Testing the old Bugs Bunny carrot-in-the-shotgun gag (VIDEO)
Demolition Ranch ponied up on the Acme shooting sports catalog and (remotely) tested just what would happen if you stuffed a carrot into the muzzie of a scattergun.
You all know the familiar– and totally inadvisable — wabbit tactic of cramming a perfectly good carrot into the business end of a Fudd gun so that resulting bunny buster gets a face full of lead instead of our wise guy cotton tail.
And Demo Ranch delivers with a painful to watch field test.
Remember, don’t try this at home, kids! Barrel obstructions are only funny if you took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.
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Same song, different verse
A refreshing wave of honesty is sweeping the movement to strip Americans of their gun rights. More and more, the advocates of gun control are declaring themselves to be in favor of banning all guns. We knew this all along, but it’s good to see that we’re not having to waste time with the claim that “no one’s trying to take your guns.” Yes, many are trying to do exactly that, and now they’re admitting it.