When “gun nuts” become gun control advocates
An interesting article has appeared in the Houston Press, titled, “3 Reasons I Went From Being A Gun Nut To Supporting Gun Control,” written by columnist Chris Lane. In it, the author describes his journey from being a regular gun owner (he called himself in that state a “gun nut”) to someone whose attitude toward guns has significantly altered.
...Smith & Wesson in final running for Army handgun contract, CEO says
Smith & Wesson’s first quarter results exceeded expectations for both revenue and longterm growth, but investors showed keen interest on the company’s bid for a Army handgun contract.
...Noisy cricket: Taking a look at a 4.25mm Liliput pistol (VIDEO)
Ian over at Forgotten Weapons got his seemingly giant hands on a tiny .167 caliber Menz Liliput pistol, which is only slightly more dangerous than a good sized rock. Maybe.
From the late 19th Century up until the cusp of World War II, Europe was awash with guns so small they seem like novelty cigarette lighters. This wave included the bite-sized Velo Dog series revolvers and transitioned to semi-autos such as the Liliput, which dates from the 1920s.
Yes, this is a real gun and, best yet, you could probably conceal it in a handlebar mustache.
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The basics of scope parallax adjustment (VIDEO)
The GY6vids guys sit down and go over the fundamentals of just what the heck is parallax adjustment, or adjustable objective (AO) on a rifle scope.
Sure, you know the standard two knobs (or tactical turrets) on a scope are for windage and elevation adjustment– but what about the third knob near the rear of the scope?
Its for adjusting parallax.
Why is it important? What’s it used for? Do you need it?
Watch the video, duh.
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Gun control group launches hashtag, has it immediately hijacked by pro-gun advocates
As a planned salvo against gun violence, Everytown for Gun Safety debuted their #whateverittakes campaign on twitter, and it seems to be getting away from them.
...Daughter of deceased officer receives police escort on the first day of kindergarten (VIDEO)
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...Wife of Glock manager sentenced for kickback scheme
The wife of a Glock sales manager has been sentenced to 12 months and a day in prison for concealing bribes from a Kansas firearms distributor, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said Tuesday.