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Updated: 4 days 14 hours ago

Calls for expanded background checks after on-air killings with legal gun

Thu, 08/27/2015 - 09:08

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe and others are seeking expanded background checks after a tragic double homicide in the state done with a legally purchased gun. (Photo: Elise Amendola/AP)


Fight for 3-D printed guns moves into appeal

Thu, 08/27/2015 - 08:56

Cody Wilson of Defense Distributed (Photo: Outdoor Hub)


Magpul Enhanced FSP and SL Buttpad now shipping

Thu, 08/27/2015 - 07:38

The two profiles of the Enhanced Sight Post and the Enhanced Buttpad installed on AK stocks. (Photo: Magpul)


Inmate fatally shoots self in Kentucky courthouse after grabbing bailiff’s gun

Thu, 08/27/2015 - 07:02

Erik Barnett (Photo: Bell County Sheriff’s Office)


Get a look at the military’s Humvee replacement: the JLTV (VIDEOS)

Wed, 08/26/2015 - 17:16

Oshkosh could end up producing up to 55,000 of their L-ATVs over the next twenty years. (Photo: Oshkosh)


Testing cold bore shot realities on the AK platform (VIDEO)

Wed, 08/26/2015 - 16:29

Robski and the AK Operators Union put some range time in on trying to find out if all this talk about cold bore shots are myth or reality– at least where an AK comes to play.

In long range marksmanship, discussion has long been a bone of contention whether the cold bore shot– the first shot of the day for both the rifle and the shooter– is more of a mechanical challenge for the gun itself, or a physical challenge for the rifleman.

And, with a pile of Wolf ammo and some free time, the AKOU tries to answer it from their perspective.

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Armed suspect shot dead by victim during attempted carjacking

Wed, 08/26/2015 - 14:54

Clarence Goins, 22.  (Photo: Metropolitan Nashville Police Department)


New Hampshire suppressor law expansion advances

Wed, 08/26/2015 - 14:47

A bill that would allow the use of suppressors in hunting in the Granite State has passed out of a House subcommittee and is moving forward.


Lessons from a train attack and a jammed AK-47

Wed, 08/26/2015 - 12:39

The recent attack on a train traveling between Amsterdam and Paris raises a number of points for those of us concerned about defending lives and liberties.


Increased police presence after armed student holds class hostage

Wed, 08/26/2015 - 09:13

Police block access during Tuesday’s incident at Philip Barbour High School. (Photo: West Virginia Metro News)

