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Updated: 6 hours 51 min ago

SIG SAUER Announces the New SHOOT SIG Competition Shooting Program

Sun, 02/05/2023 - 13:00

SIG SAUER has come up with a way they think will get people who’ve never taken the leap into competition shooting to do just that. While anyone who’s ever shot for time or accuracy can tell you how much fun it is, most people don’t have the time or money to devote most of a day to entering something like a 3-Gun or IPSC competition.

SIG’s designed their new SHOOT SIG program to get around those objections.

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Maximizing Your AR-15 Build: Choose the Right Barrel Profile

Sun, 02/05/2023 - 10:00

When creating or customizing an AR-15, the selection of the proper barrel profile is key. The profile, which determines the shape and size of the barrel, can greatly impact the performance and functionality of the firearm.

Let’s take a look at the different AR-15 barrel profiles available and help you understand the pros and cons of each so you can make an informed decision. From heavier barrel profiles to lightweight pencil barrel profiles, we’ll cover it all.

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When You’re Pissing Off Cori Bush You’re Doing Something Right

Sun, 02/05/2023 - 08:00

The mystery of the lapel pins has now been solved. Republican Rep. Andrew Clyde from Georgia owns a gun store and has now taken responsibility for handing them out.

“I hear that this little pin I’ve been giving out on the House floor has been triggering some of my Democrat colleagues,” he said in a video posted to Twitter. “Well, I give it out to remind people of the Second Amendment of the Constitution and how important it is in preserving our liberties.”

He also invited other representatives who wanted a pin to stop by his office.

Continue reading When You’re Pissing Off Cori Bush You’re Doing Something Right at The Truth About Guns.

How Do You Know the Right Time to Teach Your Kids About Guns and Armed Self-Defense?

Sat, 02/04/2023 - 13:00

By Rob Morse

I write about armed defense every week. We’ve covered many stories where young men and women defended themselves or their family. We’ve talked around the issue of teenagers and guns, but let’s look at it directly.

When should we teach our children about firearms? The obvious answer is to teach your children when it’s the safest thing to do. There are risks on both sides. Fortunately, we make similar decisions about our children’s education all the time.

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Brazen Carjacker Tries To Run Over Illinois State Troopers in Crime-Ridden Chicago [VIDEO]

Sat, 02/04/2023 - 10:00

NEWSFLASH: Chicago isn’t a safe city. Anyone who isn’t turning a blind eye to the obviously deteriorating state there recognizes the dangers of violent crime in Murder City, USA. For those who carry a gun for personal defense when they have to be in sketchy places, they might want to carry two in Chicago. With spare magazines.

Criminals are off to a roaring start this year whopping 61% increase in reported crime in the first three weeks of 2023 compared to the same period last year.

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ATF Not Amused by FFL’s Attempt to Get Rid of Hundreds of Defective Shotguns

Sat, 02/04/2023 - 08:00

According to court filings first reported by CourtWatch, on January 19, 2023, an Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, sanitation worker stumbled upon a dumpster with 236 … shotguns in it. The shocking finding led him to call authorities, who found many of the guns were functional, the filings stated.

Investigators wrote that in late 2022, the owner of the store, International Firearm Corporation, Anthony Mussatto, had asked agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms how to destroy the weapons, citing a manufacturer’s defect.

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Gun Meme of the Day: How Do They Even Think of These Edition

Fri, 02/03/2023 - 18:00

Lololol meme creators are so inventive! How do they even come up with insane scenarios like this one? Truly impressive imaginations.


Continue reading Gun Meme of the Day: How Do They Even Think of These Edition at The Truth About Guns.

My First Steel Match With Asymmetric Solutions

Fri, 02/03/2023 - 16:00

Last weekend I shot my first real action shooting competition. In the past, I’ve shot trap and skeet, as well as a relic of the late ’90s and early 2000s bowling pin shooting. However, I’ve never shot anything that really involved moving and shooting or multiple and odd positions. My small town has this weirdly high presence of defense industry companies. One is a company that specializes in training LEO and military trainging called Asymmetric Solutions.

Continue reading My First Steel Match With Asymmetric Solutions at The Truth About Guns.

Gavin Newsom’s Answer To California’s Murder Sprees? Make It Even Harder For Good Guys To Carry Guns

Fri, 02/03/2023 - 12:00

The only thing that stops bad guys with evil in their hearts is a good guy (or gal) with a gun. That concept is well-known and hearing it burns gun-haters like holy water thrown on a someone who’s possessed. Tell that to a gun control advocate and watch them squirm.  So intense is their hatred of guns and armed self-defense that they’re happy to aid and abet criminals as long it means keeping good people defenseless against violent crime.

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How to ‘Win’ a Debate About Guns: The Hoplophobic Argument Tree

Fri, 02/03/2023 - 10:09

[ED: Our friends at Handwaving Freakoutery provoked some interesting responses with this tweet, debunking California Governor Gavin Newsom’s provably false claim that, “Permitless carry does not make you safer. States that allow concealed carry have higher gun homicide rates.” The results are…instructive.] 

