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Updated: 3 hours 9 min ago

Gun control group calls out ‘gun industry pitchman’ Jay Leno

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 15:24

Former Tonight Show host Jay Leno (Photo: Getty Images)


The Beretta 486 by Marc Newson is a sight to behold (VIDEO)

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 13:16

The stock flows over the tang eliminating the sharp lines of the receiver. (Photo: Beretta)


Editorial: If you’re gonna concealed carry… CONCEALED CARRY

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 13:00

Your spouse’s purse is not a good place to conceal your gun.


Florida: Vote this week on using suppressors in hunting

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 09:00

Currently suppressor-equipped hunters in Florida, such as this one, can only take feral hogs on private land. A proposed rule change to be voted on this week may greatly expand hunting rights in the state. (Photo: AAC )


Tour the Oklahoma gun store where you can shoot, eat and drink (VIDEO)

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 08:13

Taking elements from an Apple Store and chain restaurants, Wilshire Gun reimagines what a gun store could be. It’s the only gun range in Oklahoma with a liquor license, and the ability to serve beer, bourbon and bullets under the same roof.

[ CNN ]

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Editorial: America chose gun rights

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 07:00

Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, defeated the Democrat, Alison Lundergan Grimes, for the Governor’s office on Nov. 4.


Sunnyvale confiscatory magazine limit appeal has its day in court

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 06:00

Magazines over 10 rounds in capacity, with no exception for grandfathering, are banned from Sunnyvale, California. (Photo: Chris Eger)


More than 6,000 guns confiscated by Chicago PD so far this year

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 06:00

A peek inside the gun vault of the Chicago Police Department. (Photo: Fox)


Colt secures $70 million loan to avoid default

Tue, 11/18/2014 - 16:28

Colt Defense LLC will not default on a major payment since it secured a new $70 million loan, according to Monday’s filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


Teen busted after selling dad’s stolen gun on Facebook

Tue, 11/18/2014 - 16:06

An 18-year-old boy was arrested after he sold a stolen gun on Facebook. Austin Comstock of Louisville had apparently posted the firearm for sale on Oct. 30 when his dad noticed something strangely familiar about it. Turns out that the gun the teen sold was stolen from his own father. Comstock was arrested and faced multiple charges, including receipt of stolen property.


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