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Updated: 1 week 2 days ago

What Happens When You Shoot a Car With Frangible 9mm Ammunition? [VIDEO]

Fri, 06/17/2022 - 14:00


Most frangible ammunition is made by compressing copper powder (either pure or with tin and/or polymer added) into the shape of a bullet on a machine basically identical to the kind used to manufacture medicine tablets. When a frangible round hits something hard — a steel plate, a rock, etc. — POOF! It transforms back into dust.

But just how easily does that happen? Does frangible ammo return to dust if it hits something like a car door?

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Reason #846 Why More Americans Are Becoming Gun Owners Every Single Day

Fri, 06/17/2022 - 12:00

You’ve heard the old aphorism before. ‘When seconds count, police are only minutes away.” Or this one: ‘You are your own first responder.” And then there’s this: “The problem with political jokes is that a lot of them get elected.”

Oh, wait. That last one was meant for another post.

Anyway, those old saws are oft repeated because, well, they’re true. When bad things happen, dialing 911 means — at best — waiting five to eight minutes.

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Letting Fear of Dems’ Next Moves Force a Gun Control ‘Compromise’ is Doomed to Fail

Fri, 06/17/2022 - 10:00

There’s a common theme I’ve seen among people who support giving in to Democrats on guns. While the details differ, the basic idea is that we should be afraid that, absent some sort of “reasonable” compromise, Democrats will take action to finish off gun rights for good.

How precisely would they do this? The fear is that they’ll decide that Republicans aren’t working with them, and they’ll feel the need to finally scuttle the filibuster in the Senate.

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Kyle Rittenhouse Fires a Mini Gun Causing Anti-Gunners’ Heads to Explode [VIDEO]

Fri, 06/17/2022 - 08:00

Come and take ‘em, Joe.

— Kyle Rittenhouse (@ThisIsKyleR) June 6, 2022

…[Kyle] Rittenhouse posted a video on Twitter, with the caption “Come and take ’em, Joe,” showing him firing a machine gun as dozens of shells fall to the floor. After Rittenhouse finishes shooting the gun, he smiles, gives a thumbs up and says, “Joe Biden, you’re not coming for our guns.” 

Rittenhouse’s display was denounced by several prominent figures, including a current lawmaker and a former member of Congress.

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Gun Meme of the Day: 9mm AR-15s Edition

Thu, 06/16/2022 - 18:00

I mean, if you believe the media and the gun grabber politicians then the math definitely checks out on this one.


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Miami Police Try Hard to Explain How It’s Legal for Them to Ship Guns to Ukraine…and Fail Miserably

Thu, 06/16/2022 - 14:00

By Lee Williams

The Miami Police Department currently has no export licenses or permit to ship firearms to the Ukraine, but they’re working on getting them, or at least they claim they are.

In a story published Wednesday, we revealed how the department has a gun buyback scheduled for Saturday, which they’re calling “GUNS 4 UKRAINE.” Miami Police spokeswoman Officer Kenia Fallat said that the weapons collected at the buyback will be shipped to the Ukraine for use in their ongoing war against the Russian military.

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CMMG Announces the New DISSENT Buffer-Less AR-15 Pistol

Thu, 06/16/2022 - 12:00


CMMG has taken portability to a whole new level with the introduction of the DISSENT™ – a new line of buffer-less AR15 pistols that utilize the company’s patent-pending Compact Action. At the time of release, the DISSENT will be available in 5.56x45mm, .300BLK and 5.7x28mm, with each model sporting a 6.5-inch free-floated barrel and complemented with a 5.5-inch M-LOK Handguard, making the DISSENT the shortest, most stowable Personal Defense Weapon that CMMG has built to date.

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Red Flag Laws Are Both Dangerous and Un-American

Thu, 06/16/2022 - 10:00

A “bipartisan” group of Senators in Washington supposedly thinks they have an agreement on what a gun control bill would look like following the Uvalde massacre in Texas. Easily the most objectionable aspect of the deal is its promotion of “red flag” confiscation laws in the states.

Under such laws, friends, family members, coworkers, law enforcement, school officials, medical personnel and others can petition a court to confiscate an individual’s firearms if they believe the gun owner is a threat to his or herself or others.

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Gun Meme of the Day: High Powered Rifle Edition

Wed, 06/15/2022 - 18:00

You know, according to the anti-gun types who know less than nothing about guns or ammo.


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Washington, DC Judge Declares John Hinckley Jr. a Free Man

Wed, 06/15/2022 - 14:23

[ED: Note that the name of James Brady, Ronald Reagan’s press secretary, appears nowhere in this Associated Press report. Brady was shot in the head during John Hinckley Jr.’s attempt to assassinate President Reagan in 1981. Brady’s death in 2014 was ruled a homicide, having never recovered from his injuries.]

By Ben Finley, AP

John Hinckley Jr., who shot and wounded President Ronald Reagan in 1981, was freed from court oversight Wednesday, officially concluding decades of supervision by legal and mental health professionals.

