Survivor of on-air shooting released from hospital
Vicki Gardner, center, her husband Tim, right, and family. (Photo: Facebook)
...Pancor Jackhammer: The automatic shotgun that never was
One of the more exotic shotguns that have ever crossed a drawing board was the one that John Andersen came up with in the early 1980s. He officially called it the MK3, but it will go down in history in this planet and virtual ones alike as the Jackhammer.
...Is you is or is you ain’t my open carry state?
In my article on open carry, I mentioned the confusion we residents of Arkansas have over whether open carry is legal in our state or not. I also said that I was unwilling to be a test case on that question. But others have offered themselves up, particularly one Richard Chambless, a resident of Bald Knob who carried his handgun openly in a holster and got arrested and ultimately found guilty of a Class A misdemeanor for doing so.
...Walter Palmer gives first interview since lion killing, goes back to work
Walter Palmer returned to work Tuesday at the River Bluff Dental clinic in Bloomington, Minnesota. (Photo: Reuters/Eric Miller)
...Hickok45 feels out the all-steel Smith Model 640 snubbie (VIDEO)
Snub nosed revolvers are an acquired taste, and Hickok45 wets his appetite with the S&W Model 640 in an in-depth review.
Smith brought out their J-frame revolvers with the Chief’s Special in 1950 and a few years later went Centennial with a fully enclosed DAO hammer that conceals really well.
Today’s 640 is a continuation of that evolutionary chain, differing from the Airweight snubs by having an all-steel frame, which makes them a tad heavier at something like 24 ounces, but that’s a whole handful of .38 +P you bring to the party .
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Does sun-warmed ammo shoot faster than cold ammo? (VIDEO)
The Wound Channel delves into a field test to see if you gain more velocity with ammunition that is warmer over ammo that is several degrees cooler.
With interest sparked in an anecdote from a Canadian sniper in Afghanistan who attributed cartridges warmed in the sun as producing higher velocities, TWC warmed some until they were hot to the touch and cooled others in an AC vent then broke out the chronograph.
The results are actually kinda interesting.
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Chicago-area felon charged for possessing gun with destroyed serial number
An example of a revolver with a filed off serial number.
...Man convicted in Oklahoma City bombing wants his guns back
Terry Nichols (left) and Timothy McVeigh were convicted for their part in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. (Photo compilation)