continue reading Avis: Sorry, Ma’am, the Gun You Found in Your Glove Compartment Is Not Our Problem at The Truth About Guns.

LESSONS LEARNED: A Tale of Two Home Invasions

Wed, 05/04/2022 - 16:00

At a recent Guns Save Life meeting, a retired Illinois State Trooper talked about a couple of home invasion cases with very different outcomes. He shared publicly-available information, offering important lessons gun owners can take from the facts of the cases.

First, he talked about a shots-fired home invasion in the town of Streator on the day after Christmas last year.

In that case, Austin Adamchak, 23, forced entry on the home of his ex-girlfriend intent on beating her new boyfriend.

Continue reading LESSONS LEARNED: A Tale of Two Home Invasions at The Truth About Guns.

President Biden, Allow Us to Introduce You to Vice President Biden

Wed, 05/04/2022 - 12:00

President Joe Biden has spent an extraordinary amount of speech time decrying the firearm industry’s existence. He’s repeated the same lies over and over. He’s called more than 375,000 Americans that work for lawful firearm and ammunition businesses “the enemy.”

No one could blame the president’s chief speechwriter for announcing he’s jumping ship and leaving The White House.

Today was my last day at the White House.

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Dave Chappelle Attacked On Stage by Man Carrying a ‘Replica Gun That Could Eject a Knife Blade’

Wed, 05/04/2022 - 10:00

TMZ with the clearest view of Dave Chappelle incident.. lol he basically ate that tackle and then ran over to get his licks (kicks) in

— Glock Topickz (@Glock_Topickz) May 4, 2022

From the AP . . .

Comedian Dave Chappelle was tackled during a performance at the Hollywood Bowl Tuesday night. Security guards chased and overpowered the attacker, and Chappelle was able to continue his performance while the man was taken away in an ambulance.

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Coordination: The Anti-Gun Left Goes After Permitless Open Carry

Wed, 05/04/2022 - 08:00

What a weekend I have had from right wing trolls. Why? Because I correctly stated there is no such thing as Constitutional Carry. It is a made-up marketing term designed to avoid saying permitless open carry. Seems that they do not want me to share that truth. I wonder why?

— Fred Guttenberg (@fred_guttenberg) May 2, 2022

Gun violence rises as easy access to guns rises. Many mayors and city councils in big cities seek to put severe restrictions on guns — banning assault weapons, limiting handguns, banning open carry, requiring testing, licensing and registration.

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Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert Dazzles at an Illinois Gun Rights Rally

Tue, 05/03/2022 - 16:00

While most gun owners don’t take a great deal of interest in politics, plenty of politicians take an interest in them. So with just a few days’ notice, nearly two hundred people showed up at a gun rights political rally held in Quincy, Illinois on Saturday. There they heard Colorado’s rock star pro-gun activist Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, along with the Land of Lincoln’s own Congresswoman Mary Miller talk about gun rights, politics in Washington and a number of local issues.

Continue reading Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert Dazzles at an Illinois Gun Rights Rally at The Truth About Guns.

U.S. Capitol Police Officer Suspended After Negligent Discharge in Break Room

Tue, 05/03/2022 - 13:40

[ED: Remember, only the police and the military have the specialized training and discipline necessary to be entrusted with the responsibility of carrying a gun outside the home.]

By Michael Balsamo, AP

A U.S. Capitol Police officer fired a gun inside a break room in a House office building on Tuesday and was promptly suspended — the latest stain for a police department struggling to regain the public’s trust following the deadly Jan.

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April Gun Sales Total Shows Americans Are Believing Their Lying Eyes

Tue, 05/03/2022 - 12:00

Yes, April’s adjusted NICS totals estimating the number of firearms sold in the month are down from the 2020 and 2021 spike totals, but look at the graph above and compare the 2022 bar to the April totals from the Before Times. The only prior period that came close was 2013 during the post-Sandy Hook buying surge. Last month beat that total by about 13%.

That’s a huge number. Why are Americans still beating a path to their local gun stores in nearly record-breaking numbers?

Continue reading April Gun Sales Total Shows Americans Are Believing Their Lying Eyes at The Truth About Guns.