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Criminal Enterprise: Saturday’s Miami GUNS 4 UKRAINE ‘Buyback’ Will Break State and Federal Firearm Laws

Wed, 06/15/2022 - 14:15

By Lee Williams

The Miami Police Department plans to hold a gun buyback this Saturday at Miami City Hall, which it is calling “GUNS 4 UKRAINE.” Police are offering gift cards in exchange for the weapons: $50 for a handgun, $100 for a shotgun or rifle and $150 for what the department calls a “high powered rifle (.223 caliber, AR-15, AK-47).”

According to Miami Police Public Information Officer K.

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Gun Control Advocates’ Lies and Duplicity Are Right There for Everyone to See

Wed, 06/15/2022 - 14:00

By Mark Oliva

There’s an interesting phenomenon occurring with those demanding gun control lately. They’ve abandoned pretenses of “common sense.” Now, it’s not gun control. It’s gun rights elimination.

President Joe Biden leads the gun control charade parade. The president chides gun owners for not supporting his gun control agenda while at the same time expanding his gun ban wish list.

President Biden spoke to the American public from The White House on June 2 to explain his desire to push for expanded gun control.

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We’re Just Getting Started – Dems Admit Senate Gun Control Deal is Only the Beginning

Wed, 06/15/2022 - 12:00

By Lee Williams

Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) admitted something we all knew last weekend at the March for our Lives rally in Parkland, Florida, when she was asked about the gun control “framework” that a bipartisan group of 20 Senators have said they support.

It’s just the beginning, she said, and more “significant” gun control is coming.

“We were expecting moderate reform at best, I wasn’t expecting anything of significance,” Wasserman Schultz told MSNBC’s Alex Witt.

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The Senate Deal is Just a Start: Here’s What’s Still on Gun Controllers’ Wish Lists

Wed, 06/15/2022 - 10:00

The bipartisan group of Senators who have been “negotiating” our rights is all the talk right now. “Negotiating” is in quotations because only one side is giving anything up here, as usual. TTAG’s Jennifer Sensiba has a rundown of that if you need to get up to speed.

The deal announced over the weekend is still just a “framework.” No legislation has been written. It’s basically an agreement to consider a bill, but gun owners aren’t the only ones who are unhappy.

Continue reading The Senate Deal is Just a Start: Here’s What’s Still on Gun Controllers’ Wish Lists at The Truth About Guns.

Obscure Objects of Desire: Savage M1907 Pistol in .32 ACP

Tue, 06/14/2022 - 16:00

It all started when the United States military wanted to move from revolvers to semi-automatics and wanted a .45 caliber pistol. As we all know, the M1911 won the contract, but one of the pistols submitted for the trials was a new design by Savage.

The Savage entry didn’t win, but that didn’t mean the pistol was canned. Savage realized the gun would work well as a pocket pistol, thus, the Savage M1907 came into being.

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Dan Wesson’s Compact 1911 Pistols in .45 ACP and 9mm

Tue, 06/14/2022 - 12:00

From Dan Wesson . . .

Specific characteristics are essential when it comes to a concealed carry handgun. The Dan Wesson Enhanced Compact Pistol (ECP) and Tactical Compact Pistol (TCP) check all the boxes for reliability, accuracy, ergonomics, and weight. Both compact 1911 pistols deliver serious firepower in 9 mm and .45 ACP configurations.

The Enhanced Compact Pistol is a traditional 1911 design with modern styling and enhancements. The ECP sports a stainless-steel slide and a forged aluminum frame, keeping the weight to a mere 29 oz.

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Ohio Governor Signs Bill Allowing School Districts to Arm Employees

Tue, 06/14/2022 - 09:00

By Andrew Welsh-Huggins and Mark Gillispie, AP

Ohio school districts could begin arming employees as soon as this fall under a bill signed into law Monday by GOP Gov. Mike DeWine.

The law, as enacted, requires up to 24 hours of training before an employee can go armed, and up to eight hours of annual training. The training programs must be approved by the Ohio School Safety Center, and DeWine announced he’s ordering the center to require the maximum 24 hours and the maximum eight hours.

Continue reading Ohio Governor Signs Bill Allowing School Districts to Arm Employees at The Truth About Guns.

Scalise: We’re Not Having the Tough Conversations We Need to Have About School Shootings

Tue, 06/14/2022 - 08:00

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) pointed to a lack of school prayer when talking about gun violence.

“We had AR-15s in the 1960s. We didn’t have those mass school shootings,” Scalise said during a press conference Wednesday.

“Now, I know it’s something that some people don’t want to talk about. We actually had prayer in school during those days,” Scalise continued. “We had other things going on in our society where we took a different approach to our young kids.

Continue reading Scalise: We’re Not Having the Tough Conversations We Need to Have About School Shootings at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Meme of the Day: Why Won’t You Compromise Edition

Mon, 06/13/2022 - 18:00

Keep sharing little slices of your pie and eventually you won’t have any pie. They’ll never stop eating it. In the immortal words of Dilated Peoples, “Give ’em an inch they’ll take feet. Give ’em feet they’ll take the street.”


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