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Hotel guest ‘looking for someone to kill’ finds the wrong hombre

Thu, 07/17/2014 - 11:00

It is unknown how long the man had been suffering from mental health issues. (Photo credit: San Antonio Express-News)


Gun Review: Colt’s CCG makes a great mid-sized carry piece

Thu, 07/17/2014 - 08:17

The Colt Concealed Carry Government Model (Photo by Sean Hatten)


NRA’s Dom Raso recreates ‘Rambo’ scene in ‘Quick Draw’ (VIDEO)

Thu, 07/17/2014 - 08:15

NRA’s Dom Raso analyzes a scene from “Rambo” and separates fact from fiction in “Quick Draw.”

Rambo managed to get six shots on five targets in a dynamic environment in right around two seconds. Raso recreated the scene and after several attempts managed to achieve the same results. Even still, the former Navy SEAL calls “B.S.” on Hollywood’s take of the quick draw.

Raso picked apart the scene and while he agreed with the order in which Rambo took out his targets, he had plenty to say about the action superhero’s form.

[ NRA Freestyle ]

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AP: Bundy son facing arrest in separate criminal case

Thu, 07/17/2014 - 08:06

The son of a Nevada rancher who hosted an armed protest against federal agents is facing arrest in a separate incident stemming from his felony conviction on 2012 burglary and weapon charges, the Associated Press reports.


Patron legally carrying firearm asked to leave Kansas theater (VIDEO)

Thu, 07/17/2014 - 07:23

The man didn’t see one of these on the door, so just assumed it was okay for him to carry his gun. Clearly, he was wrong. (Photo credit: KSN)


U.S. House votes to rollback D.C. gun laws, end assault weapon ban

Thu, 07/17/2014 - 06:45

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) scored a Second Amendment victory in the House this week with an amendment to defend Washington D.C.’s gun control apparatus. (Photo credit: Politico)


‘Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’ brings in three Cyclone APCs for E3 2014 (VIDEO)

Thu, 07/17/2014 - 06:38

“Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare” teamed up with Uber to roll in to E3 2014 in military style.

The duo took to the streets of L.A. with three Cyclone APCs. The massive vehicles, which boast a 17,000-pound curb weight each, won’t be taking out any enemy combatants. Instead, the APCs were outfitted with “Call of Duty” decals and are meant to help promote the upcoming title, which comes out November 4, according to the Call of Duty YouTube channel.

If you happen to be attending E3, or are just in the area, you can use the Uber app to order a ride and one of the APCs will pick you up.

[ CallofDuty/YouTube ]

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Ohio man sues NRA for cold calling him

Thu, 07/17/2014 - 06:00

An Ohio man filed a class action suit against the National Rifle Association for cold calling him and others in the area, an act that he claims violates the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.


Vietnam veteran’s wheelchair ‘fell apart’ in Lowes, employees rushed to repair it

Wed, 07/16/2014 - 22:09

Sulsona was shopping in Lowes when his wheelchair broke down, but three employees were quick to lend a helping hand.


How to reload like a boss II: ‘the Flip and Switch’ (VIDEO)

Wed, 07/16/2014 - 21:46

This is the Number 2 reason to own a pump shotgun. “How to reload like a boss!” is, of course, the Number 1 reason to own a pump shotgun.

Stunt reloads take a little practice and more than a little luck to pull off, but they’re great way to have fun without actually needing to buy ammo, just snap caps.

Not a lot gets demolished in this Demolition Ranch video, though. For more head over to their YouTube channel.

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This is what it’s like to run out of bubblegum in Afghanistan (VIDEO)

Wed, 07/16/2014 - 18:14

“Quite the soundtrack, huh?” explains Will over at Funker530. “This footage is from soldiers of B-Co 1-38 during their 2012/2013 deployment to the Panjawai District in Afghanistan.”

“How about that gangsta style grip? Seriously though, as silly as some parts of this video are … I promise you, these guys are the real deal. Stryker soldiers are some of the best trained, well funded and outfitted, bloodthirsty soldiers on the planet. All these guys wanna do is fight.”

I couldn’t help but laugh a few times watching this. Because no matter how skilled you are, no matter how much battle-hardening you’ve had … the hot brass dance is universal.

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TrackingPoint goes solar for extended battery life with new gear pack

Wed, 07/16/2014 - 14:34

The Solar Backpack’s specifications are ideal for post-apocalypse America. (Photo credit: TP)


Federal judge sides with open carry group in free speech suit (VIDEO)

Wed, 07/16/2014 - 13:08

A member of Open Carry Tarrant County hands out literature at a recent event held in the Fort Worth area. (Photo credit: Facebook)


Atlanta police investigate fatal shooting of backyard property prowler (VIDEO)

Wed, 07/16/2014 - 12:46

Authorities believe the home may have been targeted due to its secluded location back away from the road and long driveway. (Photo credit: WSB-TV)

