Smith & Wesson: Gun market enters ‘more normalized environment’ in Q2
Earning less than half the profits than the year before, Smith & Wesson Holding Corporation aimed to ease investors’ minds describing its second quarter activity.
...‘Terminator Genisys’ trailer released (VIDEO)
The trailer for the fifth Terminator movie was released this week and the newest film doesn’t appear to lack luster. “Terminator Genisys” will hit theaters on July 1, 2015. The original Terminator will return and be played by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sarah Connor also makes a comeback, played by the lovely Emilia Clarke, best known for her role as the Mother of Dragons, Daenerys Targaryen, from the HBO series “Game of Thrones.”
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National Guardsmen collect pieces of a flag burned in Ferguson (VIDEO)
The National Guard was deployed to Ferguson, Missouri, after riots and looting following the announcement that officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted in the shooting death of Michael Brown, but what some soldiers found there was a complete disregard for respect for the American flag.
However, a small group of soldiers came along behind protesters after they burned an American flag and picked up the remaining torched pieces of the flag, which one protester referred to as “just a piece of cloth.”
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American Rebel celebrates the 2nd Amendment with class (VIDEO)
American Rebel Andy Ross discusses his song Cold Dead Hand and his 650 horsepower Cold Dead Hand Corvette. Andy is also the star of Sportsman Channel’s Maximum Archery, which is in it’s eighth season.
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Suspect armed with chair leg attempts to rob off-duty cop then bites him before getting shot (VIDEO)
Homeless man steals ambulance and heads to a strip joint (VIDEO)
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...Jewelry store owner fights off three armed robbers (VIDEO)
He may be somewhat of a little man, but this owner of a jewelry store in Diyarbakir, Turkey, took on three armed robbers without thinking twice. The man narrowly missed getting shot more than once, but was relentless and continued fighting all three, even with a bloodied head, all the way up until the time they finally ran out the door, unfortunately with about 3.5 kg, or nearly eight pounds, of gold.
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