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Updated: 14 hours 42 min ago

City of Naperville ‘Asked’ To Defend its ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban by US Supreme Court

Tue, 05/02/2023 - 14:00

In a longshot appeal to the US Supreme Court, Naperville, Illinois gun shop owner Robert Bevis sought a preliminary injunction against that city’s ban on the sale of popular self-defense firearms and the magazines that feed them. Both the district court and the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals denied requests for an injunction.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett handles emergency appeals from the Seventh Circuit and she has ordered asked the city to respond to Bevis’ petition by May 8th.

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SAF, FPC File Suit Challenging California’s 10-Day Waiting Period for All Gun Purchases

Tue, 05/02/2023 - 13:30

The Bruen gun control law demolition express rolls on. The latest target: the Golden State’s egregious ten-day waiting period on all gun purchased, a clear constitutional violation with no analogue in the text, history or tradition of gun regulation in the United States.

Here’s the latest from the Second Amendment Foundation . . .

The Second Amendment Foundation today filed a federal lawsuit in California challenging the state’s 10-day waiting period for firearm purchases on Second Amendment grounds.

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Motivation: Mass Shooters Decide to Kill Out of a Quest for Significance

Tue, 05/02/2023 - 12:00

Arie Kruglanski, University of Maryland

An acutely troubling aspect of life in contemporary America is the growing proliferation of mass shootings that claim thousands of innocent lives year after painful year and make everyone feel unsafe.

There were two shootings on April 28 – five killed in their Cleveland, Texas, home, and three killed and one injured in Philadelphia – as well as at least 9 teens injured in an April 29 shooting at a park in South Carolina.

Continue reading Motivation: Mass Shooters Decide to Kill Out of a Quest for Significance at The Truth About Guns.

The GLOCK 48 and Shield Arms Magazines: A Handgun Combination I Can’t Live Without

Mon, 05/01/2023 - 16:00

By Austin Knudsen

Years ago, I wrote an article here about the five handguns I couldn’t live without. The list included a Smith & Wesson model 17 .22LR, a Smith & Wesson Model 686 .357 magnum, a S&W 1911SC .45 ACP lightweight bobtail commander, a Ruger Blackhawk .45 Colt, and a GLOCK 19 9mm. 

Several of the reader comments on that article expressed shock that this obvious revolver-and-1911 Fudd (I’m in my early 40s) included the GLOCK 19 on my list.

Continue reading The GLOCK 48 and Shield Arms Magazines: A Handgun Combination I Can’t Live Without at The Truth About Guns.

Anti-gun Outgoing Chicago Mayor Begs Texas to Stop Sending Illegals

Mon, 05/01/2023 - 14:00

Disgraced Mayor Lightfoot from Chicago has a message for the Texas Governor. The anti-civil rights politician, the first incumbent Democratic mayor of Chicago to not be reelected to a second term in modern history, has made a real impression on the Windy City. While the citizens of Chicago elected an individual that’s likely to make Lightfoot seem like a law-and-order conservative, that doesn’t mean the current lefty who’s serving as the Mayor of Chicago hasn’t left a lasting impression on the crime-ridden city.

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Holosun’s 1000 Lumen P.ID Pistol Mounted Light Lights Up the Night

Mon, 05/01/2023 - 12:00

Holosun continues to fill the need for defensive pistols with the P.ID pistol mounted light. The P.ID is a 1000 lumen flashlight with 23,000 candela, exceeding the output of many other pistol flashlights and ensuring Positive IDentification of threats in low and no light conditions.

The Holosun P.ID lets the user choose between 300 lumens and 1000 lumens with oversized, ambidextrous, and tactile paddle activation switches on either side of the unit.

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SAAMI Standardizes Barrel Threads For Suppressor Use

Mon, 05/01/2023 - 10:00

SAAMI, the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute, has existed since 1913 with standardization of cartridge and chamber dimensions (and cartridge maximum pressures) as its primary focus. With hundreds of ammunition manufacturers and hundreds of barrel manufacturers, it’s critically important that a shared standard exists for everyone to follow. Now, SAAMI has weighed in on a standard for barrel threads. You know, the threads at the muzzle onto which one screws a muzzle device like a brake, compensator, flash hider, or silencer.

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Leclair: Freedom in Canada is Not Needed to Feel Threatened by Guns

Mon, 05/01/2023 - 08:00

We have freedom in Canada. I enjoy it every time I go to the grocery store or the coffee shop and not feel threaten[ed] by an AR-15.

— Bernard Leclair1 via Twitter

Continue reading Leclair: Freedom in Canada is Not Needed to Feel Threatened by Guns at The Truth About Guns.

Enhance Your GLOCK 48 Barrel Performance

Sun, 04/30/2023 - 13:00

From Faxon . . .

Faxon Firearms is proud to showcase its Match Series pistol barrels, designed specifically for those Glock G48 owners seeking enhanced accuracy and performance. This Glock 48 barrel promises a range of benefits over stock barrels. 

