Bullets First
Surprigse Surprise, NY moves to ban gardening tools
In case you haven’t been paying attention for the past couple of years and missed me repeatedly say it, allow me once again to reiterate: Gun Control is not about guns, it’s about CONTROL.
...2nd Amendment DIY Edition
Sorry faithful readers, due to my internet connection being suspect at best I have had limited opportunity to keep the site up to date this week.
...A Retort For Those “MUSKETS ONLY” Gun Controllers (Video)
You’ve no doubt heard those blustering gun controllers spewing forth their ignorance when they choose to speak on the notion that the 2nd Amendment was intended only to cover single shot black powder muskets.
...NJ To Send 72 yo Retired Professor to Jail for Owning FLINTLOCK Pistol
Apparently even the gun controllers who claim that the 2nd Amendment only protects guns from the 1700’s are full of crap.
...Brown University Student Spews Hatred Toward the ROTC
Misunderstanding the term “Liberal” Arts, Brown University student Peter Makhlouf ’16 took his own biases and hatred to the extreme in a column he wrote for the University’s paper, The Brown Daily Herald. The target of Makhlouf’s ire…the ROTC program.
...New York Senator Schumer Vows To Fight Tooth and Nail Against Freedom
Texas Senator John Cornyn has drafted a sensible, bi partisan supported measure named the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2015.
...But Gun Controllers Tell Me This NEVER Happens
Once again, a law abiding citizen with a gun stops a would be robber and the national press falls silent.
...Towns Look To Secede From New York; Become Pennsylvanian
I don’t know if it’s possible but I wish all the luck to the 15 towns in Upstate New York that are looking to abandon the sinking ship that is the Empire State and find a home in the Keystone.
...Gun Controllers Use Technology To Undermine the 2nd Amendment
In a case of irony (mired in gun controller hypocrisy) gun control zealots in California have abandoned their long help argument that guns have become more advanced than the Founding Fathers could have foreseen and therefore they must be outlawed.
...Audio: Bloomberg’s Racist Gun Control Rant
It doesn’t take much scratching of the surface to get to the racist gooey center in many liberals. The narrative for so long that America seems to have bought into is that the liberals are the ones who care for minorities while conservatives only care for white people.
...Concealed Carry Can Help Reduce Sexual Assault at Universities
In a time where sexual assault is on the rise at American universities, it’s important to curb this trend by effective means.
...The Constitutional Carry Tide Keeps Rolling
Despite one of the most anti gun Presidents in our history at the helm, more and more states are poised to do away with the permit system for its citizens to carry firearms. Currently 10% of states have laws enacting Constitutional Carry; the carrying of firearms without first coming to the government, hat in hand to ASK if its ok.
...An Adorable Story on Valentines Day with a Lion a Tiger and a Bear…oh my!
I’m not a fan of Valentines Day. It is truly the quintessential Hallmark Holiday and the notion that a guy should treat his girlfriend/wife better on this day than the other 364 days of the year is insulting.
...Ukraine is Defenseless Against Russian Attack Due to ’05 $48 Million Grant Sen Obama Secured To Destroy Its Guns, Ammo
With much hype surrounding whether or not the U.S. should aid Ukraine against Russian attack this week, it’s imperative to note a fact going unnoticed by the media.
...Court Rules Residency Requirement Unconstitutional for Handgun Purchases
I don’t know of one tangible item that is restricted to purchase based on where one lives if that item is legal in both places.
...Sensible Lawmaker Moves To Protect Gun Owners From Witch Trial Justice
During a dark time in this lands history (1692-1693) all someone had to do in order to get someone else burned at the stake, drowned or crushed to death was point at them and yell “WITCH!!”
...PA Town Posts “NOT A Gun Free Zone” Signs at Town Limits
I love Pennsylvania.
...A Tale of Two Pizza Delivery Girls: One had a gun, the other was raped
For those of you who may have forgotten I recently covered a story concerning a female pizza delivery driver from Papa John’s who fought off two would be thieves/rapists by SHOOTING one of them in the face.
...Racist Bloomberg and Crony Come Out and Say Guns Are Only For Whites
In a couple of the more incredibly honest moments from gun controllers, Former Mayor of NYC Michael Bloomberg and his ally, former Allentown city council member Michael Donovan have stated rather succinctly their views on race and gun control.
...Wyoming Moves To Ban Criminal Empowerment Areas aka “Gun Free Zones”
Between states like Indiana and New Hampshire pushing for Constitutional Carry and court victories in places like California that are making May-Issue states an endangered species, so far this is a good year for the 2nd Amendment and common sense.