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Updated: 1 week 1 day ago

Gun Meme of the Day: A[nother] Shot at Springfield Edition

Tue, 10/05/2021 - 18:00

Hey don’t attack the messenger! There’s a few more Springfield memes in my quiver, though, I must admit. But not because I seek them out! Though obviously I agree with this one. Kidding! Kidding. Or am I?


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POOR VICTIM SELECTION: Armed Robbers Pick the Wrong Church’s Chicken As CCW Shoots Both, One Fatally

Tue, 10/05/2021 - 17:00

Maybe the two armed robbers at a Port Arthur, Texas Church’s Chicken thought the chain’s tasty Wild Berry Cobbler was to die for, as they old expression goes. Instead of buying one, they tried something more unconventional (not to mention illegal); armed robbery. In the end one of them ended up buying it.

It all started Friday evening just after 8pm. The duo walked into the store and announced a robbery, just the way they learned it on TV.

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Off-Year Elections in Virginia, New Jersey May Give a Hint of Public’s Growing Gun Rights Support

Tue, 10/05/2021 - 15:00


By Larry Keane

The 2022 federal Congressional elections are 13 months away. Professional prognosticators and history will say Republicans supportive of Second Amendment rights will take back the U.S. House of Representatives from antigun Democrats. Even the Senate may swing to a firearm-favorable majority.

Off-year 2021 elections in New Jersey and Virginia may give a sneak peek to how voters may have changed their minds to be more supportive of the Second Amendment.

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SAF, FPC Sue City of New York Over Stun Gun, TASER Ban

Tue, 10/05/2021 - 13:45

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . .

The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit challenging New York state and municipal laws prohibiting private citizens from possessing and using stun guns and tasers, noting in its complaint, “Most courts have found that bans on stun guns and tasers violate the Second Amendment and are unconstitutional.”

Joining SAF are the Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., and three private citizens, Nunzio Calce, Shaya Greenfield and Raymond Pezzoli.

Continue reading SAF, FPC Sue City of New York Over Stun Gun, TASER Ban at The Truth About Guns.

First Look: Beretta’s New Optics-Ready APX A1 Carry 9mm Pistol

Tue, 10/05/2021 - 13:00


Beretta chose this past weekend’s USCCA Expo in Fort Worth to roll out a redesign of their smallest carry gun in the APX line, the new APX A1 Carry 9mm pistol. TTAG was there to get hands on with the new concealed carry gun and put a few rounds down range with it.

If you want to compare the new iteration of the gun to the original, read Jeremy’s full review of the APX Carry here.

Continue reading First Look: Beretta’s New Optics-Ready APX A1 Carry 9mm Pistol at The Truth About Guns.

Biden Owes the American People and the ATF a Qualified Director Nominee

Tue, 10/05/2021 - 11:31

By Joe Bartozzi

The dust has settled on President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw David Chipman’s nomination for Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). That’s got many, especially within the firearm industry, wondering what comes next.

The president has the responsibility to nominate a qualified individual to the position. The U.S. Senate has the constitutional duty to “advise and consent” on the president’s choice in order to consider that nominee and vote to confirm or deny that person to the role.

Continue reading Biden Owes the American People and the ATF a Qualified Director Nominee at The Truth About Guns.

Sarsilmaz’s New SAR9 Compact 15+1 9mm Pistol

Tue, 10/05/2021 - 11:00

From SAR USA . . .

SAR USA by Sarsilmaz, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of firearms, is pleased to announce the new SAR9 Compact pistol. Built on the same platform as the legendary SAR9, it is possibly the most rigorously tested pistol ever developed and is proudly carried by NATO and elite forces around the world.

“The SAR9 Compact was inspired by feedback that we received from elite shooting professionals, dealers and consumers,” said Todd Pearson, COO SAR USA.

Continue reading Sarsilmaz’s New SAR9 Compact 15+1 9mm Pistol at The Truth About Guns.