By BJ Campbell, Handwaving Freakoutery

Today I’m going to present a bookmarkable example of how to use the HWFO material, which is largely mathematical in nature and not emotional or ideological, to “win” a debate about guns.

Continue reading How to ‘Win’ a Debate About Guns: The Hoplophobic Argument Tree at The Truth About Guns.

Cooper: Feel-Good Social Spending on Anti-Gun and Anti-Violence Programs is the New Hustle

Fri, 02/03/2023 - 08:00

In a recent mayoral debate at St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, Helen Gym, who had been an outspoken opponent of increasing the city’s policing budget in 2020, called gun violence the “single greatest threat to everything that we have ever hoped for in this city.”

Gun violence is ravaging Philadelphia, just as it is Rochester, Indianapolis, Columbus, Louisville, Austin, and six other major cities that suffered record-breaking homicides in 2021—a crisis that shows little sign of waning.

Continue reading Cooper: Feel-Good Social Spending on Anti-Gun and Anti-Violence Programs is the New Hustle at The Truth About Guns.

Extremely Rare HK P7M13-SD Goes Up For Auction

Thu, 02/02/2023 - 14:00

One of apparently only 50 of these pistols ever produced, only 34 of which were imported into the United States, this HK P7M13-SD is currently up on Gunbroker with 10 days left on its auction.

Designating a firearm that is made to be shot suppressed (or is integrally suppressed), “SD” in this case means the pistol is equipped with a threaded barrel and is tuned for use with a suppressor. This was always extremely rare with the HK P7’s gas delayed blowback operating system.

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January Gun Sales Total of Over 1.2 Million Firearms is the 4th Highest On Record

Thu, 02/02/2023 - 12:16

Never before has the federal government and its regulatory apparatus been more weaponized against lawful gun ownership. Never before have more states enacted more gun control law, directly in contradiction of Supreme Court precedent while, in effect, saying, “Yeah, what are you gonna do about it?

Americans see all of this — combined with understaffed law enforcement and the catch-and-release criminal justice system that’s operating in most urban areas — and are acting accordingly.

Continue reading January Gun Sales Total of Over 1.2 Million Firearms is the 4th Highest On Record at The Truth About Guns.

A Tale of Two Studies: The Real Effect of Constitutional Carry on Violent Crime

Thu, 02/02/2023 - 12:00

By Robert B. Young, MD

“States with relaxed concealed carry laws see spike in violent crimes.” 

 — New York Post, October 5, 2022

“CDC data shows constitutional carry states have fewer total and gun-related homicides.” 

 — TTAG, October 4, 2022

Huh? How can that be? Sure, they’re talking about somewhat different things (“violent crimes” versus “homicides”) yet those two typically track each other.

Continue reading A Tale of Two Studies: The Real Effect of Constitutional Carry on Violent Crime at The Truth About Guns.

The ATF’s Pistol Brace Rule: This is Not the Time for Infighting

Thu, 02/02/2023 - 10:00

People in the firearms community are passionate. Anti-civil rights extremists love to paint the NRA as an all-powerful lobbying boogeyman, but in reality, their donations are chump change compared other interest groups. The power of the NRA has always been in the people…its membership of millions. Gun owners are engaged and often are single-issue voters.

That passion is great, but it can also result in some negative effects on gun culture. Some of these negative effects started to crop up as soon as the unconstitutional, unreasonable, illogical, and downright silly brace rule was announced by the ATF.

Continue reading The ATF’s Pistol Brace Rule: This is Not the Time for Infighting at The Truth About Guns.

SHOT Show: JK Armament Releases Modular 12 GA Shotgun Suppressors

Wed, 02/01/2023 - 16:00

At SHOT Show this year, JK Armament launched what I believe is the best shotgun silencer to hit the market yet. Available in two flavors, the JK 195 VERSAX and JK 195 SGX, the JK 195s are fully modular suppressors with a baffle and front cap design that makes so much sense it hurts. Specifically, it hurts that nobody has done it until now.

I suppose with a statement like that I have to dive right into the guts of the JK 195s first.

Continue reading SHOT Show: JK Armament Releases Modular 12 GA Shotgun Suppressors at The Truth About Guns.

DC Kabuki: Cassidy, Cornyn and Hagerty Introduce National Reciprocity Bill in the Senate

Wed, 02/01/2023 - 14:00

National concealed carry reciprocity is every gun owner’s ideal. Just as a driver’s license is good no matter where you go in the 50 United States (and allegedly in D.C. too), a state-issued concealed carry permit should be similarly honored throughout the nation.

The last time national reciprocity became even a remote possibility and seemed to have momentum — that was early in the Trump administration when Republicans controlled both Congress and the White House — Michael Bloomberg hired on some new minions and committed more of his pocket change to fight the effort.

Continue reading DC Kabuki: Cassidy, Cornyn and Hagerty Introduce National Reciprocity Bill in the Senate at The Truth About Guns.