Faxon’s Glock 48 barrels are expertly crafted from stress-relieved 416-R stainless steel and coated with either black Nitride or PVD for increased lubricity, barrel life, and surface wear resistance. The conventionally rifled barrels allow for compatibility with a wide variety of ammunition and ensure a snug fit into factory-spec slides without requiring gunsmith installation.

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One Simple Trick for Keeping Your Guns Incredibly Clean

Sun, 04/30/2023 - 10:00


A lot of our readers like to clean their guns. They find it soothing and reassuring. Me…not so much. My usual trick for cleaning my guns: get someone else to do it who liked doing it.

For those of you who share my aversion to carbon crud, toothbrushes, and solvents and can’t impose on an OCD ballistic BFF, an ultrasonic cleaner is the simplest solution.


The Hornady Hot Tub (our review here) above costs a pretty penny (about $699) but it’s way more thorough than even a TTAG writer’s best buddy’s manual labor.

Continue reading One Simple Trick for Keeping Your Guns Incredibly Clean at The Truth About Guns.

The Four Rules of Gun Safety for New Gun Owners…and Everyone Else [VIDEO]

Sat, 04/29/2023 - 15:00

[ED: We last bumped this post three years ago during the Great Pandemic Gun Buying Run of 2020. But as even mainstream media outlets have had to acknowledge, more Americans continue to buy firearms at a noteworthy pace.

That includes groups that the clueless always assumed didn’t care about their Second Amendment rights and weren’t fans of gun ownership. The expansion of permitless carry to over half the country now is no doubt contributing to that.

Continue reading The Four Rules of Gun Safety for New Gun Owners…and Everyone Else [VIDEO] at The Truth About Guns.

ATF Director Dettelbach Gets Grilled by House Judiciary Committee Over Pistol Braces

Fri, 04/28/2023 - 16:00

ATF Director Steve Dettelbach spent Wednesday (April 26th) in front of the House Judiciary Committee answering questions on ATF overreach. Republicans, in particular committee chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), slammed ATF’s capricious shift on pistol stabilizing braces, while Democrats assaulted the Republicans’ motivations for questioning why ATF is trying to turn potentially millions of law abiding gun owners into felons by retroactively applying a new opinion to a product that was previously ATF-approved.


Continue reading ATF Director Dettelbach Gets Grilled by House Judiciary Committee Over Pistol Braces at The Truth About Guns.

Biden’s Press Conference Scandal Shows He Has No Fear of Being Held Accountable

Fri, 04/28/2023 - 10:00

By Lee Williams 

Joe Biden, the most anti-gun President in the history of the United States, is 80 years old, suffers from advanced dementia, and has trouble reading from a teleprompter, much less comprehending what he’s saying. He makes up stories in which he always appears in the starring role, even though everyone knows they’re lies. And he tends to wander off if left unsupervised, which is why the First Lady leads him around like a puppy. 

Continue reading Biden’s Press Conference Scandal Shows He Has No Fear of Being Held Accountable at The Truth About Guns.

Myrick: Fearmongering Is Spiking Ratings and Spurring Gun Sales

Fri, 04/28/2023 - 08:00

Sadly, far-right politicians and media figures have habitually stoked fear and manufactured moral panics as a political strategy to amp up their base. And it’s having an effect: For decades, Gallup polls have consistently found that Americans believe crime is going up, whether it is or not.

The cost of this paranoia-propaganda machine? Real human lives — and poor policy choices that continue to make America an unnecessarily dangerous place to live.

Continue reading Myrick: Fearmongering Is Spiking Ratings and Spurring Gun Sales at The Truth About Guns.

How to Make Sure Your Shotgun Really Fits You

Thu, 04/27/2023 - 16:00

If you’re not hitting with your shotgun as much as you’d like, odds are it’s because you’re using a gun that doesn’t really fit you. Gun-to-shooter fit affects accuracy and results more in a shotgun than any other kind of firearm. The problem is, most shooters don’t know the factors that go into a good fit, or how to make a gun they already own fit them better.

A shotgun that fits you as it should works better because it mounts naturally in your shoulder pocket, doesn’t beat you up with recoil and lets you look out over the barrel without head tilt or neck strain.

Continue reading How to Make Sure Your Shotgun Really Fits You at The Truth About Guns.

We Need to Call Out the Gun Control Liars When They Lie About the Efficacy of Gun Control

Thu, 04/27/2023 - 14:00

By Rob Morse

Lies come in many shapes and sizes. Some are simple exaggerations. Some are absurd falsehoods. Unfortunately, we tend to believe a plain, bold-faced lie if it’s expressed with enough emotion. That’s the same kind thing keeps viewers watching and clicking so the press is often more interested in outrage than in the truth.

A lie doesn’t become the truth no matter how many times it’s repeated, but the lie may help politicians get re-elected if it’s repeated often enough and believed by enough likely voters.

Continue reading We Need to Call Out the Gun Control Liars When They Lie About the Efficacy of Gun Control at The Truth About Guns.