SCOTUS Denies Cert in Three Cases Challenging Ban on Gun Ownership by Nonviolent Felons

Tue, 10/05/2021 - 08:00


In one of the cases before the court, a Pennsylvania man who pleaded guilty to driving under the influence in 2005 challenged the ban on purchasing or owning a gun. In another, a Pennsylvania woman who pleaded guilty to making a false statement on her tax returns sued over the ban. In a third, a man who pleaded guilty to counterfeiting and smuggling cassettes in the 1980s challenged the firearms ban.  

Continue reading SCOTUS Denies Cert in Three Cases Challenging Ban on Gun Ownership by Nonviolent Felons at The Truth About Guns.

DEA Agent and Gunman Killed, Two Officers Wounded in Shootout On Amtrak Train in Tucson

Mon, 10/04/2021 - 18:22


By Terry Tang and Michelle A. Monroe, AP

A Drug Enforcement Administration special agent was killed Monday when a passenger, who also died, opened fire as officers were doing a routine inspection for illegal contraband on an Amtrak train in Tucson, Arizona, authorities said. A second agent and a Tucson police officer were wounded.

“It’s very horrific and we’re all just coming to terms with just how terrible a loss this is,” Tucson Police Chief Chris Magnus said.

Continue reading DEA Agent and Gunman Killed, Two Officers Wounded in Shootout On Amtrak Train in Tucson at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Meme of the Day: Murderous Elmo Edition

Mon, 10/04/2021 - 18:00

Halloween is coming. Don’t be like Elmo. To prepare for actual zombies, simply visit the CDC website. To determine whether that’s a real vampire or a person in a costume, use this simple tool.

Side note: I spent five years in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in America, and people in masks knocking on my door at night always made Halloween a little bit tense.


Continue reading Gun Meme of the Day: Murderous Elmo Edition at The Truth About Guns.

VIDEO: Philly’s Mayor Becomes Gun Salesman of the Week After (Another) Lawless Weekend

Mon, 10/04/2021 - 16:00

Leave it to the UK’s Daily Mail to report what the American mainstream media won’t. This weekend in Philadelphia, a lawless mob literally drove donuts around a police squad car and the cops did nothing. What’s more, the same video shows a huge number of the mob hopping on the squad car and taunting the police inside.

Once more, police made no arrests.

Philladelphia’s Mayor Jim Kenney is a proud member of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns.

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Of Course: NRA Board of Directors Votes Overwhelmingly to Re-Elect Wayne LaPierre

Mon, 10/04/2021 - 15:38

As you may have seen, the National Rifle Association’s Board of Directors voted overwhelmingly yesterday to retain embattled CEO Wayne LaPierre in the association’s top spot. Reportedly only 49 of the directors attended the meeting and 44 of them voted to retain LaPierre despite all of the scandals and investigations surrounding the long-time NRA leader.

The NY Post has the report . . .

The National Rifle Association on Saturday said its board of directors reelected controversial CEO Wayne LaPierre.

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Gear Review: Crimson Trace Brushline Pro 3-12X42mm BDC Riflescope

Mon, 10/04/2021 - 14:00

Crimson Trace is a household name among shooters. Their lasers and laser grips have adorned innumerable handguns and several major firearm manufactures have included their laser aiming grips on their guns right from the factory.

This year, Crimson Trace has branched out in a big way with multiple product offerings, from red dot optics, pistol and rifle mounted lights, to magnified optics.

Instead of focusing solely on the self-defense market, Crimson Trace’s comfort zone for decades, they’ve targeted the American hunter with the introduction of the Brushline Pro 3-12-42mm BDC riflescope.

Continue reading Gear Review: Crimson Trace Brushline Pro 3-12X42mm BDC Riflescope at The Truth About Guns.

Don’t Just Ask For An Attorney In the Aftermath of a Use-Of-Force Incident

Mon, 10/04/2021 - 12:00

If you haven’t thought about what to do and say after a use of force incident, you really should. After all, you don’t want to avoid victimization by a criminal attacker only to be later victimized by the criminal justice system.

