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Updated: 2 days 11 hours ago

Governor signs ‘strongest firearms preemption statute in the country’

Thu, 10/30/2014 - 08:44

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett (R), seen here in this file image, signed HB80 into law Tuesday. (Photo: Commonwealth Media)


Anti-hunting groups target Maine bear laws

Thu, 10/30/2014 - 08:01

Most of the money behind the Question 1, which would curtail Maine’s bear season hunting methods, comes from out of state. (Image: Portland Press-Herald)


Massachusetts teens suspended for Facebook pics featuring airsoft guns (VIDEO)

Thu, 10/30/2014 - 07:33

One might argue that the teens were going for a Bonnie and Clyde kind of look. (Photo: Facebook)


Man dodges charges in ATF straw purchase allegations, co-defendants not off the hook

Wed, 10/29/2014 - 18:26

Ulysses S. Grant Early IV was found not guilty by a federal jury on charges of making false statements on a federal firearms form. (Photo: Early)


Happy Halloween from Adams, Anderson, FN and SilencerCo (VIDEO)

Wed, 10/29/2014 - 17:00

Fighting breast cancer one round at a time. (Photo: Adams)


Woman, 72, wakes to stranger in her home, runs him off with a gun (VIDEO)

Wed, 10/29/2014 - 10:45

When a 72-year-old woman awoke to a strange man inside her home in Putnam, Florida, she wasn’t about to become a victim, so she grabbed her gun.


Moms survey finds 64 percent want Kroger to ban open carry

Wed, 10/29/2014 - 10:00

Upping the ante in the campaign to force Kroger to prohibit open carry in its supermarkets, Moms Demand Action funded a telephone poll to ask shoppers how they feel about guns in grocery stores.


PETA shocked at Senior portraits with guns, asks for copy of yearbook

Wed, 10/29/2014 - 07:33

PETA wants to put a copy of a high school yearbook that may contain pro-shooting sports senior portraits in their anti-hunting time capsule. (Photo: Brian Baer)


Former Toledo cop facing multiple gun-related charges

Wed, 10/29/2014 - 07:27

Scott MacInnis when he wore the uniform. (Photo: the Blade)


First-year teacher may have stopped Washington high school shooter (VIDEO)

Wed, 10/29/2014 - 07:20

Some believe that if it wasn’t for the heroic actions of Megan Silberberger, Friday’s tragedy would have ended with more victims. (Photo: KIRO)


KFC employee returns fire, shooting suspect during armed robbery (VIDEO)

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 16:45

Broken glass and police tape are remnants from Sunday night’s robbery. (Photo: WVTM)


Two minutes of bad-ass scenes from the big screen (VIDEO)

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 16:30

Have you ever wanted to see a collection of action-packed moments from bad-asses on the big screen? Well, then look no further, and just press play.

For your viewing pleasure you will find clips from Battle Royale, The Bourne Ultimatum, John Wick, Casino Royale, Blade, Crank, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, The Expendables, Face/Off, Fast and Furious 5, The Fifth Element, Hard Target, Hot Fuzz, Kick-Ass, Kill Bill, Kindergarten Cop, Kingsman, The Last Stand, Lethal Weapon 3, The Road Warrior, The Matrix, Mission: Impossible III, Ong-Bak, The Professional, Quantum of Solace, Rambo, Road House, Rush Hour 2, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Snatch, Transporter 3, Under Siege, Wanted and The Warriors.

All in under two minutes.


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Case closed over Bakersfield man’s death while in police custody (VIDEO)

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 16:00

var p = new anv_pl_def(); p.config = {}; p.config.width = 640; p.config.height = 360; p.loadVideoExpressV3('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|1000011|SPS');


2 years of exoskeleton development and DARPA shares 6 pictures

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 14:21

When they aren’t dabbling in mind control devices, optically guided bullets or robot dogs, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is overseeing Army researchers testing exoskeletons for combat troops.