Life in Chicago: Theatre Cancels Sunday Evening Show Due To Double Shooting Outside

Tue, 05/03/2022 - 10:00

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s lousy leadership continues to pay dividends for the violent criminals element in her city. Even in formerly nice and relatively peaceful parts of the city by the lake, criminals now brazenly ply their trade with little to worry from police. This past weekend, 35 people gained fresh bullet holes and 9 of them died.

How bad is the gang violence? Bad enough that even the downtown Loop is seeing plenty of gang-driven violent crime including shootings and murders.

Continue reading Life in Chicago: Theatre Cancels Sunday Evening Show Due To Double Shooting Outside at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Meme of the Day: Confucius Say Edition

Mon, 05/02/2022 - 18:00

Hahaha this one got an actual LOL out of me. It’s from @therealgila on Instagram.


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The Top 6 Firearm Choices for Gun Hipsters

Mon, 05/02/2022 - 16:00

I posted the above photo of my 1980’s Cobray Pocket Pal on TTAG’s Facebook page. The caption read, “Do I load my EDC with 3 rounds of .380 or 5 rounds of .22? Decisions, decisions.” I was, of course, kidding. This paperweight of a gun doesn’t even get fired, let alone carried. But as we all know, sarcasm can be hard to convey via the intertubes and most seemed to take the post seriously.

Continue reading The Top 6 Firearm Choices for Gun Hipsters at The Truth About Guns.

Scopes For Beginners: Parallax Adjustment

Mon, 05/02/2022 - 12:00

Many shooters will never nail a sub-MOA group due not to a lack of skill or a questionable rifle, but to misunderstanding a scope‘s parallax adjustment and what it’s for. Hint: it ain’t “side focus.” Not really.

For scopes with adjustable parallax — which is going to be the majority of them with magnification over, oh, 8X or so — the first thing to know is to ignore the yardage markings on the parallax adjustment dial.

Continue reading Scopes For Beginners: Parallax Adjustment at The Truth About Guns.

How to Choose the Perfect Long Gun Safe (With a Few Suggestions)

Mon, 05/02/2022 - 10:00

If you live in and love the firearms lifestyle, you assume the same basic responsibility — to keep your firearms away from people (kids, criminals, crazies) who shouldn’t have access to them. A gun safe will do that job for you, but how to choose one? Here are some helpful tips.

Size Matters

I’ve owned a Liberty touchpad-open gun safe in burgundy-and-brass for 20 years now, and it has sat in the corner of my office, quietly doing its job without complaint all that time.

Continue reading How to Choose the Perfect Long Gun Safe (With a Few Suggestions) at The Truth About Guns.

3 Legal Cases That Affect Your Right to Bear Arms

Sun, 05/01/2022 - 16:00

For the past few decades, gun control advocates have been demonizing guns and gun owners. But with the recent surge in first-time gun buyers, it’s become increasingly apparent that gun owners are everyday Americans who recognize the importance of being able to protect themselves and their loved ones.

And yet gun control advocates are still trying to do everything they can to put an end to civilian gun ownership. Now, especially with the Biden Administration in power, they are seeking to realize this goal through ever-expanding federal and state regulation.

Continue reading 3 Legal Cases That Affect Your Right to Bear Arms at The Truth About Guns.

Strandhogg Pop Art Summer Vibes Limited Edition Shirt: From FirstSpear

Sun, 05/01/2022 - 13:00

Cue the music and the Reagan-era vibes. It’s time to celebrate the Strandhogg, First Spear summertime shirt style.

This new limited edition tee is a tactical (~ish) tip of the hat to Andy Warhol in pop art design and the iconic First Spear Strandhogg plate carrier.

The design is printed on a soft side seamed shirt which means better quality, more comfort, and a buff ‘Built for the X‘ appearance when heading out for some summer fun.

Continue reading Strandhogg Pop Art Summer Vibes Limited Edition Shirt: From FirstSpear at The Truth About Guns.

One Potential Problem With The Army’s New Rifle and Optic System . . .

Sun, 05/01/2022 - 10:00

Before I got into journalism, writing, and photography, I worked on computers. Building and repairing computers was a great way to get through school compared to slinging fast food, and in the beginning I was thinking I’d get a degree that had something to do with IT. Most of the problems were challenging, but they were a fun kind of challenge. Plus, putting together a high-end graphics or gaming machine for a customer and making it look cool inside was a lot of fun.

Continue reading One Potential Problem With The Army’s New Rifle and Optic System . . . at The Truth About Guns.