If you don’t know what to say to responding officers (and their buddies, the investigating officers), ask to speak to an attorney before answering any questions. Yes, investigating officers may seem like they are on your side.

Continue reading Don’t Just Ask For An Attorney In the Aftermath of a Use-Of-Force Incident at The Truth About Guns.

Dershowitz: With Crime Increasing, SCOTUS Will Extend Heller to Open and Concealed Carry

Mon, 10/04/2021 - 08:00

“I do think that the justices will take into account the fact that people really need more protection than they used to need,” he said. “Crime is going up dramatically, particularly in inner cities. And I do think that the need for self-defense will probably be recognized by enough justices of the Supreme Court to warrant extending Heller to open carry and concealed weapons again.”

— Sandy Fitzgerald in Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax: Supreme Court Won’t Overrule or Affirm Roe v.

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4473 Cloud Storage Service Now Certified by FFLGuard

Sun, 10/03/2021 - 16:00


If you aren’t a firearm dealer the following press release will be a bit “inside baseball” for you, but as TTAG has many gun shop owners and employees who read us on the reg’, I’m sharing the info here just for y’all.

4473 Cloud service, which we covered HERE, was just certified by FFLGuard. That’s a huge added value to FFLs using 4473 Cloud.

Continue reading 4473 Cloud Storage Service Now Certified by FFLGuard at The Truth About Guns.

Parkland Shooter to be Tried for Attacking a Prison Guard – VIDEO

Sun, 10/03/2021 - 13:00


By Terry Spencer, AP

The suspect in the 2018 killing of 17 people at a Florida high school is finally going on trial — but not for the slayings. Jury selection begins Monday on charges Nikolas Cruz attacked a Broward County jail guard nine months after the Feb. 14, 2018, shootings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.

Cruz, a former Stoneman Douglas student, brawled with Sgt.

Continue reading Parkland Shooter to be Tried for Attacking a Prison Guard – VIDEO at The Truth About Guns.

Got Gun? How Will Public Safety be Affected by Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Terminations?

Sun, 10/03/2021 - 10:00


President Joe Biden has mandated that Americans take the COVID vaccinations and he’s trying to force it upon people where ever he can. Along those lines, more and more states have plans to terminate public sector employees including police and firefighters who refuse to take the Wuhan flu vaccine. Medical professions in hospitals and clinics are finding themselves in the same boat.

What happens when ten or twenty percent of these groups resign or are terminated over their refusal to take the jab?

Continue reading Got Gun? How Will Public Safety be Affected by Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Terminations? at The Truth About Guns.

Cotton: Democrats’ Anti-Cop, Pro-Criminal Policies Sparked the Great Crime Wave of 2020

Sun, 10/03/2021 - 08:00

New nationwide data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation reveals that last year the number of murders rose by 29 percent, drug overdose deaths increased 30 percent, and the number of gang-related killings skyrocketed more than 55 percent. To put this carnage into context, a 29 percent increase in murder isn’t simply bad, it’s the worst single-year increase in American history. Similarly, the drugs flooding into our communities aren’t only deadly, they are the deadliest drugs ever sold.

Continue reading Cotton: Democrats’ Anti-Cop, Pro-Criminal Policies Sparked the Great Crime Wave of 2020 at The Truth About Guns.

The Real Reason You Need to Clean Your Carry Gun On a Regular Basis

Sat, 10/02/2021 - 16:00

Should you clean your handgun after every use? Most modern-day service handguns are built to handle tremendous abuse. They’ll continue to function even when they’re filthy dirty. Just Google your favorite polymer pistol and the words “torture test.” So why not wait for a leap year to clean your handgun? Or simply don’t clean it at all?

Most folks clean their handguns because everybody tells them if they don’t the Baba-Yaga will come for them.

Continue reading The Real Reason You Need to Clean Your Carry Gun On a Regular Basis at The Truth About Guns.
